Friday, October 31, 2014

Say “Yes’ Even When You Are Afraid

“Do not be afraid.” “Do not fear.” and “Fear Not!” are found in the Bible from Exodus to Revelation. And why is that? Because God knew we would be afraid. He knew we would struggle immensely with fear.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”(Proverbs 9:10)

The fear of the Lord is not a shaking in your boots type of fear. It is not a fear that is paralyzing and stops us from moving forward.  It is a parent/child relationship. As a child you might have been afraid of doing wrong for fear of what the reaction from your parents might be (Especially if you have been forewarned as to what the consequences would be.), or have a fear of disappointing or letting them down. Our love and revelation of who God is, brings us to a place of taking Him seriously too.

You have a woman who is not happy in her marriage and the temptation arises to have an adulterous affair, yet she stops and counts the cost. She knows God’s Word, and fears the consequences that she could incur if she moves forward. And even though she is unhappy, she chooses not to sin against God, because she possesses the fear of the Lord through wisdom and an understanding of who He is. And this stops her from walking into the fire. She has saved herself from a host of troubles—divorce, shame, pregnancy, venereal disease, HIV, loss of her home, children and maybe even her job or good standing in her community. All sorts of things happen to us when we make a “death” choice, versus a “life” choice.

And then there is what I like to call “common sense fears.” such as knowing better than jogging on isolated trails in the wee hours of the morning or doing anything that puts us in harm’s way when we don’t have to be. Women are rapped, murdered, robbed and beaten all the time in dark parking lots, alleyways, city streets and isolated trails.

But there is a spirit of fear that can be very devastating, and have long reaching consequences. This type of fear is a silent killer of dreams, hope, obedience and trust in God. This is a spirit we must stand up against and not allow it to control us.

Timothy tells us, that God has not given us a spirit of fear

Therefore we know that the paralyzing—I’m so scared I can’t move or doing anything—what am I going to do kind of fear—is not from God.

Sisters, we cannot be so afraid of making a mistake or failure, that we don’t step out on faith and do things.

Please don’t misinterpret my statement to mean that we just do whatever the heck we want regardless of warnings we might be getting. No, that is not what I am talking about here. I’m referring to the opportunities we encounter for something new and different, but the spirit of fear will stifle us.

My youngest daughter (will graduate college in May 2015) might have a teaching opportunity were she will have to learn how to drive, purchase a car, and find an apartment in a matter of a couple of months, during this upcoming summer. The possibilities are exciting, yet if she doesn’t remain focused on who God is in her life, fear can set in and tell her she can’t do it! It’s impossible! But if this is the course that God has deemed for her, it will happen!

Some of you might want to move to another state or country, but leaving friends, family and what is familiar is scary, so you stay where you are. Maybe there is a job or different position at your place of employment, that you’ve had your eye on, but fear has convinced you that you can’t handle it, so you never apply. Maybe the Holy Spirit has been giving you ideas to do things, but fear sneaks in to discourage you and make you think, “No way!”

Life is full of maybes, uncertainties, and even mistakes, but God is still with us in all of it.

Sometimes we just have to say, “Yes!” even when we are scared. We can trust God to stop us if we are making a mistake or taking a wrong turn.

You might be in a situation such as living with a man that is not your husband and God is telling you to get out, but fear of being alone and starting over are scary—so you have stayed.

We can no longer standstill and allow being afraid dictate to us how life is going to be. No!! Jesus endured too much for us to not be the “more than conquerors” we are meant to be. And that means, conquering and giving the spirit of fear a run for its money.

So, if you think writing a book or blog is in you—get started! If you want to do something to help the lost or poor—go for it! Maybe you want to start a reading club for children, or teach them how to knit or crochet—do it! Maybe you have a desire to start a small business—what are you waiting for! Maybe you need a fresh start and want to move to another place—start packing!

Maybe fear is telling you that you are too old to be of use or do anything new. Don’t listen to it! Say, “Yes,” to the dance lessons you want to take. Say, “Yes,” to the painting club you want to join. Say, “Yes” to learning how to play that instrument you never got to play as a kid.

Sisters, learn to say, “YES!” even when you are scared, especially when it means leaving behind all that makes you comfortable.

Until next week,

Love and Hugs

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sisters...We Are Facing Some Serious Times

Today I want to talk about a few things that have us upset, frightened and scared!

Many of us who live in the Western world have become very complacent in our Christianity and walk with Christ. We live in a world with numerous distractions, which over the years have invaded our private time with the Lord. We think 15 minutes in the morning using a devotional guide or watching a couple of Christian programs on TV or the internet are enough, apart from a weekly church service. 

