Monday, January 30, 2012

Some Plant...Some Water

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. I Corinthians 3:6 (NIV)

The picture is of a science project my 4 year old granddaughter and I did for her pre-k homeschool curriculum. We planted 3 little navy beans in a small cup with about 1 ¾ inches of dirt. For 17 days she had to record (make a drawing) of what she saw. Actually, we were only allowed to look at it every other day. It took 5 days before she saw a little sprout in the dirt, and boy was she one excited little girl. She also had to estimate how tall she thought her plant might grow. She picked 6 inches on the ruler. Truth is I didn’t know if it would make it in such a small amount of dirt. We planted 3 beans and 2 of them sprouted. But it is now 3 months later and the picture doesn’t do justice to have much that plant has grown, but I wanted you to see the little cup of dirt it was growing out of.

We had no idea this plant would grow as it has, and we keep talking about repotting it…LOL!!! But all we did was water it a little and sit it in a sunny window. One day when I went to put a few drops of water in it, the scripture came to mind “Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase. [My paraphrase] I Corinthians 3:6 Wow! It was like hearing it for the first time because there was a new clarity in it for me. The clarity was just how little we do, yet how huge our expectations can be of others.

Since the sun, dirt and water are all natural resources (God made) and without them, things could not and would not grow and the Bible is God’s….so, why is it we quickly become discouraged with baby Christians or those who are not yet saved, and give up on them? Why do we stop praying for people, just because we haven’t seen a change in our time frame? I think it’s because a lot of us don’t really understand what Paul was telling us in Corinthians?

Amaia-Joi and I did little to nothing for this plant to grow as it has. Once the seeds were planted we just watered it every week…no more, no less. God made it grow. The same way He does in the spiritual realm of our lives.

I guess today I want to encourage as many of you as I can to not give up so quickly on others and God.

You might plant a seed in someone and it could take years of watering by others before…listen to me, “before” God gives the increase or makes it grow. It’s not our call, it’s His.

The Bible says that man judges by the outward appearance, but it is God who judges the heart. And you know what my dear sisters the heart is a tricky thing. You know why? Because the Bible also tells us that the heart is deceitful but above all else it is wicked. Hum. So, only God can deal with the heart of man, I mean who else can back up the statement that He can turn a heart of stone into one of flesh?! That’s right only the Lord.

So, with this fresh outlook on how God works, it should help us to not badger people with the Word of God. Yes, I’m talking about almost hitting them over the head with what the Bible says, or constantly reminding them of their sin and Hell’s damnation. Reason being, people start to tune you out and that is not the gentle and refreshing drink of water we love so much when we are parched. It’s more like having a fire hose turned on you to the point it hurts and you are unable to withstand it.

It should also make us think about how long and how much we are to pray for people God has put in our lives? Do we give up after a year, or is 5 years long enough? What about 10? How long do we wait before our expectations have not been met and give up?

We don’t! We are to continue to be the vessels God needs us to be and continue to plant seeds in some and water others, until it is time to go home or Jesus comes back for us!

If there is someone you have given up on, may today’s blog rekindle your hope in God and what He is capable of doing with this person in His time frame and not yours.

Love & Hugs

See you next Monday!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Alone again?

In 2011, I heard a command from God that unsettled me. “It’s time for you to let some people go.” I thought, “Really God? Are you sure? Why do I have to be alone again?” I’ve gone through a period of aloneness before in my 20’s with a young child and it wasn’t a fun experience. It bothered me so much that I chose to ignore it for the entire year until I was confronted with it again in December, when He said again, “It’s time for you to let some people go.”

When God tells you to remove people from your life, it can be for reasons known or unknown to you. Perhaps the relationship is toxic and you’re left wallowing in negative emotions. Maybe the relationship just isn’t fruitful, it’s not the other person’s fault but it’s time to move on. Don’t waste time trying to justify the relationship or hold on to people; you will only make the situation worse. If I dissolved the friendships when he first mentioned it to me, there was a possibility we could have reunited after some time passed. Because of my disobedience, I now feel like there’s a very slim chance for reconciliation.

After I settled my mind and spirit with the idea of letting go, I would have random conversations with people (unbeknownst to them) about moving on, articles about cutting people loose were everywhere and songs would drop in my heart about change and moving forward. As extra confirmation, the sermon I heard on New Year’s talked about cutting ties with stale relationships! To be honest, there are times where I feel a struggle with my decision, but I have those moments when I talk to God and peace returns.

So dear sisters, if you believe God is telling you to remove relationships whether it’s romantic, friendly or even family let it go! When God removes something or someone from your life He won’t leave that area with a void. He will fill it with something bigger than you would ever imagine if you ask Him to. Philippians 4:19 may seem to be an overused bible verse but I think it’s very relevant for this situation. “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (NIV translation)

I’m now a true believer in the gift of saying goodbye. Seasons change, growth occurs. Sometimes you have to let go in order to move forward. Let go and trust God with your future, you will not be disappointed. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Trust God and move forward confidently into the life that’s waiting for you.

Until next time.....Jennifer Spence!

Ponnie will be back on Monday

Monday, January 23, 2012


I think we have all heard the old adage, “When momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!” In fact some of us claim it when things aren’t going our way, or others laugh in agreement when they hear it. But I have a question for you, “Why?” Why would a woman of God think this type of attitude would be acceptable? I think we’ve been watching too much TV myself. LOL! But seriously, this should not be the mindset of God’s daughters.

Yesterday a friend posted on Facebook one of my favorite Bible verses. By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Proverbs 24:3 (NIV) It started me thinking about how we as godly women are to build and keep our homes.

