Saturday, February 27, 2010

How Long Is Too Long?

I do not like the word “patience”. At least not when it’s me who is supposed to be patient. The whole sound of the word gives the idea that I’m supposed to wait for something that I want RIGHT NOW! Patience is a virtue that I never feel like I posses and this has always bothered me. I do not want to wait for everything to work itself out. I want to lose those ten pounds right now and I want the college degree and a to die for job tomorrow and (the biggest one for girls my age) I want that guy to ask me out right now!!!

So I started to wonder, after school options began to get postponed and jobs became non-existent (in my state at least) and another year passed with me being single and pretty much I realized that I would have to wait for what I want: what does it mean to be patient? Does it mean that you should feel perfectly content with the way God is working out your life right now? It’s easy to say I’m content but let’s face it; waiting for God to act can get just a little uncomfortable, especially when what you want so badly isn’t what He wants for you at the moment. Does patience mean sitting back and just letting God take care of everything? I really don’t get it.

The dictionary (my old friend) says Patience is: an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay or quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence. This suggests, not a feeling but an action or an attitude. Maybe it’s about learning to look patient when you feel like you’re going to explode? But as I was reading my Bible and different verses and stories on patience I realized something: Trust is an essential part of patience. If I do not always trust the one leading me, how patient will I be when things do not go my way? If I could really, truly trust that God only has good and amazing things ultimately in store for me, wouldn’t it be a whole lot easier to wait for those things (especially if I realized that God’s blessings do not run out like an Early Bird sale at Kohl’s). Anyways I think if we even start to learn how to place our trust in God and not in ourselves, God begins to grant us the patience that we need to make it through whatever situation he has us in right now.


Until Saturday, March 27th, enjoy everyday you wait on the Lord!

Monday's Blog: Sasha Brown, "Beauty & Healthy Lifestyes"

Friday, February 26, 2010

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions……

Stress: tension, a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense

Stress! It’s something that we all go through whether you’re a single mother working two jobs, or a married woman managing a business. In my particular case, I’m a teenager being bombarded by numerous college offers and the looming cloud of upcoming SAT’s. Junior year of high school can be really stressful because it’s the year that colleges really look at. With honors classes, student teaching, and student council duties, things can become pretty stressful. It can also be unnerving to walk through the door and find a large stack of college letters waiting for you. YIKES! (Even as I am writing this blog my 5 year old niece brought me a stack of thirteen college letters…LOL!!)
Ever since I was a little kid I have wanted to be a teacher. Most kids probably haven’t chosen their career path at 7 years old, but I knew what I wanted to do. As I am now deciding which colleges to apply to, millions of questions are running through my mind. “Which college is right for me?” “Do they have a good education program?” “Can I even get into this one?” Researching colleges can be a very stressful task that a lot of teenagers are going through, especially if you are not sure about which field you want to go into.

One thing that I had to learn the hard way is that you can’t let others define who you are or what you do. When I would share that I was looking at a particular college I was given words like “I wouldn’t apply there, you probably won’t get in.” or “I know someone with 2100 SAT scores and a 4.0 GPA average, if they couldn’t get in there’s no way that you can get in.” WHAT?! It was devastating. I really wanted to scream, “Well who asked your opinion?!” But seeing as my mother raised me to do the right thing, that wouldn’t be very Christian-like would it? ~smile~

Fortunately, I learned to turn my mindset to, “Even if I don’t make it, I at least have to try.” Philippians 3:14 says, “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.” We can do all things through Christ, whether it’s applying for college, working toward that job promotion, or overcoming a huge obstacle in your life. What we all forget sometimes is that God is always there to support and guide us. Sometimes you may feel like you are at the end of your rope and things can’t get any better but we have to remember that God is always there for us. Our strength is in Him and he will help us through all things. I am trying to remember this everyday as I am preparing for the next big step in my life.

While this is a long and wearisome process at times, I am super excited about college. I am also excited to grow in God and to achieve that which he wants for me. Knowing that God is always with you is such an empowering thought when you stop and take the time to think about it. I Can Do All Things Through Christ! So don’t let someone discourage you from trying something new or reaching for something that seems impossible, because nothing is impossible with God. I hope that this has been an encouragement to all of you and I look forward to sharing more of my college searching experience with you in the future.

Love You All

I will touch base with you on Saturday, March 13th. Until then...Peace Out!

Saturday's Blog: Lydia Hedinger "Eighteen" she is one of my best buds and you really have to check her out!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Watched Any Good TV Lately?

“Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”- 1 John 4:11-12

I had planned when I started thinking about writing this blog for The Kitchen Table that it would pretty much be a monolog of my travels– kind of an if-I-can-do-it-so-can-you type of thing. But this past couple of weeks, God has really been talking to my heart about judgments, criticism, loving one another, and – of all things – terrorists. So when I opened and found the verse above staring me in the face, I knew my blog for this month had to be modified from its original format somehow!

I don’t know about you, but I’ve never really been one to get into the daytime soaps. General Hospital, Days of Our Lives, All My Children… Those never appealed to me. For one thing, the acting is so appallingly bad; I don’t understand how anyone can stand to sit through them. For another, the story lines are always so transparent, it’s almost like a 5-year-old could do a better job with them…

Now the evening drama shows / serials are a different matter… Dallas, Dynasty, Falcon’s Crest back in the day (how’s that for aging myself in one fell swoop??!!)… … Then Friends, Two and a Half Men, House, Grey’s Anatomy, Private Practice - to name but a few.

So how does all this TV talk tie in with traveling and terrorists? It will, I promise…

When I was a teenager, my mom used to rent out one of our bedrooms to students from the local college – not because we had so much spare room, but because she needed the extra income (this was in the days before we became a foster family). To begin with, we had 2 Chinese girls who shared the room; then a Greek mother and son – he was in college, she couldn’t bear for him to be away from her, so she came along too (they were lovely people, they really were). Our last lodger was a young man from Jordan, Basim. By the time he moved in, I was in my early teens. He was the first contact I’d had with anyone from the Middle East; through him, we met his family – brothers, sisters, parents, cousins – and his friends – and other young men his age. Basim was a guy with a lot of pent-up energy and no real idea of what to do with it, so he mainly took it out driving liking a maniac around the local towns and country roads. (Sadly, it was driving that eventually took his life before he even made it to 30.) One thing he did like to do was to sit around and openly, obviously talk about my girlfriends, my sister & me with his friends – in Arabic, in front of us, knowing that we couldn’t understand, and that that would drive me at least nuts…

That’s how I came to major in Arabic (and German – but that’s a story for another day) at University, and how I came to live in Egypt for several months as a young 20-something. Prior to moving to Egypt, I’d had some contact with Arab / Middle Eastern / Egyptian men (don’t ever make the mistake of calling Egyptians Arabs – they get really offended, as they are still a Pharaonic people, not an Arab one!) – Basim and his friends, guys at my college – who’d all given me the impression that they viewed Western girls as basically nothing more than unpaid hookers there for their pleasure – a perception that I could not figure out and that often greatly offended me – until I moved to Egypt.

You see, the foreign TV shows that they got in Egypt – and which we watched through greatly different eyes on moving over there – were just the ones I mentioned above – General Hospital, Dallas, the older precursors to things like Grey’s Anatomy, Friends and so forth… And you know what literally screamed out at me about those shows – what had never, ever occurred to me before, but which has since been reinforced over and over and over again? Western women pretty much ARE portrayed as unpaid hookers. In every one of those shows, the guys look at the girls – or the girls look at the girls – or the guys look at the guys – and SOMEONE’S panties are falling to the ground. Married? Not a problem! Your best friend’s partner? So what! A complete stranger in a bar? Even better!