Well, we have been deceived and a bit on the lazy side and now we are frightened by what’s coming into play.

Last week I saw something on the internet and Facebook about county officials in a particular state wanting to read over Pastors sermons before hand to see if they are using what they deem as “hate speech” against gays or homosexuality. Reactions in the Christian community ranged from outrage to “This is scary!”

On the bright side, this seems like a great opportunity to get back into having the Word deep inside of us. I have never seen anywhere in the Bible that says sermons must be written down? We are instructed to study the Word and rely on the Holy Spirit to bring it back to our remembrance, so there really shouldn’t be a problem. It might also mean, no more taped sermons, but I remember those days and people in third world and Muslim countries don’t have that luxury anyhow, yet it has not stopped them from learning what the Bible has to say. Truth is…no one can snatch the Word of God from our hearts.

I have heard some preachers and TV evangelist speak on homosexuality where it does sound more like hate speech than anything else. They are screaming and shouting—but I don’t see that so much in reference to all the other sins out there. It does seem as if we pick and choose what sins we think are greater than others. But God has deemed sin as sin—period! So, I can see where in some cases we have brought this on ourselves and why many do not want to receive Christ, because we are not proclaiming and preaching the Kingdom of God as we have been commanded.

Here’s an example for you…Preachers all over have been denouncing homosexuality (even the more since many states in the US are making same sex marriages legal), and now we have this huge scandal about a pastor who is HIV positive, knew he was and yet was sleeping around with women in the congregation. And because he refuses to step down and leave the church, they are now in a world’s court system. Are you kidding me! First off, folks knew what he was doing (they just didn’t know he was HIV positive), and their excuse was that they were praying for him. Well, the Bible tells us what should have happened and how things should have been handled, but they chose not to do it God’s way. Second, why are we depending on the world’s judicial systems to work this out? All the people have to do is get up and leave that congregation! How long would it stand with no one there? How long would they be able to pay their bills? But here is the real kicker—the world is watching this public display!  

We can’t expect the lost to want our Jesus when we are so messy in the handling of His business.

Another Facebook post revealed that leaders in a Midwestern state are trying to pass a law to arrest ministers who refuse to perform same sex marriages. Well! Get ready to go to jail—it really is that simple. Yet, some of the responses on the post were, “Scary!” Why scary? We should have seen this coming.

Our enemy is a master at distraction, and we have been so distracted by Obama as President, our government politics and same sex marriages, that we have missed a whole slew of things we should have been paying attention too.

If we spent more time praying for the President of the United States and all other leaders who have rule over us (as we are commanded to do) we would not be wasting precious time and distracted by the negative.  

We judge the homosexuality in the world; yet it is still rampant in our congregations and the lives of those who are standing in the pulpits. They are the ones we should be talking too.

The distractions of this world have slowly but consistently stolen the Word of God from us. But we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We have been so busy with things that are of no benefit, and have been remised in praying the way we should or reading, studying and meditating on the Word as we have been instructed. And most of all—we have not been watching.

God’s instructions to Joshua were, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Joshua 1:8

Meditate, (v) to think quietly, engage in deep and serious though, and reflect.

Some may shy away from the word, “meditate” because it is used so much in new age stuff, and cults—but it is God’s word and instruction to us. We need to read our bibles and keep thinking about what it says until it is written in our hearts and we are prone to do exactly what it says, and we ‘Fear not’!

Question…“If the day were to come and all Bibles were confiscated in the Western World and burned, would you have enough of it in your heart to continue on?” Do you spend time each week discussing the Bible with other Believers? Would you be able to share with the lost what is written in the Bible if you no longer had one to read from? If you answered, “No!” to anyone of these questions then you are not prepared.

Sisters, make sure you're ready?

Until next week,

Love and Hugs

Friday, October 17, 2014

Making Disciples

Do you ever wonder why there are so many babies being born out of wedlock to teens and young women in our church congregations? And there is an especially high number in the African American community. Why is this? For one, I think we are missing a crucial element in our Christianity by dragging folks to church.

The other day I was in Matthew 28, reading, “The Great Commission”… 18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matt 28:18-20 (NKJ)

This is what we are to be doing—making disciples of people—before dragging them to church.

