Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I Can Fix It!

Before you even ask, yes there is a story that goes with the above picture. As you see, Kaiya substituted a pencil for the arm that she lost on her glasses. She carefully wrapped it up with tape, and then showed me her creation. I was horrified! No, not really, LOL! But of course I couldn’t let her walk around like that for a long period of time. Kaiya is a relative newcomer to wearing glasses. She got her first pair before she started the seventh grade. However, I have been wearing glasses and contacts almost all of my life. When she picked out her frames I thought “Perfect! The frames don’t say look at me!” The pair of glasses in the picture is her third pair of glasses in two years. ~Sigh~ Granted, Kaiya has never been the daintiest child but three pairs in two years? Of course as a parent this frustrates me because of money and her carelessness but also because I feel she’s old enough to take care of something she needs on a daily basis as a tool for vision.

I’m sure we frustrate God as well, with our “I can fix it” mentality. He showed me how the glasses represent humans need to fix things without His help. As women, wives, mothers, daughters, employers and employees we are often the “tape” that holds everything together. We are the “go to” people. When you are considered to be the “dependable one” it may be difficult to say, “No” when people ask favors of us. Some of you may be familiar with the song made famous by Chaka Khan, revived by Whitney Houston, and even used as a theme song for the Oprah Show, “I’m Every Woman…it’s all in me.” No! It’s not! We cannot do everything. I believe trying to do everything and be everything to everybody, also known as stretching yourself too thin is why we become discouraged and withdraw from God, people and things that we once enjoyed. Just like we want our children to come to us when they have a need, God wants us to rely on Him. Proverbs 3: 5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

I think pride is at the root of the “I can fix it” mentality; have you ever thought “No one can do the job as well as I can!” Or maybe you’ve said “What would they do without my help?” I don’t know about you but I don’t want to take 40 years to make an eleven day journey like the Israelites. (Deuteronomy 1:1-3) I can reflect on instances in my life where if I had trusted God more and left my hands out of the situation, it could have been resolved quicker and more smoothly.

When I first took the picture of Kaiya’s glasses, I thought people would think it was funny, yet creative. I never thought God would use the picture to write this blog. I was suffering from a mild case of writer’s block trying to finish incomplete blogs and write new ones as well. I’m glad I can ask God for help and He is better than any tape or glue in my possession; because when He fixes things there are no doubt that His special touch is present.

In Christian love,

I'll be back with more in 2 weeks, Wednesday, July 14th. Hope to see you then

Thursday's Blog: Ponne has a special blog for us

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