How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” Luke 6:41-43

Remember that these images – these often poorly scripted, badly acted sitcoms, soaps and dramas – are the only exposure to the Western world that most Egyptians – indeed, most Arabs – will ever have, as they are largely too poor to leave their own countries. What is portrayed in these shows – and the movies just like them – is the picture they have of us, and is so, so vastly different to their own culture – their own beliefs – their own way of living and behaving – as to be almost beyond belief for them. So of course they’re going to look at Western women as the closest thing to unpaid hookers – after all, just look at us the right way, and they know what’s supposed to happen next!

This is how we end up being the Great White Satan to them. They don’t know anything else about us oftentimes except these shows. The education system they have doesn’t explore culture in the West anymore than our own explores cultures in the Middle East or the Orient. The things we perceive as freedoms here are seen as shameful, often criminal acts there – and can lead to disgrace at the least and death at the most if a native is caught behaving in such a way.
It’s easy; once you get an understanding of what little they see and know about us, to see how fanaticism – the deep-seated desire to protect and defend – can be born. From there, it’s a short step to terrorism – taking actual steps to protect the “good”, the “righteous”, the “clean” way to live…

Traveling – alone or in groups – to places unknown helps cancel out those negative images; it helps to make the world a smaller, more understandable, less threatening place to live – and helps us gain insights and understandings into each others’ ways of life and cultures, by each of us taking the time, making the effort, and reaching out to learn something about another culture. To see the world through another’s eyes –and to understand how they got their perceptions about us, and we ours about them…

Father, I pray that you will give each of us a way to reach out to someone from another place, another culture, to learn more about where they come from. Open our eyes to the similarities between us and not just the differences, and help us to bring about YOUR peace by making the world a smaller, more understandable place for everyone. Amen.

Blessings & Hugs

I will be back to share with you on Thursday, March 25th...hope to see you then!

Friday's Blog: A special from Tovah, "The Life of a High School Junior"

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How Many Times Do I have To Tell You......

Recently my 11 year old has embarked on a journey to test my resolve and my intelligence any chance she gets. I think that there is a book circulated among today’s youth that is titled “Your Parents are Dummies Too” followed up by the sequel “Mom and Dad are Still Getting Dumber Every Day” . Although I am 35 my youth is still a very vivid memory to me. I can remember getting into things like my 5 year old Tina does. If there is mischief to be found, Tina can locate it a mile away and entice her 2 year old sister to get in on the action (the sibling version of Adam and Eve). When caught, it’s always AJ’s fault. I can remember playing with matches, flushing little action figures down the toilet and painting on items in the weirdest of places. Tina in a way is a mini me. If you come into my home I can showcase her art on my downstairs and upstairs walls or maybe if you’re into carvings then my couch is the place to be. I recently shelled out almost 500 bucks for a plumber to unclog my drain because Tina felt the urge to flush panties and wash cloths down the toilet. Luckily I don’t keep matches in the home. I never had these issues with Zoe at that age.

I always said that Zoe was the good one who would not give me trouble. Boy was I wrong…big time! In many ways Zoe is like me, quiet, withdrawn in new surroundings, sensitive, and very laid back. She was the best baby in the world. Once my mom trained her to sleep through the night, it was easy street. She very rarely cried, didn’t complain and I never worried when she would be watched by others because she was very respectful and obedient. She may have had a slip up here and there but they were minor offenses; things that you would laugh at when she left the room. It’s as if she turned 10 and all heck broke loose. Have you ever felt like you have exhausted all possibilities with your child or children? I feel that way with Zoe. The spirit of rebellion has made an early appearance in my home. I did not expect to deal with it on this level until the teenage years, I guess that’s why I have been caught so off guard. In the beginning she would get in trouble due to boredom. She would be home bored and start getting into things. I can understand that, I used to do the same thing. I once almost set our house on fire by setting fire to a roll of paper towels as they hung on the wall (sorry mom, this is the first time you’re hearing about this). I was about 11 and I now look back at God’s love and mercy allowing me to put that fire out. I would do things that my mom would tell me not to do that I would do anyway like eating in her bed. I tried to keep her occupied to keep her from getting in trouble, but lately Zoe has gotten bold or at least she thinks so. She has not been able to use her laptop in a while. I can’t remember the offense, they all start to blur after a while but they usually fall under the category of lying or sneaking. I caught her on her laptop in her room under the covers this weekend. I was stunned because I could not imagine that someone this young could display such boldness.

Her father was summoned to get her not only for my mental health but for her safety and well being as well. I spent the weekend questioning how this could be that such disrespect and deceitfulness is displayed at such an early age. Is this payback for my youth? I am perplexed and at my wits end. I’m sure that I am not alone in this and that many other parents both married and single share in my struggle. I am working to nip this in the bud now for I know that left unchecked it will only get worse. Now after sneaking on the computer the tv came out of her room and the laptop too. Guess what, she was caught sneaking watching tv a couple of days later. I turned the tv on when I got home and the Disney channel was on. I don’t watch Disney and my little ones were the last to watch Nick Jr. Zoe must have forgotten the prayer her grandmother (my mom ) prayed with her a couple of years ago. She prayed that anything that Zoe does that she has no business doing be exposed. Don’t ever let anyone tell you that prayer doesn’t work. All of Zoe’s misdeeds are exposed it may not always be right away but the truth is always revealed. I remind her of the prayer but like most things it’s in one ear and out the next.

I have a daily frustration with her however I also have hope for I know that God can change all things. He can change them instantly but then there are no lessons learned, no spiritual muscles are exercised, and there is no spiritual growth. The Psalms are filled with David’s testimony on how God not only heard his prayers but answered them. I have faith that God will answer my prayers concerning Zoe. I look forward to her adult years, not for the obvious reasons but to see how God works this all out. Sometimes when faced with difficult situations, rather than get upset or depressed I decided to get excited, excited to see how God was going to show Himself and work a situation out. I haven’t done that lately but it is something that I need to get back into. Please pray for my strength and wisdom to identify exactly what it is I am dealing with here so that I will be better equipped to handle it. For James 1:5 says, If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Peace & Love

Until next time....Wednesday, March 10th!

Thursday's Blog: Esther-Marie, our resident “Foreign Correspondent”

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Does A Mother Get Anything Done?

Words usually come easy to me, but this week has been one of those weeks, you know the kind I mean, the week when time eludes you completely; you have no idea where it goes. You get up in the early morning and the next thing you know its bed time. You are not sure what you accomplished that day but you know you are tired so you must have done something. You fixed breakfast but the dishes are in the sink, you brought in the mail, you sat down to look at it, then the phone rang and so on and so forth.

SO, when I got up today, I prayed, “Lord this is in your hands, I have to get my blog written and I intend to sit right here at my computer until you help me write this article.” I sat down, guess what? God didn’t start typing. I mean, he was supposed to start typing, but he was not doing his part at all! As I sat here, I thought “Well maybe God didn’t hear me right, I better ask him again,” so I prayed again, and this time I asked the Lord to just dictate, I could type it. God still remained silent- not word one did he speak -nothing, nada, zip. I can’t believe that God would leave this to me all by myself- I might mess it all up. As my deadline approaches I begin to (as the kids say) freak out totally.

BUT, as always God had a plan and he had his own time, not mine. As I sat down to write I determined I would sit at this computer all day if I needed too, I must get this written. I informed my family not to bother me I had to get this article written. JUST FOR TODAY, DO NOT DISTURB ME! HA! That was my first mistake as they say; to give too much information to eleven children. You would think I would have learned by now wouldn’t you? Why do we mothers find it so important to inform our children when we need time alone? It is like dangling a banana in front of a monkey and saying “You can’t eat it today, just look at it,” and then walking out of the room and leaving the banana just within reach.

