Saturday, June 12, 2010


Good Morning Sisters…just a reminder of the scripture verse from Part I…Paul tells us in Galatians, that we are not to become weary of well doing. Yet as Believers it seems this is a very hard instruction for us to grasp or follow. First I would like to share with you how that scripture reads in the Complete Jewish Bible. 9So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. 10Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful. Galatians 6:9-10

As promised we are going to look at how “People” just get on our nerves and why we are so tired of them. Often this comes about because of our own “expectations” and “attitudes.” In other words, “We bring it on ourselves.” I know, you thought we were going to sit down and just talk about how folks “get on our nerves” you know, like girlfriends do…LOL!! Ladies, you should know me by now, I am no nonsense and my goal is always to provoke you unto “good works” and “spiritual growth.” And how do we accomplish that? By judging ourselves and the way we do things.

One major problem we have as women, we try to please people. And when we don’t get the expected results or it backfires in our face, weariness begins to set in. Let’s take a look at what we do that is ministry related. Being in a church fellowship that was once very small and is now large, I have lived through the metamorphoses of one extreme to the other. When the church was small, often “the workers” (you know the ones who roll up their sleeves and jump in, versus those who sit, look and complain) wore more than one hat in order to keep things going. But as the fellowship began to grow, the same people were continually asked to “run this” or “do that!” And before you knew it, they were overwhelmed and burnt out. Our pastor eventually put into place the rule, that after you completed new member’s classes; you could only serve on one ministry. Given that our new member’s classes were for an entire year, it seems to reason that by the time of completion you usually had a clue as to where God was leading you as far as ministry. This was for the betterment of everyone, because your focus is in one particular place and people were where they were supposed to be. But this did not stop anyone from being involved with other groups or activities outside our fellowship. But there are still many fellowships that run on the premise of having people serving on 2, 3 maybe even 4 different ministries, and sisters this is where we really get ourselves into trouble.

In theory when we agree to do something, it looks good and seems possible, but once we have to implement all the components to make it happen we can find ourselves overwhelmed and in, over our heads. And because we said we would take this on or help out, we struggle to be honest and go back to say, “I have too much on my plate and I can’t keep up.” We are trying to please people, even though resentment starts to set in, and we are tired. It was a very freeing experience for me when I had the understating, that since God judges our hearts, even if we can fool man that we are happy to be doing something (but inside we are miserable and seem to be doing it under duress), God does not count it as good, because He see exactly what we are feeling. This was freeing because it helped me to be honest and not feel pressured to do something just to please man, because I knew that the true state of my heart did not bring honor to God.

We have to remember as women, God has an order for us, and if you are married, or have a family, then the things you do, should not supersede taking care of your home and family. But we often try to do it all, and we find ourselves in a real predicament when we can’t seem to stay on top of things. We become overwhelmed and very tired. In other words, we become weary (tired of well doing) in our homes, our jobs, and ministry. It all starts to run together and becomes too much. Why do we stay in this state? Because we are “Great Pretenders!”

We are very good at “pretending” that everything is okay, when in reality it is all falling apart. We don’t want to be viewed as “not being mature or not a person of our word.” When in essence being “mature” enables you to reassess things with the help of the Holy Spirit and be able to fess up that everything is “not okay.” Also it helps you to make change, even if that means that others are not happy with you decision. And that is okay, because sisters we must get to the point of pleasing God and not man. We must get in order of what God says are our first priorities. This will help us not to become resentful and weary in doing good and putting too much on our plates.

Another issue we have is “guilt”. As women we can feel very guilty about not wanting to be bothered with people because we know deep down this not pleasing to the Lord. So we fool ourselves into thinking we can fide it from Him. And I have one thing to say about that, “Let me know how that is working for you!” Take a moment to look at…Psalm 139:7-12 (Message) Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? To be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you're there! If I go underground, you're there! If I flew on morning's wings to the far western horizon, You'd find me in a minute— you're already there waiting! Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I'm immersed in the light!" It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you. This lets us know that the last thing we can do is hide anything from God.

There are so many different variables as to why we get to the point of “We just don’t want to be bothered!” that we can’t go over them all, but there are a couple I feel are the root to most of them. For one the “expectations” we put on people. “You’ve been walking with the Lord for how many years?! How come you haven’t gotten this by now?!” Sound familiar? Yes, I’m sure it does. We can so easily slip into the position of judge. “Lord she should know better by now!” “How come she keeps making the same stupid mistakes?!” “She doesn’t take my advice, so why am I stuck with trying to guide her, pray for her and encourage her?!!” “She only calls when she needs something or she has gotten herself into, yet another mess!” These are the words of a sister who is becoming weary in well doing for one who is in the family of those who are trustingly faithful. Yes, she’s tried of her sister in Yeshua. (Jesus) But can any of you relate? Are we not guilty of having these same feelings? Maybe even uttering some of the same words? I know that I am, and not proud to say this but over the years, “More times then I want to count.”

Can you believe it? I thought I was going to finish this up today. LOL!! Well, I guess that is not going to happen. I have to make sure that we go over some of the main reasons we find ourselves in the position of weary (tired) with other people. And then I will be able to give you some instruction on how to protect yourself and win the fight to walk in love.

See you in a little less than two weeks; remember I will be posting on Friday’s from now on.

(Part I posted May 15th, and Part II on May 29th)

Be Blessed,

I will have Part IV for you on Friday, June 25th!

Monday's Blog: Ponnie is filling in for Sharon while she is on maternity leave.

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