Disciple: In the NT it is the rendering of the GK. mathētḗs, (math-ay-tes') “learner”. The meaning applies to one who professes to have learned certain principles from another and maintains them on that other’s authority. It is applied principally to the followers of Jesus. (The New Ungers Bible Dictionary)

And guess what sisters; you don’t need any type of degree in Bible to do it either. Just be willing to take the time to share the love of Christ through deed and word.

There are many ways to disciple people (teach them), without making them a project. People projects are a big fat—No! No one wants to feel like a project.

Everyone has a family member, friend or coworker who is not a Believer—why not have a monthly potluck and game night for them? Have fun—laugh! Don’t preach—love on them.

A lot of times family and friends run and hide from us, because they are tired of being preached at and judged. Truth is…the Bible was written for those who Believe, so why is that we think bombarding someone who is not a Believer with a bunch of scripture does anything for them? Why do we think always pointing out their sin is going to make them see the light and come to Christ?

That is not what Jesus did. Study His life and see for yourselves.

When we are in relationship with someone (especially if they feel you are a safe haven) we can say most anything to them at the right time.

Suppose there is a young woman who you have befriended (her style of dress is very inappropriate) and she starts to complain to you about the type of guys she seems to always attracts…here is an opportunity to discuss with her that maybe some of the outfits she wears brings this type of attention. But have this same young woman come to Sunday service and meet up with Sister Self-Righteous, and she tells her how she should be ashamed to come to church looking like that—what is the outcome most likely going to be? You are going to have an already wounded person—more wounded and offended, that more than likely may never return.

When we disciple the lost, we create opportunities to share God and who He really is, and explain to them what the Bible says about things pertaining to their lives—not scripture slam them. We can help them have some understanding about how the Kingdom really works, so that when they do visit a church congregation they know a little something and will not be so easily offended by others, mislead or find themselves in religious bondage.

Let me give you a prime example, (please no one be offended if your congregation does this, because many do)…it’s time for the collection of tithes and offerings and at the end of the collection before a prayer of thanksgiving is said, everyone must stand and repeat a man written affirmation concerning their tithe. It basically says what they are believing God for by bringing this tithe to Him. So what this teaches babies and people who do not know any better—is to put an expectation on tithing, and when things don’t turn out the way they have been professing for months—they lose hope or faith. This is why many fall away—for lack of understanding and traditions not of God. But in relationship we help people to grasp that first tithing is between them and God, and second, there should be no expectation because we cannot manipulate God.

Special note: [I feel that some of you might be disagreeing with me right about now and want to fall back on Malachi…but I suggest you read and really understand who he was talking too, why and what was going on at the time? And note that God was quiet for 400 years after that.]

A single mother who is barely making ends meet, cannot often bring herself to give 10% of her money to a God she is not sure of, and then she is left feeling that because she does not bring a tithe God is going to exclude her. In other words, “She can’t win either way”. But in relationship, we can share our faith and God’s love for her—without judgment and condemnation. Since God judges the heart, I believe He willingly accepts her $5.00 sacrifice (No lunch meat and cheese for lunch, instead a week of PB&J.), versus the tithe and offering of the adulterer, fornicator, liar, trouble maker, the one full of unforgiveness and puffed up in pride, or the mean spirited and envious one. When we really spend time in the Word of God, we see that there are many church traditions that are not profitable and can be harmful.

Special Note: Do a quick study on what God thought of Israel’s offerings and tithes? Or go over the story of Cain and Abel. Ooops—let us not forget what Jesus says about leaving your offering to make things right if you have ought with someone or them with you! What you will find, is that all offerings and tithes we bring to God are not acceptable to Him. So, how can we have any expectations from Him when we are in a place where He doesn’t even want what we bring?

In relationships, we have the opportunity to be transparent and share the struggles we have experienced with God. Not making Him out to be the Wizard of Oz, waiting to grant our every wish, and that everything will magically turn around. We all know that is not true, yet this is the bill of goods many of us try to sell to the lost or even our own children, that they will find in church.

It’s time to stop dragging folks to church as if it were a “Magic Kingdom” and start showing them the true “Church” which lives in us. We are to preach the gospel of the “Kingdom of God” not church buildings and religious ways.

When we disciple young women and help them to realize their self-worth in Christ, and love of God—we can help them to stop looking for love in all the wrong places—even when they come to church. 

Until next week,

Love and Hugs

Friday, October 10, 2014

When Was The Last Time You Feel In Love?

There's a song by Jonathan Butler, which really says it all….

Falling in love with Jesus,
Was the best thing I ever…ever done.