AND SO IT BEGAN ….. The first knock came to my door five minutes after I said this, it was of course, my five year old, Emma, she needed to inform me that the cat had just thrown up on her bed and she could no longer sleep, ever again, on that bed, because you cannot sleep on a throw up bed. She then informed me the color, the type and how much, you know all the important stuff. I got up, stripped the bed, started the washers and gently reminded Emma that all we had to do was wash the bed allow it dry and then flip it over to the other side then it would be as good as new, She didn’t like it and said, “Well you are not going to get me a new bed are you?” I said, “No” and she went off to pout! I came back to my study; I sat down and informed God I was ready once again for him to start dictating my article to me.

The second knock came from my six year old, who thought it very important to inform me that her older sister was trying to make her do Emma’s chores by forcing her to put up Emma’s winter coat, and then she informed in no uncertain terms that it was not her job to do Emma’s chores- that was Emma’s job. Once more I stood up, this time to clarify with my eleven year old daughter, Rachel, for the hundredth time, that she is not the boss of the six year old and if she needed someone to put Emma’s coat up she could just as easily walk over to the mud room and hang the coat up. Again I am told, this time by Rachel, it is not her job to hang up Emma’s coat, either. NOW, this reasoning I do not understand and I guess only an eleven year old could understand it; but if it is not her job to hang up Emma’s coat, why then is it Cassie’s job to hang up Emma’s coat? HOWEVER, not being afforded the luxury of thinking like an eleven year old, and after being given the “LOOK” that only an eleven year old can give you saying “Mom you are such a dork;” I chose to walk away happy that one more disaster had been averted, and I sat back down to write again.

OK, GOD let’s get going here, I am ready. I put my hands on the computer a little too fast, I heard a yell of anger as my thirteen year old son throws a fit because his eleven year old brother has put on the wrong shoes, (without socks mind you) and has gone out into the snow. Now to an adult this is not such a horrible thing, BUT to a thirteen year old boy it is the end of the world. Now I have to disinfect foot fungus, (that my son does not have but his brother is sure he has) from these shoes. Disaster averted. Next comes Emma again, crying tears of total pain, she was feeding the kitten and it scratched her. Now I cannot see this boo boo, there is no blood, not even red, BUT Emma can see blood squirting out of her hand and she is going to die or so she says. Water, Band-Aid, Life saved, Mom a huge hero, disaster averted.

Finally, silence! I put on my headphones, I turn up the music, cue God, your turn now, and what do I write? Then a scream, not just any scream, but a blood curdling scream of joy, Emma has passed her big brothers’ score on the PS3; she is running, screaming, jumping, dancing and hugging everybody so I got in line, it is not every day a five-year-old can pass a thirteen-year-old’s score, you know. LOL! Next the newly turned nine-year-old enters the study with a huge smile, and two papers in her hands. “I have two pictures for you.” What is a Mother to do, but stop and look at the pictures that were drawn with love? Even though I cannot tell what most of it is, (she is an abstract artist) I took the time to listen to the story behind each picture, and to hug her and then shoo her out to start one more time.

So is the life of a mother of eleven, there is never a dull moment, there is never a quiet moment, I may never take a bath without the door being knocked on fifty times, I may not get a nap, and I may never have one moment of peace but you know what? This is the life that I chose, and it is the life that God has blessed me with. It is the life that I adore and I would not change it for all the money in the world.

But I feel as if I did not accomplish anything here, what did I tell you that encouraged you, what did I give you that screams GOD CARES? I don’t see anything but God does and he says we are finished, I have showed that every mother has one of THOSE days, but even in midst of the chaos, we do achieve a goal, just a different one that we set for ourselves. God showed me that taking time for my children is more important than any clean house and it is the same for you. You are raising your children to love the Lord and you are teaching each child that he is more important than anything or anyone else, you build self esteem and you teach love, AND ABOVE ALL you have given to your child more than any clean house could give. By the way, the picture up top is an actual pile of clothes that needed to be washed in my house…LOL!!!

Sorry no winner for Saturday's one entered. Maybe next time.

God bless you all!

Hope to see you in two weeks. Tuesday, March 9th to be exact!

Wednesday's Blog: Michele, "Single Working Mom"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Achieve Financial Peace by Taking Baby Steps

I would like to introduce you all to the Baby Steps by Dave Ramsey. Initially I was going to explain what each one meant and how it worked. Then I thought, why re-invent the wheel? I have listed them below, directly from the above-named author’s website,

I will tell you that the Baby Steps work! My husband and I have been working these same Baby Steps in our own lives and we are truly experiencing Financial Peace! I urge you to seriously consider the lifestyle change that you will need to undergo in order get where you want to be financially.

Baby Step 1 - $1,000 Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is for those unexpected events in life that you can’t plan for: the loss of a job, an unexpected pregnancy, a faulty car transmission, and the list goes on and on. It’s not a matter of if these events will happen; it’s simply a matter of when they will happen.

This beginning emergency fund will keep life’s little Murphies from turning into new debt while you work off the old debt. If a real emergency happens, you can handle it with your emergency fund. No more borrowing. It’s time to break the cycle of debt!

Baby Step 2 - Pay off all debt using the Debt Snowball
List your debts, excluding the house, in order. The smallest balance should be your number one priority. Don’t worry about interest rates unless two debts have similar payoffs. If that’s the case, then list the higher interest rate debt first.

The point of the debt snowball is simply this: You need some quick wins in order to stay pumped up about getting out of debt! Paying off debt is not always about math. It’s about motivation. Personal finance is 20% head knowledge and 80% behavior. When you start knocking off the easier debts, you will see results and you will stay motivated to dump your debt.

Baby Step 3 - 3 to 6 months of expenses in savings
Once you complete the first two baby steps, you will have built serious momentum. But don’t start throwing all your “extra” money into investments quite yet. It’s time to build your full emergency fund. Ask yourself, “What would it take for me to live for three to six months if I lost my income?” Your answer to that question is how much you should save.

Use this money for emergencies only: incidents that would have a major impact on you and your family. Keep these savings in a money market account. Remember, this stash of money is not an investment; it is insurance you’re paying to yourself, a buffer between you and life.

Baby Step 4 - Invest 15% of household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement
When you reach this step, you’ll have no payments—except the house—and a fully funded emergency fund. Now it’s time to get serious about building wealth.

Dave suggests investing 15% of your household income into Roth IRAs and pre-tax retirement plans. Don’t invest more than that because the extra money will help you complete the next two steps: college savings and paying off your home early.

Why shouldn’t you invest less than 15%? Some people choose to invest a small amount, if anything, because they want to get a child through school or pay off the home in a hurry. But the kids’ degrees won’t feed you at retirement, and if you throw all your money into your mortgage at this point, you’ll end up having to sell the house and buy the book 72 Ways to Prepare Alpo and Love It. Bad plan.

Baby Step 5 - College funding for children
By this point, you should have already started Baby Step 4—investing 15% of your income—before saving for college. Whether you are saving for you or your child to go to college, you need to start now.

In order to have enough money saved for college, you need to have a goal. Determine how much per month you should be saving at 12% interest in order to have enough for college. If you save at 12% and inflation is at 4%, then you are moving ahead of inflation at a net of 8% per year!

Never save for college using: Insurance, Savings bonds (only 5-6% growth), Zero-coupon bonds. (only 6-8% growth), Pre-paid college tuition (only 7% inflation rate).

The best way to save for college is with Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) and 529 plans. Remember, college is possible without loans!

Baby Step 6 - Pay off your house early
Now it’s time to begin chunking all of your extra money toward the mortgage. You are getting closer to realizing the dream of a life with no house payments.

As you attack this last debt, you will gain momentum much like you did back in the second step of the debt snowball. Remember, having absolutely no payments is totally within your reach!

Baby Step 7 - Build wealth and give!
It’s time to build wealth and give like never before. Leave an inheritance for future generations, and bless others now with your excess. It's really the only way to live!

