Friday, July 8, 2016

An Insecure and Needy Woman is as Attractive as a Flabby Underarm

With my new weight loss, I’ve recently noticed a flabby, saggy dangle under my left arm. I have it on both, but for some reason it’s more pronounced on the left arm. My initial reaction was, “Yikes!” But then I started swinging it back and forth and showing my youngest daughter, while laughing. All she did was shake her head and roll her eyes. LOL!

Once I realized things are going to start sagging with my weight loss, I sort of looked at my options. First I had to question, “Do I like it? And if not, is there something I can do to change it?” The answers were—no, and yes! No, I don’t like it, and yes, there is something I can do to change it! But for now—do I cover up my arms or do I embrace them?

I made the decision to embrace them. And it was an easy decision because I am no longer an insecure woman. I no longer give into the opinions of the world or people. I am FREE!

Thing is, I wasn’t always so free in spirit and in heart. No, I was about as needy and insecure as they come.

Emotional insecurity or simply insecurity is a feeling of general unease or nervousness that may be triggered by perceiving of oneself to be vulnerable or inferior in some way, or a sense of vulnerability or instability which threatens one’s self-image or ego.” (As defined by Wikipedia)

Personally, I think insecurity and low self-esteem are BFF’s! And when they throw a party, their posse of buddies, envy, competition and jealousy always show up! But there is one friend who is more dangerous than any of them and that is the alpha of the pack…manipulation!

Manipulation causes one to be unscrupulous! We often lie or stretch the truth to get our way and be in control. We become clever in our dealings and very skilled with time. There are quite a few bible scriptures that refer to manipulative practices and how they are sinful, take Romans 16:17-18 for example. More often than none, we use words to manipulate, but things and money are clearly a close second.

How to manipulate others was a skill passed down like good cooking was. Mostly by an aunt I spent a lot of time with growing up. She was a master at it. But my mother not so much—she just demanded what she wanted. So, there was a balance of sorts which helped me not to go all the way to the left with my aunt because of the way my mother handled things. For instance, my aunt feigned being sick to get attention and her way. There were times she even encouraged me to do it. But my mother was a LPN and she didn’t go for the foolishness of pretending to be sick when you weren’t. As strange as it may seem, that was my balance.

As I look back, not only was I taught how to be a manipulator, but was also manipulated to the point of rebellion as a young woman. My family was so used to making me do what they wanted, that when I started to say, “No!” they declared war on me.

Truth is, I thought I was above their tactics. Turns out—I wasn’t! I just had my own brand of manipulation. We all do until we begin to see things from God’s perspective.

What I’ve learned over the years, is to let my nay, be No! And my yah, be Yes, to the manipulators.

Yes, it has taken work to get here and there are times I run into folks where I find myself being pulled back and forth with…but not for long. The Word, “Let us not become entangled again in the things we have been set free from,” speaks to my heart.

Being insecure caused me to not be truly happy for others. It kept me in a state of fear that I was not good enough for God or people. And that was the catalyst for working daily at manipulating people and my life events.  



But being insecure and all that goes with it, is one of the strongest lies our enemy would have us believe. And the saddest part of all—way too many of us fall for it—every time.

Sisters, I’m talking to you from years of experience and lots of work—insecurity is a state of mind, that none of us has to have or live with!

Manipulation is a practiced sin that we need to chuck right along with the rest of them. And if you truly desire to be free and live a different life in Christ—you have to put in the work to get there. In other words, you have to read and study the Bible. It's written for our instruction and correction. It is our blueprint to joy, and a peace that surpasses all understanding. And especially what salvation really is and the confidence of who we are—are all hidden in the pages for our taking.

If you have anyone in your life you see as a crafty manipulator—there are two things you should look at. One, do you see this in them because it is a reflection of your own way of doing things, or two, you personally have been set free, and see clearly to use your experience and insight in praying for their deliverance?

There are times I still run into trouble with manipulators, because I can see the setup to make me do things their way and catch the untruths they spin. And honestly, my first response is to put distance between us. But I’m glad I’ve learned to pray about it first. Yes, there are times we are to distance ourselves from others, but then there are those times we have been given the privilege to see only so we stand in prayer for them. 

We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  There is only one exception—Messiah!

I want to share a secret with you that everyone doesn't know...our security in Christ, is more than I could ever have hoped for or dreamed of!

What it has done for me is promoted me to be a cheerleader and encourager for others. I no longer compete with my sisters trying to prove something. There is nothing to prove…I now know who I am. Compassion has replaced being glad they didn’t make it. And confidence allows me to listen to others brag and pray for their deliverance versus try to up them one.

Personally, I think everyone has a know-it-all in their lives. It seems God uses them to keep us humble, and show us what we look like—allowing Him to continue His work on us. And with a closer look, the know-it-all is always one of the most insecure people you will meet—and that includes ourselves.

And when I use the term “know-it-all” I’m referring to the person who knows better than you, no matter what you say. I’m not talking about listening and learning from others (because we could definitely use more of that), but the one who brags, knows more than you and in truth and honesty—mostly knows much of nothing that's worthwhile. Yeah, that used to be me.

But today, I am a new, new, new creature in the Messiah. Yes, I’m still a work in progress and growing every day, but I’m making headway.   