Falling in love with Jesus is nothing like what we experience with another human. Which is more so a physical attraction based on a bunch of emotional feelings, fantasies and daydreams. And given time, reality often sets in and we can find that nothing of substance is really there. Hence, why so many people “fall” in and out of love so very much…it’s not really love, but more so “falling” in and out of lust or infatuation.

Before the era of text messages, emails, skype and all other types of instant connections with each other—there was the good old telephone. And before “call waiting” if someone were on the phone, you got a busy signal until the line was free. I remember those days. And I remember sitting by the phone waiting and hoping he would call. Putting life on hold, for fear I would miss that all important call. If someone called, I would quickly tell them, “I have to call you back!” and hang up as fast as I could. Yes, this was before cell phones. LOL!!

My point is that even in an infatuation state of mind; we change things around or go out of our way. Taking the chance for great disappointment when the call takes too long to come, or never comes.  Or what about when you think things are going good and you get the talk, “I think we should see other people.” or “It’s just not good for me.” And all this after he told you he loved you.

Some of us have met a guy and as soon as he acts as if he might really be interested—we have planned the wedding in our minds. Some of us were so desperate to be married, we married the wrong one and now we find ourselves stuck in a not so happy situation.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to forget those of us, who have made such a mess of things because we wanted to be married and felt God was just dragging His feet. So, now we find ourselves single moms or all beat-up emotionally. And there is still one more group—those of us who are unhappy and so sad deep down because we are not married. We feel as though God has forgotten us.

Well, get over it! Because God has not forgotten any of us, we are just too busy with our own agendas, time frames and ideas. But the cure for what ails you is—falling in love with Jesus! Problem is…we don’t want to make change or take the time to cultivate a love relationship with Him. But let a guy ask us out on a date, we will spend money (we don’t have) for a new outfit, and to get our hair and nails done. We will spend hours talking about it with girlfriends, daydreaming and planning. Sometimes it works out, but often it is nothing like what we had fantasized or dreamed it would be. But we don’t give up that easy. Short of him being a pig or someone who tried to rape you…we forge on in the relationship. We are willing to invest more time—desperation says, “Gotta make it work!”

But when it comes to time with Jesus, we are so busy and way too tired.

And the unhappily married sisters want Jesus to do something with your husband’s—but not necessarily do what He might say you have to do! And the happily married sisters put everything into their husbands, neglecting (not on purpose) a love relationship with Christ, because the man in your lives comes first!

Sisters, if you want the best that life has to offer—you have to get a daydream and fantasy together involving Christ! For starters, we must agree with God that He knows best! So, if you are single, then it is His will for you at this time. If you are in a marriage that is lacking love, kindness, concern, financial stability, interest or an emotional connection, you must agree with God and His Word, what your love walk is to be in this situation! If you feel your husband is the be-all-to-end-all, then you are deceiving yourself if Jesus isn’t more important in your life.

The second verse in the song is,
I feel protected in His arms.
In His arms never disconnected (no, no)
There’s no place I’d rather be

The more time we spend, looking at the life of Christ and getting to know Him, the more our love for Him grows and we move over to—there’s no place I’d rather be!

Think about it…how hard is it to fall in love with someone who adores you? I mean adores you to the point they were willing to hang on a Cross for you even while you were in your sin and a hot mess! How hard is it to love One like that?

Being in love with Jesus is more than we could ever dream. The identity and protection we find in Him, supersedes anything we might have thought we wanted. There is no human being who can make you truly happy or complete. Only a relationship with Christ can give you that. His love is the one true love that builds up and never tears down. He will never leave or forsake us. He is not moody or distant. He knows what is best for us, and what will bring us the most joy in life on this earth. But most of all, once we really start to fall in love with Him, our heart desires start to change. We begin to want to please God, and be what He wants us to be. It might be a wife and mother and it might not. You might be released from your unhappy marriage and then again you may not. But when in love we desire to please the one we love.

How much time are you spending with Jesus?

Until next week,

Love and Hugs

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Am Sooooo Gifted!

Before you get started today, I’d like you to take a moment to click and read I Corinthians 12 (Amp).

I love that Paul starts out by telling us that he doesn’t want us to be confused about things, and he makes sure we understand that the gifts he is talking about are given to us by the Holy Spirit. It is His call and His call alone.