Golda Meir says, “You can’t shake hands with a clenched fist.” Vow to never hold your money so tightly that you never give any away. Hoarding money is not the way to wealth. Save for yourself, save for your family’s future, and be gracious enough to bless others. You can do all three at the same time.

Peace & Blessings

I will have more for you on Monday, March 8th! Until keep working your plan for financial peace and freedom.

Tuesday's Blog: Rise' "Wampler Zoo"

Saturday, February 20, 2010

It’s Not About Me……..Part II

Good Morning Ladies,

If this is your first time tuning into “The Kitchen Table” and or if you didn’t have a chance to read the first part of this blog, please see Saturday, Feb 3rd, “Love Is Having To Say, “It’s Not About Me!” It will make it much easier to follow what I want to share today.

Okay, let’s get down to business and pick up were we left off. I would have to say the biggest change in my life once I got the revelation that this life that God has blessed me with, is really not about me, was, that I was no longer miserable. Yes, “miserable.” And the truth of the matter is, there are to many of us who are in the Household of Faith, who are miserable, but we just don’t want to own up to it. So we put on our happy fake face, that all is well. But in order to be Free, we have to take a look at the ugly or to dress it up, “the not so pleasant things about ourselves.” I was one miserable sister. Due to my teaching and counseling ministry for women, I constantly felt used, put upon, taken advantage of, taken for granted and the list goes on. Put all those feelings together and you have “miserable.”

It would be nice to tell you that one day as I was feeling sorry for myself or licking my wounds, and the Holy Spirit just sat me down gave me a good talking to and, “wham!” I totally understood the error of my ways. But, it didn’t happen that way. It took reading and studying God’s Word concerning my life. Seeking to find out “why” I was so miserable belonging to such a wonderful God? It was then that I began to see through the life and ministry of *Yeshua, that my thinking was all wrong. Yep, I was wrong, not everyone else.

Our Messiah was totally selfless starting with thinking it not robbery as God to come to earth to be man and take on all our sins. Wow, how wonderful! And He gave us a blueprint of how we are to walk in His footsteps on this earth and it does not have a layout of, “It’s about me” at all. It is a blueprint, of “Esteeming others higher than ourselves,” “Being able to lay down our lives for someone else,” “Loving, when we are not loved back.” Put all this together and you have, “Selflessness” that is what the life of a Believer should be. We are not to put “self” first, but “others.”

In my days of misery, my feelings of being taken advantage of, not appreciated, used, and put upon stemmed from the many women (and family) I have taught or counseled over the years. I have been asked to speak or teach at women’s retreats, conferences, luncheons, church functions, and teach weekly Bible Studies. Often there involved travel of some sort, (even to a different state) and when it was all said and done, there were times I might have gotten a hug or pat on the back, but I didn’t receive any money. I never asked for anything and the travel didn’t involve catching a plane, but a love offering would have been nice to cover gas or any other expenses. Or just to show me that they cared. To me, this was not being appreciated, being used and defiantly being taken for granted. Didn’t these women read their Bibles? What is wrong with them?

Oh, but it gets better. Let’s take a look at the countless hours I have spent over the years counseling women over and over on the same issues and they still continue to “do what they want to do” yet using me as an ear when it all goes wrong or plays out like the Bible said it would. Lord, was I tired of that! Oh, and here is another one, “the ones who only call when they want something.” Yeah, haven’t heard from them in months and now all of a sudden they have a problem or find themselves in a mess, and they are ringing my phone. People constantly wanting my help, but not there to help me; after awhile you start to feel used and oh so put upon. This is why so many days of my life had some portion of “miserable” in it. But when the light came on that I was bought for a price and this ‘miserable’ life of mine did not, and I must say it again, “Did Not” belong to me, thus began a renewing of my old mindset and putting away the things that did not look like Yeshua.

The fact that Ephesians 4:30-32 says we are to put away all malice, shows us that this is something we have to work at. We have to take this Biblical truth and apply it to our lives in order to walk in its benefit. That is when I made the decision I no longer had to return the favor. What does that mean? No longer did I have to be snippy or short with people because that was the way they were treating me. No longer did I have to hold a wrong done, waiting for them to do something so that I could bang them over the head with it. I no longer wanted to repay evil for evil.

The more I looked at the selfless life of Yeshua, the more I understood the importance of the position that God has placed me in and that I can’t possibly be taken advantage of when I am serving Him. He is the one that puts certain people in my life that I am to help. So what if they take it for granted? They are not taking me for granted, but that which the Lord has set before them. If God says, “I want you to talk to them every time they call” then if they call me 50 times in one month, I have to take that call. But I now take it with a different heart. It is a heart of service to others, for my Lord. There is no way I should feel put upon doing His biding.

We live in a very “selfish” society and that makes us have to be even more determined then ever to put "self" away, and respond in love, esteeming others higher then ourselves. Its work my dear sisters and though I walk in freedom from misery, I still have to fight those old feelings from time-to-time. The victory is to not let them come back to live and or take over in any way.

Since it really does take work to be like Christ, we have a special drawing today for the book, “Love Walked Among Us…Learning To Love Like Jesus”. This is a wonderful book that shows you the life of our Messiah on this earth and the author Paul E. Miller really opens up the history and traditions of that time which gives you a much better understanding of exactly what Jesus’ ministry was really all about. Send an email to, with your name, city and state. This offer is for residents of the USA, UK, and Canada. This drawing ends Tuesday, February 23rd 6:00am ET, USA. The winner will have to supply a mailing address for the book to be shipped directly to them, and you have 5 days to claim your prize after you are notified that you have won. The winner will be announced in Tuesday’s blog.

There is still one more aspect of “It’s Not About Me” that I feel led to cover, so though I didn’t know it before today, there will be a part 3. ~Smile~

I pray that you have been inspired to dig deeper into the Word to see what it has to say about your life and what you can do to make change.

*Yeshua is the Hebrew name for our Messiah. Christians call Him, Jesus, but in Pat’s blogs the Messiah will be referred to in His Hebrew name of Yeshua.

Winner of Thursday’s drawing “Hidden Treasures” is…. Lisa Swieson, Broomall, PA


Join me on Saturday, March 6th for "Part III". Until then, be blessed in our Lord.

Monday's Blog: Sharon Daniels, "Women & Their Finances"

Friday, February 19, 2010

Pause and be Refreshed

Through the years, according to the Coca Cola Company has had 30 or so different slogans for their soda using the word Refresh. As I scanned the list, my favorite was the 1924 slogan “Pause and Refresh Yourself”. You’re probably wondering why I would even take the time to look up some obscured fact such as this. But I thought it interesting that a soda company would have such a reflective statement. Of course they are trying to sell you a soda and make you believe you would be rejuvenated after drinking it.
If a soda company can get people to buy a soda just based off of its slogan, why is it so difficult for God to get Christians to slow down long enough to be refreshed and refueled by His Word?

To be refreshed we need to come away from the daily routine of everyday living and spend time alone with God. When Jesus was doing ministry here on earth, according to Luke 15:16 (NIV), he often withdrew to lonely (private) places to pray. He made time to speak to God and for God to speak to him. There was no way that Jesus would have had the ministry he did, without constantly talking to the Father and knowing what He desired of him to do. Therefore he was determined to find time to be alone with God. You cannot give to others what you do not have. As you are encouraged by your time alone with God, you will be able to give to others what God has given to you. Proverbs 11:25 says, “A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed”.

It seems that in marriage we also find ourselves in the same pickle of having a hard time pulling away from everyday routines. There is always something to do and someplace to be. It is difficult to find time to be alone with your spouse. From the time we wake up in the morning to the time we lay our heads on the pillow at night we are in constant motion. Even on our days off we tend to find something to “fill” the time and we never really slow down long enough to “Pause and Refresh Ourselves”.