I don’t feel the need to cover up my arms because I don’t fear what others might think. Sure, I’m going to start using hand weights to help the process as I continue to lose weight, because I don’t like it. But will I be trying to have arms like the woman in the photo to the right? No, not in the natural I won’t. But in the supernatural spirit realm of life—you best believe it!

I’d much rather spend time, exercising the Word of God in my life—there are far better results to be had.

Read and study your bibles sisters! It's the only way to achieve real change for the better.  

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, July 1, 2016

The Journey

Have you ever been in a car with kids asking every 10 minutes, “Are we there yet?” especially if it’s a long car ride? When I was a young girl, we weren’t allowed to do that. There were always books to read or color. Songs to sing or just sit there with your mouth shut and enjoy the scenery. Those were your choices. It taught us to enjoy the ride and take stock of the journey.

To this day, I still love car rides and train rides with plenty of beautiful scenery. Yup, I get excited with either one. Those were the vehicles I mostly traveled in as a youngster. But there were at least five bus trips to Canada in my lifetime and somewhere in the late 1970’s, I vowed never to ride the bus to Canada or anywhere else it would take 11 plus hours to get to. I have yet to break that vow. And yes, I’ve been back to Canada—took the train and loved it!

As I watch television commercials for the latest car features, I see Wi-Fi is the new big thing. It has replaced kids being able to watch just one movie together. Now, everyone can stick their earplugs in and watch a movie on their own device.  What happened to conversation, reading, staring out the window and seeing how many license plates you spot from other states? Or singing songs until one of the adults tells you to hush up? What about punch buggy—punching the person next to you (gently and in fun) when you spot a Volkswagen vehicle? I heard more family stories on long car rides then I care to remember. But, some of them were really funny. It was a joy to imagine my aunt (and godmother), being young and bossing my mom around. LOL!

Life is also a journey. And we can be like spoiled kids in a car with Wi-Fi, on our own devices—missing all the beautiful things that pass us by. Asking often, “Are we there yet?” with impatience and annoyance. We are not enjoying the journey and the lessons needed. We want God to hurry us from point A to point B.  

To this day, I still prefer to ride the train over any other form of transportation—even flying. Because there is so much to see and enjoy—without being rushed.

Yes, it can be a hassle if you have to switch to another train, or they stop to change the engines and there is no power and people still keep using the bathrooms when they don’t flush and there’s no water to wash your hands. But, it’s all worth it as I’m gently rocked by the swaying of the train as it travels at 80 miles an hour. I easily forget the minor inconveniences and bumps along the way as I look out the window at all the beautiful greenery or snow covered trees (depending what season it is), soaking in the beautiful sunsets or sunrises to be had. I love reading on the train and spending time working a cryptogram or two, but basically I want to listen to music, and look out the window and daydream.  A train ride is something that brings great joy and happiness to me—especially when I reach my destination. But I do enjoy the journey. 

At this stage of life a bus ride can be no longer than 2.5 hours or I start to get antsy. Last bus ride I took was to Washington, DC, which is about 2 hours by car. I was stuck on the bus with some of the most ignorant people you could imagine. And coming back wasn’t any better and we were stuck for over an hour in airport traffic right on the outskirts of Philadelphia. This was in the late 90’s, and yes, it was my last bus ride from one state or district to another.

Long car rides can be a nuisance if the car is small and I’m cramped or uncomfortable. Also, the music thing can really be an issue. Basically I don’t like gospel music (shut your mouth), and for some reason most of my friends of color want to listen to it—and that makes me sad. I do have one girlfriend who would rather talk then put music on and she can drive me anywhere. I need a ride to Ocean City, Peggy! ~Smile~

This journey of life can be likened to a journey we might plan—missed flights and bad weather delays. Luggage that’s gone to luggage heaven without us…never to be seen again. A rental car which turned out to be a lemon and has us stranded on the roadside in the boonies. Hotel bookings that were, but aren’t once we arrive. Montezuma’s revenge holding us prisoner 4 days out of our 7 day vacation. That horrible case of poison ivy we get at the camp site, no matter how careful we were. And yes, a host of other stuff we contracted from the hotel pool that wasn’t quite up to par as far as chlorination and good working filters. Yuck!

Here’s life’s journey…divorce, death, sickness, loss, disappointments, failures, betrayal, abandonment, being misplaced and uncomfortable. Missed opportunities, being used and abused, and forgotten.

What I’m trying to say is the journey of life will hit unexpected rough patches. But, we should know that “God works all things for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” [my paraphrase] Romans 8:28 NIV In other words, "He has a plan!"

You see sisters, life at times can be very uncomfortable like riding in a small car, and you feel out of sync because the music that is playing is not your thing. Loss is painful and we want to know if we are there yet and how much longer—before we arrive on the other side of the pain. Disappointments from life unscripted are a given and without warning. Just like missing your plane and having to sleep on a cot in the airport with 600, other stranded miserable people.

But all of life is not full of disappointment, failure, loss and pain. No, there is joy and peace, love, friendships, victories, and goals reached. It is the journey that God uses to shape and mold us—preparing us for things to come in this life and the one we will spend with Christ.

So though life might be tough or even look a bit bleak—remember God’s promises to us. That’s our travel insurance, so all is not lost. But we must read the Bible to know what He promises. When we don’t, all our experiences in this journey called life will look more like economy or standby. We never get to experience business or first class. We will always be upset because of missed opportunities, envious of others, walking in unforgiveness, versus finding pleasure in even the simple things.

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,