If a woman wants to build her house through wisdom and understanding, that means she can’t make her houseshold upset because she is upset. If we are to esteem others higher than ourselves, we can’t possibly pout and use manipulation to get our way with our husbands. And since Proverbs 14:1 says, “The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” It seems to me that the “When momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy” mindset is that of a foolish woman tearing down her own house. Is that who we want to be?

More and more Christian women are taking on the ways of the world. Instead of seeking to do what the Word of God commands, we go around looking for loopholes or others to cosign our foolishness. Women of God, stop seeking the opinions of others on things that are spelled out in the Bible. Stop listening to silly women tell you to do what you think is right, because when momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy. Palms 1:1, lets us know that godly counsel is where it’s at.

One thing for sure is, we can be in a state of happiness one minute, and sad and upset the next….so, does that mean everyone in your home has to go on an emotional rollercoaster because of your moods and attitude? I don’t think that’s the rare treasure Proverbs is speaking about…do you?

How are you filling the rooms of your home? Are they filled with rare treasures such as obedience to God, submission to your husband, compassion and care for your children and love and hospitality to others? Or are they filled with strife, manipulation, confusion and an ill tempered woman?

Sisters, we need to be careful about the characteristics and mindsets we take on. Especially when it is something the world has deemed as good or okay. If the world says, it is good, you can almost always rest assured it goes against the Word of God and what He says is good. We are now living in a time where right seems wrong and wrong seems right. And it is up to us as Believers to know the difference.

A beautiful home in God’s eyes is not contingent on the things it has in it, it is contingent on the spirit of those who live there. And guess who sets that tone? Yup…the woman of the house! Truth be told, momma can make everyone unhappy if she chooses, but she better think twice because it will not be pleasing unto God and that’s for sure.

Next time you’re tempted to take on the attitude, “If momma ain’t happy ain’t nobody gonna be happy” just picture yourself standing before God with your arms crossed telling Him that. I think it will help you see just how foolish it is.

Until next Monday, have a wonderful week striving to look more like Yeshua (Jesus) than the world!!!

Love & Hugs

Jennifer Spense will be back on Thursday, be sure to tune in!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Hello my dear sisters!!!

Yes, it has been awhile since our last post. In fact it was June 16, 2011, which is exactly 7 months to date. Wow, such a long time and in those 7 months a lot has happened in my life. Mostly all for the good, but the adjustment of it all was not as easy as I had hoped. But the really good news is that I have a lot to share and many encouraging words from my 7 month hiatus! And it gets even better because some of the other sisters are back writing for the table too!

My goal is to post every Monday and have special blogs here and there from the sisters of The Kitchen Table. Please keep me in prayer to be faithful.
We are 16 days into a New Year and many of us are still going strong with our resolutions and goals we set for ourselves. Some might be petering out a bit, because human nature has a tendency to bit off more than it can chew, and so keeping up is becoming more than a notion. But today I want to encourage you to move forward taking with you all that is good and helpful from your yesterdays.

I have one goal for 2012, and that is…”It’s all about ME!” No, not the self-indulgent, selfish, all about me and no one else—that would not be good. But the “Me” where I no longer neglect myself. The “Me” who God sees as worthy to be in this world and in the Book of Life. I have too many yesterdays of not caring for that person. I have too many yesterdays of leaving her on the back burner to simmer until she is like a dry pan that has run out of liquid. What about you? Anyone else see such a pattern in their lives?

Taking care of oneself entails a conscience effort, especially if you have a husband, work, children or care for an elderly or sick family member. It is somewhat easier for single women who don’t have children or their children are grown. But even they can fall into a rut of not taking care of themselves as they should.

We have a physical body that needs daily care and a quick shower is not always enough. We need to watch what we eat and how much we eat. We need some type of daily exercise, if nothing more than walking up and down the stairs more and dancing to a couple of records. Our mental health is also a very important part of our being. We need others in our lives who encourage and lift us up during the hard times. But most of all, we cannot afford to neglect our spiritual life, because no matter how much we take care of the other things, if our spiritual life is tattered we will have troubles. We just can’t make it without Jesus and God’s precious Word!!

The yesterdays of our lives are usually bitter sweet, but packed with lessons for our today and each tomorrow we are granted. But often we have to make decisions about our yesterdays and how we are going to let them affect our lives. It is important to know where to put the “periods” and when to start a new chapter.

One thing that helps us to be complete and whole in God is letting go of the bad in our “Yesterdays” and the “Forgiveness” of those who caused pain. A couple of months ago I posted something on Facebook in my status about forgiveness, truth is I don’t remember what it said, but I do remember the comment my friend Carmen wrote, “We must also learn to forgive ourselves!” Bam!!! If ever there was a true statement, this is it! Some of us have not learned to forgive ourselves and let go of those yesterdays when we messed up.

Losing a few pounds, buying new cloths and getting our makeup done is fun and really does help boost morale, but it can’t heal the pain of unforgiveness or the sadness of living in the past of our yesterdays.

My dear sisters, my prayer for all of you, is that somewhere in your New Year’s resolutions and goals for 2012 there is the goal of forgiveness of others and oneself. If we say we walk in the Love of God than we must forgive as He has forgiven us. And yes, it is hard work to forgive and allow God to cut out the deep wounds that life has given but it is not impossible. And sometimes the forgiveness of ourselves can be the hardest work of all—but it is all good because we have the love and strength of our Lord to carry us through.

So, let your “Yesterdays” hold only the good things that make you smile and the lessons (hard or easy) that have helped shaped you to be more like Christ.

Love & Hugs