In the book, 15 Minutes Alone With God, the author Emile Barnes says, “We live in a very hectic world that cries out for stillness, quietness and aloneness. For the sake of our marriage and for our own personal sanctities, we must seek solitude.” She goes on to talk about marital solitude and how you must make it happen; it doesn’t just happen on its own. If you agree with what she says than you might also agree that we must stop allowing so many things to get in the way of spending quality time alone with our spouses. There seems to be countless excuses. “We don’t have money to go out,” “Who will watch the kids?”, “Saturdays I have to clean the house”, and on and on we go. Don’t’ let the excuses be a reason to deviate from your desire to spend time with your spouse or God.

If you feel you fall into the category of “wanting to spend more alone time with your spouse” start small with making this happen. It can be something as simple as “couch” time where the two of you can talk about whatever comes to mind (if you have kids let them know you won’t be available at this time or with young children wait until they are in bed). Maybe you can schedule this weekly. Then gradually work up to spending a special day together once a month or even a regular date night. During your time together turn off the phones, have some fun by hanging up a “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door and just unwind together. Talk about the things that are important to you as a couple. Set one or two goals. Whatever your plan of action, just make sure this time is all about you and your spouse.

Remember, that the joy to keeping a beloved friendship alive can be found in breaking away long enough and regularly enough to keep yourselves fresh and your love growing.

Until next time, “Pause and be Refreshed” in God’s word.


I'll be back to share with you on, Friday, March 4th, be sure to tune in.

Saturday's Blog: Pat Betters, Part II of "It's not about me!"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Killing Two Birds

Hello Everyone,

Welcome to my table. I know you have lessons to prepare or do so let us commence. A little while ago I mentioned to Brandon I was “killing two birds with one stone”. To which he responded, “What? What are you talking about?” So I began to explain to him what the saying meant. As we all know it refers to accomplishing two goals at once. It comes from a Chinese philosopher in the 1600’s who was attempting to solve two arguments with a simple solution. The mindset was that trying to kill two birds with a single stone is difficult. Did you know that? Well now you do and you now have the same useless information in your mind that I have in mine, LOL. Well whatever it meant or means this statement has been my motto for the past month or so. I do not know if you know this or not but home schooling takes a lot of your time. It is necessary to become creative and wise with the time that you have. Trying to accomplish two goals with one act sometimes is the best way to go. So I want to share with you some ways I kill two birds with one stone.

If you live in the North Eastern part of the United States, specifically in Pennsylvania in the Philadelphia area you have just experienced two major snow storms back to back. We were hit hard which caused the schools in the area to be closed for four days. During this time some of my friends and family members whose kids go to public school asked if Brandon was having a snow day. My response went something like this, “For real though, a snow day, why? It’s not like he was going out anyway.” Okay it did not go something like that, it was exactly like that. I did not see the need for a snow day, but after not being able to go out at all we were all starting to get a fever, you know, of the cabin variety. What we did was have school that lasted until 12, 12:30 and then went outside and played in the snow. The kids were able to enjoy the snow, I was able to get out, I clocked that time as PE hours and we built a snowman. I say we hit several birds with that one.

I love to exercise! Okay I can’t get through that with a straight face. The truth is I exercise out of necessity. I have learned how important it is health wise and within the last couple of years I’ve lost some weight and I do not plan on gaining it back. Since home schooling I have had difficulty finding time to work out. I could feel my body swelling with each moment. I had to do something. One morning I woke up with an epiphany (you like that word don’t you?). Brandon likes to listen to Holy Hip Hop in the morning and usually I would prefer to listen to something with a little less bumpity bump, like Israel Houghton or Casting Crowns. I decided to spend an hour dancing with the kids while we took turns listening to what we wanted. We laughed as we did crazy dances and I was able to teach Brandon some of my moves, LOL. Also, I got an aerobic workout that left me truly sweaty and again I was able to clock PE hours.

There are times when trying to teach Brandon and Christian at the same time becomes hectic. One minute I am teaching 2nd grade math and next I am sorting colored craft sticks with Christian. There are times however when I can use Brandon to help with Christian’s learning. If he is reading a story for school I’ll have Brandon read aloud to Christian and because Christian loves to be read to he will sit and listen. At other times Bran will help Chris with his letters as a result Bran taught him how to spell his name. The outcome, two birds one stone.

Above are just some ways I get things done during the day. I tell you this because if you are like me you possess two or more of the following personality traits (maybe all, I don’t know): goal oriented, neat, organized, a tendency to be impatient, the need to be in control and inflexible. Now please do not be offended if you find that you exemplify these traits, I am convinced that most home school parents have some or all of these and furthermore if you look past the negative connotations some of these traits are good to have, in balance that is. So if you are like me you find yourself getting frustrated at trying to do everything a certain way at a certain time. And if you have experienced what I have experienced in becoming a “mommy teacher” your plans often get mixed up. Honestly I am convinced that at times God allows things to happen to remind us that we are NOT in control so we can trust Him and only Him. I know that the times I get the idea to meet two or more goals by one act, did not just come to me out of the blue. I am not that smart, but the Holy Spirit is and I know He was guiding me.

As I come to a close I want to leave you with this final thought. As you go about your day, be about the business of due diligence as you work at what needs to be done but allow the Holy Spirit to give you the creativity and the wisdom you need to kill two birds with one stone. Can I encourage you to do something that we do in my church? As March rolls around let’s read a chapter of Proverbs for the entire month. In other words there are 31 chapters and 31 days in March let’s read a chapter a day. Proverbs is full of wisdom, which we need in this adventure.

We have a special drawing today for the book “Hidden Treasures” by Gloria Copeland. She goes over each chapter of Proverbs in a very thought provoking and enlightening way, and this will be a great tool as you spend the month of March searching Proverbs for words of wisdom. Send an email to, with your name, city and state. This offer is for residents of the USA, UK, Australia and Canada. This drawing ends Saturday, February 20th 8:00am ET, USA. The winner will have to supply a mailing address for the book to be shipped directly to them, and you have 5 days to claim your prize after you are notified that you have won. The winner will be announced in Saturday's blog.

Thank you so much for spending time with me today, I pray as Paul prayed that you may be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that you may lead lives worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, as you bear fruit in every good work and as you grow in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:9-12) in Jesus’ name Amen.

Until next time, happy home schooling.

Hugs and Kisses,

Well girls, have to run, but hope to see you Thursday, March 4th!

Friday's Blog: Rita Scarborough is up "A Woman/A Wife"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Yes, Your Highness!

Good Morning Majestic Women of God!!

Majestic: adj. of or having majesty, grand, noble, dignified. Some days we just need to be reminded of who we are, and as daughters of the King of kings, we are royalty and we should never forget it. Yet, in our desperation (not caring what happens because hope is gone…leading to poor decisions) to be married, women often forget the position that the Blood of Jesus (Yeshua) has placed us in. Today I’m hoping to get you excited and thinking about just what that is!!

Being a citizen of the United States of America, whose government is a democracy, I had a hard time grasping the concept of a nation ruled by kings and queens. I would have to say the most famous example for me would have to be England. Growing up England’s reign of kings and queens was a large part of our history because before the Revolutionary War, England had rule over us. Still the intricate part of the royal kingdom wasn’t the forefront of my history lessons and it wasn’t until Prince Charles’ marriage to Diana, was there any great interest for me as to the private and special life of the royal family. I remember being glued to the television watching the wedding and sucking up all the news for months after the announcement of their engagement. But like most, their happily ever after, fairly tail lives had a tragic ending, starting with divorce.

Even after becoming a Believer and finding out that God was the King of all kings and that He has a Kingdom that rules in the supernatural, I still was very clueless as to what this all really meant? What true effect did that have in my life on this earth?

