Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Cheese Stands Alone

Do you remember the children’s song The Farmer in the Dell where every person and animal paired off and the cheese is left standing alone? As a child I hated playing the cheese, standing in the middle of the circle by myself being surrounded by everyone singing “The cheese stands alone, the cheese stands alone, heigh ho the derry oh the cheese stands alone.”

"Alone." For some being alone may bring about a sigh of relief. Others may feel that being alone is a five letter curse word and dread the thought of solitude. There are times in our lives when God calls us to separate and be alone. People that we depend on may seem to not have time for us, some relationships end through discord or the person may pass away. It could also be as simple as you feel a tug on your heart that God is leading you away from some situations.

When this happens it’s easy to feel sad or discouraged. You may feel tempted to throw a pity party for yourself. I have! Please remember that if you’re going through a season of solitude it’s because God has a plan for your life. According to The Message Bible (Jeremiah 29: 11 – 14), God said: I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for. "When you call on me, when you come and pray to me, I'll listen." When you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." Could it be that we’re alone because we aren’t seeking God more than we seek people’s attention, company or approval? In these quiet times God is protecting and preparing you for your destiny. When Jesus needed his friends (the disciples Peter, James and John) the most, they fell asleep. Did you catch that? Even Jesus was left alone. (Matthew 26:36-46)

When I looked up the word alone, the definition was: separate, apart. “Great!” I thought; however when I started to read the synonyms I found: abandoned, companionless, deserted, desolate, forlorn, forsaken, friendless, isolated… and I’m not done! We have the list of the “Un’s”: unaccompanied, unaided, unassisted, unattached, unattended, unescorted, unmarried followed up with widowed. Just when I was about to resume my pity party for one I found the words single, individual and solo. Then I scrolled down and found another definition and list of synonyms. Definition: to the exclusion of, unique. Synonyms: incomparable, matchless, unequalled, unparalleled, unrivaled, and unsurpassed. Aha, now there’s hope! Do these words describe someone we know? Of course it does, JESUS. As followers of Christ we can also claim these words for ourselves. Jesus is our example of how to deal with being alone and also fulfilling God’s plan successfully.

We can shift our thoughts and feelings about being alone. We don’t have to feel forsaken or forgotten; we can choose to believe we are set apart, unique. The choice is ours.

What will you choose to do in your time of solitude? Will you complain, get depressed or try to reopen doors that have been closed to you? Or will you be patient (I admit that patience isn’t my strong suit), seek God and get with His plan?

In my seasons of solitude, I have felt sorry for myself, (How come my child’s father can get married although he mistreated me and doesn’t spend time with or even call my daughter? Even he has someone? Are you serious God?), been angry (Why am I trying to live right when others aren’t and seem to never have any problems?) and tried to shut God out. In fact, I’ve just started to go back to church on a consistent basis. In this current time of flying solo, I’m talking to God more, listening to inspirational music and reading uplifting books as well as the Bible. I’m also listening for God’s voice, making plans to finish school and getting my eighth grade daughter ready for graduation along with working a full time and part time job. I’m also planning to take Zumba and yoga for my health and to have some fun in the process. After listing everything I’m doing and trying to accomplish, I have no time for a pity party or anger!

My prayer is that everyone reading this will be strengthened whether you are entering into or leaving a season of solitude. This is the right time to purposefully talk to God, ask Him about His plan for your life, learn and grow.

Be encouraged and remember that as long as you have a connection with God, you are never truly alone.


See you on Wednesday, June 15th!

Saturday's Blog: Tovah "Life of a High School Junior"


Unknown said...

This was timely advice for me. In this period of where my divorce is on its way to be final and custody arrangements are up in the air, I often get so down because such hurtful things are being done by my ex and it effects our daughter and I seem powerless at times to protect her or myself. I needed to read this message of even if I am alone, I am not alone because God is with me. Thank you for the message.

Feeling Jenlightened said...

Corrie, you're welcome, Stay encouraged!