Friday, June 25, 2010


Good Morning Sisters…just a reminder of the scripture verse from Part I…Paul tells us in Galatians, that we are not to become weary of well doing. Yet as Believers it seems this is a very hard instruction for us to grasp or follow. First I would like to share with you how that scripture reads in the Complete Jewish Bible. 9So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. 10Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful. Galatians 6:9-10

Okay, we are picking up from the “expectations” we put on others. To sum it all up in a nutshell, when people do not respond in the manner, to which we think, then we start to mummer and complain about them in our spirits and to God. And more times than none we then move over into the realm of judgment. We begin to pick the splinters from their eyes, forgetting the log that is growing forth from ours. For me, when I get to that point of being annoyed or judgmental about someone, it usually is a signal that there is something in my own life that needs attention. Everybody (meaning ALL of us) have stuff that is going on with us. But it is easier to pick at or point out those things in others that are not right, versus look at ourselves.

Not only do our “expectations” of others cause us problems, but also our “expectations” of ourselves. Yes, we have a tendency to set ourselves up to fall. One of the great things about God is that He never requires more of us then we can achieve, and to make sure He supplies everything we need for our success. But that is not the same premise we as His daughters use for ourselves. Our expectations of ourselves and others can be way off base. For one, we become weary (tired) with people, because they are taking to long too get it! Too long to make change! But the truth is, it is not for us to determine the due season for anyone. Not even for us. We forget that pouring to other people’s lives does not come with a warranty assuring us that we will see immediate change. In fact it doesn’t mean that we will see anything come from our time invested. As Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 3:6, some plant, some water and God gives the increase. Do you think that Paul lived to see the fruit of all his labor? No, he didn’t, because we are still being instructed by him through God’s Word today. When we pray for people do we always get to see the prayers answered? No, we don’t. I wonder how many mothers prayed and poured their hearts out to God that their children are saved, and when that day came, they had already gone to glory. Probably more than we could count.

We also become weary (tired) because we have put greater expectations on ourselves than the Lord has required of us and at times our motives are not always the purest. We have hidden agendas as to why we are helping. Our desire could be recognition and the “Atta Girl” award. Some of us still define ourselves by what we do, and it makes us feel good to get accolades for our service and work. But when it doesn’t pan out the way we thought, we can find ourselves becoming tired of all the extra work we have taken on. My point is sisters; our expectations most often can be the root of our being tired of doing good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful.

How do we get around becoming weary in doing good? I wish there was some easy way for us to achieve it, but you will have to fight the good fight of faith to get to the end of the race. Sorry, if at this point you were looking for 1, 2, 3….to get there, but it is a daily battle in the life of a Believer to not become weary. But I do have some things I have found to be very helpful in my daily walk.

For one, I have to keep reminding myself of God’s grace to me. Are we not to extend the same grace to others, especially those of the household of faith? Yes, we are! I then have to remember that my ‘life’ is not my own. That I was bought with the price of the Blood of Yeshua (Jesus) and it is my reasonable service to be a servant (slave) to God. Because sisters it is very easy for us to become slaves to whatever is going on in our own lives, and that too can aid in our not having the right attitude toward others. Because I am not one to complain out loud about my problems, people often have a tendency to think I don’t have any and everything is always fine. We all have something that we are dealing with because no one gets a free ride in this life, and so at times I become annoyed when I feel I need time for me but someone is insisting that they must have my attention now! But what I have learned over the years is that though I may have wanted at the time to maybe hang up on them or felt put out that they didn’t care if now was not a good time for me, my making time for them, was not unto death. Yes, I lived! LOL!! And it has helped me to see that to be selfless like the Messiah; we have to put ourselves and our problems aside for others. Suppose you were given the care of an infant and all of a sudden the worst migraine headache known to man came upon you, when that helpless baby started crying you would do everything in your power to attend to its needs, headache or not. We have to push to do the same in the Kingdom. God is longsuffering with us, and any attribute that God possess is also available to us. We must take the time frames and our expectations out of the picture and strive to live like God when it comes to others.

How we feel about and treat others is a reflection of how we feel about God. Sometimes we forget that people are an extension of God. And foremost we must concentrate on living to please God, and not people or ourselves. Our purpose in doing anything should not be for our own selfish motivation, but to bring glory and honor to our Father.

Will the day come that you stop having to fight to not become weary? Not on this earth. Will you still find yourself, judging others, being annoyed and some days just plain tired of people? Yes! After all these years I still find myself getting off track from time to time. Why? Because we are a work in progress and will continue to be as long as we are in these bodies and on this earth. But the good news is….it does get better as we continue to grow in the things of God.

Sisters, I pray that I have given you some tools to be able to pinpoint the source of your weariness. And you will use these tools to be able to make changes that will help you to continue to fight the good fight of faith. Life as a Believer at times can be very challenging and difficult, but God has given us all that we need to hang in there until the end. I will leave you with the famous words of Yeshua, “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

(Part I posted May 15th, Part II, May 29th, Part III, June 11th)

Be Blessed,

I will back on Friday, July 9th. Hope to see you then!!

Monday's Blog: Sharon "Women & Finances"

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