Though growing up with Disney’s “Cinderella” and those types of movies and fairy tales, I learned at a very early age that my life was only going to reflect the part of Cinderella’s life that had the mistreatment and servitude. This consisted of the ugliest room in the house, fewer basic needs than mother and sister, and lots of physical and verbal abuse. And no matter how hard I tried, nothing I did was ever good enough. So when I started hearing that I was seated in heavenly places with Jesus (Yeshua) and that His Blood paid the price for me to be part of the Royal Kingdom. It meant absolutely nothing! I’m like, “What???” But as God began the journey of my becoming a new creature in Him, and replaced the old tapes of “You are nothing and you will never be nothing” with “I have loved you with an everlasting love and you are fearfully and wonderfully made, because of My love.” I had the courage to look at what does it mean in my life that my Father is King of all kings.

I shared with you a few weeks ago, that marriage is between God and the man, and that we as women do not have the burden of finding a husband. Well, such is the same in a natural royal kingdom. Not just anyone has access to a princess. She is protected from those who are not on the same social standing and background as herself. She doesn’t go out and find a husband. Her courtships are overseen by her family, namely her father (the king) and mother (the queen). In fact there was a time when the marriage was prearranged (still happens in certain countries) by her parents, she could have been betrothed (promised) to someone as early as birth. But as times have changed you don’t see that so much and the prince and princesses have strayed far from what used to be. There was never a divorce in a royal family. Not so anymore. It’s as if the rules of conduct no longer apply. Sort of what some of us think when it comes to the Word of God! It applies to some, but not to me.

The point here is that a royal princess (and there are many royal kingdoms around the world) is born into a special place and standing. So are we when we are reborn through faith in Jesus (Yeshua). We are not to be connected to just anyone or anybody. We are special. And 2 Corinthians 6:14 is quick to point that out. Not only should we not be connected to a non-believer, but also a Believer who is not suited as a right match. This is why we have to wait on the Lord and His wisdom, because we in our humanist will mess it up every time. If for some reason you disagree, look at the divorce rate in the Church. Why is that? How many people get married who are Believers without God’s blessings? Sorry to say, “Way too many.”

Over the years I have come to see that (just as I used to be) many of God’s daughters do not know who they are in Him. And that causes an awful lot of problems for women. If you don’t think you are of much value, then you sort of settle for “whatever”. And the truth is, “whatever” is never good enough for royalty. If you go to Kay Jewelers or a department store they have quite a bit of jewelry on display that you can touch. Most of it is costume or of a lesser value, then that which is in the locked display cases. Go into Cartier’s of France and everything is in locked cases and their very, very, very best is in a vault and they have a special room to take the perspective buyer to, in order for them to view these special gems. As daughters of the King, we are those special jewels that are locked in the vault (our Father’s protection). We are not for just anyone to have. Only those whom the jeweler knows has the funds or standing can even view the finer jewels. I’m sure that if the Queen of England desires to purchase a piece of jewelry, she doesn’t have to leave her palace or country home. It is all brought to her to view and or custom designed to her specifications. That is the way royalty is treated. ~Smile~

I challenge you to begin to see yourself as someone who is really special. Not desperate! Not desperate for a husband, not desperate to fit in, and not desperate for attention. But that you are so very special that you wouldn’t put yourself in a position to marry just any man. He would have to be much more than just a male who professes to know the Lord. In fact, you are so special that you can’t even imagine a man in your life unless God chooses him giving you the freedom and confidence to know that he is the one for sure! Does this mean to start looking down on people and walking with your nose in the air…..NO!!!! That is not what I’m talking about. What I am saying, is that a royal princess is trained from birth that she is special and has a special standing in life. Are we to be gracious and kind in this special place? Oh yeah!! That is how we show the love of God to others. I just want you my sisters to begin to understand exactly what the Blood of Jesus (Yeshua) has done for you. And when you began to get an understanding of “Who” you are, the spirit of desperation (that so many single women in the Body of Christ are experiencing), will began to give way to a new found confidence and love in Him.

The solution is the same and won’t change. You will have to get into the Bible and see what it has to say about who you are in the Lord. The Bible is key for us and we really can’t get around not reading it if we want to have victory in our lives as Daughters of the King.

If you didn’t have a chance to read Cheryl Mackey’s special blog written especially for you, on Thursday, February 11th, please take a moment to go over it. She was very open and honest about her desire to be married and what she had to learn before God could trust her to be a wife. It’s a very inspiring and enlightening read.

Seeing yourself in a new light is always exciting. So be diligent in placing yourself in high esteem as our Father does. It will begin to change how you see your every day life. Knowing that you are special in who you are this day, right now, should put a little pep in your step and hope in your heart.

Love & Hugs

I'll be back on Wednesday, March 3rd. Please be sure to join me.

Thursday's Blog: Cheryl "Diary of a Home School Mom"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Hello Ladies,

When I wrote my last blog “The Unfailing Love of a Father”, sharing my experience with the Love of God, it reminded me that we should love one another.

The Bible says “So I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” John 13:34

Ladies, we should love one another as God loves us. “One another” means everyone! I know some people are thinking I have to love everyone? Yes, you do. God loves you just the way you are, He wants you to show this world you are a child of God who can love people for who they are.

For example, there was a woman of God who saw a man (patient in a wheelchair) wheeling himself towards the elevators to go to an appointment. The woman noticed there were a lot of people walking right by him and not even asking him if he needed any help. The woman approached the man in front of some people and with confidence asked him, “Do you need someone to push your wheelchair?”. The man answered “Yes, please”. The man was so happy and appreciative for the “act of love” the woman showed to this world, by taking the time to help someone (a stranger) in need.

The Bible says “’You must love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind’. This the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: “‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.” Matthew 22:37-39.

What does this verse tell us? God is commanding us to not only to love Him, but love one another. Loving one another may be a process, but it is worth it in God’s eyes.
I looked the word “Love” in the Bible dictionary, love means the ultimate expression of God’s loyalty, purity, and mercy extended toward His people – to be reflected in human relationships of brotherly concern. What this is telling us? Again, love one another just as they are.

Loving one another may be easy or difficult for you. Remember, we all go through processes in our lives to help grow and mature in our journey of life.

A poem inspired by the Holy Spirit to share with you......

Love one another as God loves us;
Love one another as you love yourself;
Love one another by accepting each other for who you really are;
Love one another by building relationships;
Love one another with understanding;
Love one another through good and bad times;
Love one another with mercy and grace;
Love one another with love and compassion;
Love one another as God loves us;
by Maria Guzman

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I pray for these Ladies that are reading this blog at this moment. That they may realize that they are children of God and should love one another as you love us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

God Bless You Always,
Maria Guzman

I look forward to sharing with you again on Tuesday, March 2nd!

Wednesday's Blog: Ponnie "Single & Loving It"


Hola Mujeres,

Cuando escribí mi último blog "El Amor Inagotable de un Padre", compartiendo mi experiencia con el amor de Dios, me recordé que tenemos que amarnos unos a otros.

La Biblia nos dice: “Un mandamiento nuevo os doy: Que os améis unos a otros; como yo os he amado, que también os améis unos a otros.” Juan 13:34

Mujeres, tenemos que amarnos unos a otros como Dios nos ama. ¡"El uno al otro" cada persona! ¿Sé que algunas personas están pensando, tengo que amar a cada persona? Sí, así es. Dios te ama tal como tú eres, Él quiere que usted muestre a este mundo que usted es una niña de Dios y que puede amar a la gente tal como son.