There are many gifts the Holy Spirits gives to equip the Body of Christ—administration, Apostleship, discernment, evangelism, exhortation, faith, giving, healing, interruption of tongues, knowledge, leadership, mercy, miracles, Pastor/Shepherd, prophecy, serving (helps), teaching tongues and wisdom—just to name a few.  See Romans 12:6-8 & Ephesians 4:7-12

As humans we get all excited when talking about our gifts and like to show off. Well, we do! We totally forget what Paul tells us. We forget that it is by the Holy Spirits discretion we have any gifts at all, and that they are to edify God and be used to build up His Kingdom on earth. 

At this point some of you may be disagreeing with me, but look at the fact that people use the gifts of the Spirit to put titles on themselves as if their gift is better or they are more important than others. I see it all the time and even more so on Facebook. Evangelist, So and So, Prophetess, So and So and Teacher, So and So! Oh yeah—some of us think we got it going on like that.

And then there is the other group of us who make sure others know what gifts we operate in—by bragging on them, in a not so subtle way.  And worst of all, we see ourselves in competition with one another and envious of each other’s gifts. This only shows our great lack of maturity and understanding of who we are in Christ and exactly why we were given gifts.

Let’s change course for a minute and look at the “Fruits” of the Holy Spirit.

But the fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness), peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness, Gentleness (meekness, humility), self-control (self-restraint, continence). Galatians 5:22-23 (Amp)

Matthew tells us that a tree is known by its fruit. And we all know that a tree has to go through changes and needs care to produce fruit.

Remember when your parents basically took care of your needs and you took many things for granted, because you really didn’t have to do much for them. It was a given most of us ate every day, had clothing and electricity and television. But it was a totally different ballgame when we came of age and had to work in order to eat, have clothes, electricity and television. There was a greater appreciation for what we had, because we knew there was some type of struggle attached to being able to pay for these things.

Same goes for the “Gifts” of the Holy Spirit versus the “Fruits” of the Holy Spirit.  One is given to you without having to work for it, the other we must work on producing and developing the good fruit in our lives.

Let’s take a moment to look at the fruit of “Love”. In truth most of us don’t really desire to be a “lover” of people, because it requires too much of us.

Love endures long and is patient and kind; love never is envious nor boils over with jealousy, is not boastful or vainglorious, does not display itself haughtily. It is not conceited (arrogant and inflated with pride); it is not rude (unmannerly) and does not act unbecomingly. Love (God’s love in us) does not insist on its own rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking; it is not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it [it pays no attention to a suffered wrong].
It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness, but rejoices when right and truth prevail.
Love bears up under anything and everything that comes, is ever ready to believe the best of every person, its hopes are fadeless under all circumstances, and it endures everything [without weakening].
Love never fails [never fades out or becomes obsolete or comes to an end].” I Corinthians 13:4-8a (Amp)

No, if the Holy Spirit wanted to give us the title of “Sister So and So, Lover of People” many of us would run and hid. Why? Because we are still struggling to love ourselves and we would have to work through our own “self-love” issues—and some of us are still hiding from that. 

Loving like God takes work. But here is the real kicker to it all…

…. 1If I [can] speak in the tongues of men and [even] of angels, but have not love (that reasoning, intentional, spiritual devotion such as is inspired by God’s love for and in us), I am only a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

And if I have prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (God’s love in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody). Even if I dole out all that I have [to the poor in providing] food, and if I surrender my body to be burned or in order that I may glory, but have not love (God’s love in me), I gain nothing. I Corinthians 13:1-3 (Amp)

See sisters, all the gifts we want to show off and parade in front of others can in the long run add up to NOTHING, if there is no love attached!

And when we walk in the love of God, we don’t need made up titles, because—love is not haughty or boastful. We don’t have a “my gifts are better than yours” type of attitude because love is not envious or in competition.

There is no getting away from it—we must put in the time and effort to work on our love walk! Because in it we will find all that we need. We will see change in our relationships with our spouses, children, bosses, coworkers, sibs, friends, neighbors, and church members. Even with ourselves. I’m not saying anyone will change other than you—but since love never fails—we can’t lose.

The love walk truly is a biggie and something we will always need to work on because it has so many layers. But if you are one who others can make feel bad about yourself and or question your gifts and relationship with God, then you have some work to do. And if you are one who thinks your gifts or status in the Kingdom is better than some of your other sisters—then you really have some work to do!

Jesus asks, “How is it we are content to seek and receive praise and honor and glory from one another, and yet do not seek the praise and honor and glory which come from Him Who alone is God?” [my paraphrase]  John 5:44 (Amp)  Now that’s something for us to really think about.

Yup! It’s Bible time!! Time to get into the Word and study, study, study!

Until next week,

Love and Hugs