Por ejemplo, había una mujer de Dios que vio a un hombre (paciente en una silla de ruedas) hacer girar él mismo hacia los elevadores para ir a una cita. La mujer notó que había mucha gente que pasaban por él lado del el hombre y nadie le preguntaba si él necesitaría ayuda. La mujer se acercó al hombre delante de algunas personas y con confianza le preguntó, “¿Necesita usted a alguien para empujar su silla de ruedas?”. El hombre contestó “Sí, por favor”. El hombre estaba tan feliz y apreciativo por “el acto de amor” que la mujer mostró a este mundo, tomando el tiempo para ayudar a alguien (un extraño) en necesidad.

La Biblia nos dice: “Jesús le dijo: Amaras al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, y con toda tu alma, y con toda tu mente. Este es el primero y grande mandamiento. Y el segundo es semejante: Amaras a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.” Mateo 22:37-39

¿Qué significa este versículo? Dios está mandando de nosotros, no sólo para amarle a El, pero el amor de unos a otros. Amar al otro puede ser un proceso, pero vale la pena en los ojos de Dios.

Busqué la palabra "amor" en el diccionario de la Biblia, el amor significa la máxima expresión de la fidelidad de Dios, la pureza y la misericordia extendida hacia su pueblo - que se refleja en las relaciones humanas de la preocupación fraternal. Lo que esto nos está diciendo, Una vez más, el amarnos unos a otros tal como somos.

Amar al otro puede ser fácil o difícil para usted. Recuerde, todos pasamos por procesos en nuestras vidas para ayudar a crecer y madurar en nuestro viaje de la vida.

Estaba inspirada por el Espíritu Santo a escribir este poema para ti,

Amémonos unos a otros como dios nos ama;
Amémonos unos a otros como a ti mismo;
Amémonos unos a otros aceptándonos unos a otros por quien realmente somos;
Amémonos unos a otros construyendo relaciones;
Amémonos unos a otros con entendimiento;
Amémonos unos a otros en tiempos buenos y malos;
Amémonos unos a otros con misericordia y gracia;
Amémonos unos a otros con amor y compasión;
Amémonos unos a otros como dios nos ama.
Por: María Guzmán

Señor Jesús, estoy orando por estas Mujeres que leen este blog en este momento. Que puedan darse cuenta que ellas son niñas de Dios y deberían amarse unos a otros como usted nos ama. En nombre de Jesús, Amén.

Dios te Bendiga Siempre,
María Guzmán

Monday, February 15, 2010

Love Your Body.....Love Yourself!

Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NLT)

Some people might find this as a big surprise, but I LOVE Valentine’s Day. Really, I do. I used to get very sad and disappointed over it in my younger days because I never had a Valentine but as I got older and became a mom, I began to see the day as a day to reflect on how much I love the special people in my life-my children, parents, siblings, niece and nephew and friends. This year I decided, the best gift of LOVE that I can possibly give to my family...especially my children... is the gift of a clean bill of health.

We (grandmothers, mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts etc,) always make sure that every one around us is well but we always seem to neglect ourselves. If one of my children even looks like they might not be feeling well, it’s off to the doctor we go! If I see one of my parents wincing in pain, I am immediately concerned and encouraging them to make a doctors appointment to have it checked out. However, I can’t even remember the last time I went to the doctor because I wasn’t feeling well. Why is that? Ladies, if you are anything like me, we have got to do better! We have to get to get healthy and stay healthy not just for us but for our loved ones as well. I don’t know about you but I want to be around for a long, long time. Not only do I want to get Fit by Forty but I also want to be Fabulous by Fifty, Sensational by Sixty...etc! I want to see my children grow up and I want to see my grandchildren grown up....but I don’t want to be a burden to them because I neglected my body, failed to take care of myself and affected my health as a result.

So this month, I would like to challenge all of us (yes, self included) to get ourselves checked out. I am guilty of being the type of person when it comes to preventive medicine who believes...the less I know the better I am. I also tend to “ignore” little signals that my body gives me that something might be wrong. Now that I am almost 40, I realize that is just my fear getting the best of me. I am slowly but surely falling into the mindset that it’s best to get it checked out and if necessary, get it treated. Most diseases or illnesses can be treated and cured if detected in its early stages and the only way that it can be detected is through medical screenings by a qualified medical examiner. So, this month, if you are like me and haven’t done so already, let’s have those screenings done and get things checked out. Let’s all be able to give our family members (and our selves) the assurance that we are all in good health.

Health experts from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force have made recommendations, based on scientific evidence, about testing for the conditions below. Talk to your doctor about which ones apply to you and when and how often you should be tested.

Obesity: Have your body mass index (BMI) calculated to screen for obesity. (BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight.) You can also find your own BMI with the BMI calculator from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute at:

Breast Cancer: Have a mammogram every 1 to 2 years starting at age 40.

Cervical Cancer: Have a Pap smear every 1 to 3 years if you:
Have ever been sexually active.
Are between the ages of 21 and 65.

High Cholesterol: Have your cholesterol checked regularly starting at age 45. If you are younger than 45, talk to your doctor about whether to have your cholesterol checked if:
You have diabetes.
You have high blood pressure.
Heart disease runs in your family.
You smoke.

High Blood Pressure: Have your blood pressure checked at least every 2 years. High blood pressure is 140/90 or higher.

Colorectal Cancer: Have a test for colorectal cancer starting at age 50. Your doctor can help you decide which test is right for you. If you have a family history of colorectal cancer, you may need to be screened earlier.

Diabetes: Have a test for diabetes if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Depression: Your emotional health is as important as your physical health. If you have felt "down," sad, or hopeless over the last 2 weeks or have felt little interest or pleasure in doing things, you may be depressed. Talk to your doctor about being screened for depression.

Osteoporosis (Thinning of the Bones): Have a bone density test beginning at age 65 to screen for osteoporosis. If you are between the ages of 60 and 64 and weigh 154 lbs. or less, talk to your doctor about being tested.

HIV: Have a test to screen for HIV infection if you:
Have had unprotected sex with multiple partners.
Are pregnant.
Have used or now use injection drugs.
Exchange sex for money or drugs or have sex partners who do.
Have past or present sex partners who are HIV-infected, are bisexual, or use injection drugs.
Are being treated for sexually transmitted diseases.
Had a blood transfusion between 1978 and 1985.

I have scheduled my health check appointments (yearly physical and mammogram) and I hope that if you have not done so already, you will do the same. In fact, why not do it today...right now? We ALL have got to get fit by my fortieth birthday! ~smile~

***On a side note, I realize that not everyone is blessed to have health insurance that will cover these exams. Please don’t let this hinder you from getting the tests that you need. There are many health clinics and organizations that will perform these tests for free or at a significant discount. If you are in need of any of these services, leave a comment and I will post the links for resources in your area.

In Christian Love, Sasha

My next blog will post on Monday, March 1st....until then be healthy!

Tuesday's Blog: Maria "Life Unscripted"

Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Love of a Teacher

Teacher….one that teaches; especially : one whose occupation is to instruct

I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, right after wanting to be a ballerina and a princess of course. I grew up admiring the numerous teachers that I knew and also admiring my mom since I was homeschooled. Teaching seemed like a dream job to me. At first my thinking was, “You get to be the boss and everyone has to listen to you!” But as I grew older I realized that teaching is huge responsibility because you are instructing and molding the minds of others.

One of the major things that I LOVE about my school is how caring the teachers are. Pretty much any teacher is willing to help you outside of class, they all offer free tutoring, and they give you their personal phone numbers and email addresses in case you need to reach them. I love that they are all willing to go the extra mile to ensure that you succeed. My teachers demonstrate on a daily basis how much they love and care for us and want us to be the best students that we can be.

Job 36:22 says “God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him?” God is the greatest instructor that we could ever have. God shows us how to live in His image everyday, and He is constantly testing us on what we know. I don’t know about you, but I have probably failed most of those tests. That’s why He left us a lesson plan for our lives, The Bible. Yeshua (Jesus) is also referred to as “teacher” numerous times throughout the New Testament. God sent Yeshua down to earth to teach us that we could not reach the Father but through Him. God is our ultimate teacher and I hope that we are all improving our grades on a daily basis.

However, there’s a big difference between our schools and God’s school. While you may be a bright intellectual and excel in certain area, in God’s school of learning, you can’t skip a grade. You may have to redo a lesson 10 times before you get it right. You may be spiritually in the 10th grade for six years if that’s what it takes for you to grow to where God wants you to be. There is no easy way out when it comes to what God wants us to learn, but I for one cannot wait until our eternal “graduation” when we can sit before the throne of God and know that we have pleased our Father.

As I am now looking at colleges, I have all intentions to major in early childhood education. I aspire to be as great a teacher as my teachers have been to me. God has instilled a love of children into my heart and I cannot wait to be a teacher. Even at the school where I internship now, I lovingly refer to the children as “my kids.” Have you thanked some of your past teachers for the influence that they have had on your life? Have you taken the time to thank your head instructor, God, for the lessons that He has instilled in you? Why not take a moment to let them know that they are appreciated.

Love ya,

I'm only doing one blog this month, so I'll catch you on Saturday, March 13th. Until then "Peace out!"

Monday's Blog: Sasha Brown "Healthy Lifestyles"

Tovah and Blanca of the singing group, "Group 1 Crew" at the 2009 Philadelphia "Revolve Tour"

Friday, February 12, 2010

Motivated By Love

There is no question that we all want to follow God wholeheartedly and do the things that are really pleasing to our Dad. Honestly though, we still find ourselves like Paul, doing that very thing we don’t want to do (Romans 7:18-19) or simply experiencing burnout in the continual effort. If you’re like me you’ve experienced success but you’ve also experienced crash and burn. I believe I have been experiencing the foundational answer to this dilemma. I guess at this point you’re saying, “I thought the theme was love”. Well you’re right. It’s all about love, God’s love as the fuel and passion for a life of consistent passion and drive. Please don’t turn a familiar eye and decide you’ve heard this before. Allow God to peel away some layers and uncover a new dimension of His love, affection and passion for us.

I have always been a pretty motivated person. I like to get things done. Through my years of high school, college and being in the work force and being a stay at home mom, it was embedded in my heart that my performance validated me and defined my value, defined who I was. A well-written paper, an aced exam, a year of good job performance resulting in a great work review or a spotless house made me feel great. I’d be motivated to keep doing my thing. On the flip side, a failed exam (yes I had some of those), or a reprimand from my boss (yeah, ok, I had some of those too), or a huge pile neglected laundry would deflate and depress me. Being a little more transparent, although I grew up in a great home, my esteem was lacking to say the least. In looking for love in all the wrong places (excuse the stolen lyrics) through my teen and young adult years it became even more damaged. A failed relationship would of course be my fault because I didn’t do enough or just wasn’t enough to make it work. After several of these experiences, I was kind of beaten down, but still trying to make things works because of course pressing forward and working hard was that way make myself valuable.

In 1983, I met Jesus and He brought me to a relationship with God. It was a relationship I had never thought possible where He said He loved me just for me. Awesome! Just what I had desired so desperately. In addition, He said it wasn’t about how hard I worked. Our relationship and connection was based solely on His mercy and grace. Wow! This was something unheard of and I welcomed this new relationship and threw myself into it. I was at church every time the doors were open, I read my bible and prayed and I hung out with other Christians. This was the life. Until the first time I didn’t do what I knew I was supposed to do. I forgot all about that love and acceptance God told me about and stayed far too long in guilt and depression. After a time, I would recover and begin to do the right things again. I would go on for a while and then miss a week reading my bible. That was terrible. I felt bad and it took me a minute to get on my feet again. Beginning to see a pattern? Well I didn’t. Even though I began to understand more and more about God’s grace and forgiveness, and didn’t feel the depth of disappointment in myself at failure, there was still that subtle desire to “do” to be really loved and accepted by God.

So here’s the dilemma, I knew I needed to obey God. His Word clearly says that I was supposed to do the things that are pleasing to Him. The bible is full of dos and don’ts and prohibitions. In theory, that worked fine for me because I knew how to get things done and make God happy with me. The “doing” however always put me back into that crazy cycle again. What my Dad has been letting me know is that I have been putting the proverbial cart before the horse, even after all these years, and I believe I’m not alone. God’s love is a powerful reality that includes deep desire, enjoyment pleasure and longing for us. This is the primary thing, the empowering thing that He wants to embed in our lives. He loves us, likes us, and pursues us. He just wants to be with us.

In St. John 17, Jesus prayed for the disciples to get a revelation of God’s love for them. This was the last time He was with them so what He prayed was His most important prayer for them. The people He was praying for were weak, immature yet sincere believers. These were people who argued about who was greatest and cut people’s ears off (well, just Peter, but you get the point). Jesus knew that in the months and years to come they would have to have a strong foundation to live for Him and where that strength would come from; the passionate love of the Father. The way that the Father expressed His love to them, the way He loves Jesus, is the only accurate measure by which we can understand what He feels about us. Sometimes this is difficult for us to consider because we see our immaturity and imperfection and conclude that we are somehow exempt from His love, favor and enjoyment. But, since God says He loves you the way He loves Jesus then you are marked by His love and you are the delight of His life (Matthew 3:17, The Message). You’re His favorite!

Now comes our response. As we choose to pursue His love, He responds and fills us with more ability to love and be loved. It only comes from Him. It is spiritually and supernaturally imparted. Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God”. The word “know” (Hebrew: yada) is a word that means so much more than knowledge as we understand it. The dimensions of this word are tremendous. It is the same word that is used in Genesis 4:1 where “Adam knew his wife”. While there are sexual connotations, it means so much more. God is saying slow down and intentionally spend time with me to get to recognize, understand, and experience Me and I will make myself known to you. He is calling us to an eternal love affair. Love based obedience is the strongest kind of obedience because it results in the deepest and most consistent action. God’s fulfillment intoxicates our hearts and makes us lovesick. A lovesick person will embrace and endure anything for the sake of love. Don’t misunderstand, “obedience by faith” or obedience without feeling God’s presence is still required in His Word. In other words, we must continue to obey God when we do not feel like it.

The fear of experiencing the negative consequences for disobedience is legitimate (nobody wants to be punished) but it is not enough to motivate us to consistently resist the pleasures of sin and continue in service for a lifetime. Motivation for a lifetime comes from being in love. Consider this example. There was a man who had to make regular visits to the veterans’ hospital with his ailing father. He watched the wonderful care and service the nurses provided for the patients. During his years of observation, he would sometimes encounter a nurse who fell in love with a patient. The level of tender service and care above and beyond the call of duty astounded him. It was service motivated by love. Still another example is a wife who is deeply cared for and loved by her husband. She will go out of her way to meet her husbands’ needs and desires, looking for opportunities to please him. The reward of a lover is the power to love. A lover does far more than a worker who is moved solely by fear or duty, and does not care for any reward except for the power to love. Do you know what happens when the worker becomes a lover? They throw away the checklist! A lover no longer needs a checklist.

Living a consistently godly life is not always easy but we all have access to success. Jesus knew that the only thing that would stabilize the disciples’ hearts was to know how God felt about them. This is the strongest revelation that can touch the human heart. Jesus gave them the revelation of His love to prepare them to love and serve God under the pressures of condemnation, disappointment, temptation, disillusionment, and persecution in their future service. He provides for us in the exact same way. From this day on, I pray you would follow my lead and make it the passion of your life to pursue a revelation of God’s love, affection for and enjoyment of you. Allow it to define your identity, impassion your heart and prepare you for a level of satisfaction and success you have never experienced before.

Love and Blessings,
Pam Davis

Pam Davis is Associate Pastor along with her husband Terry M. Davis (Senior Pastor) of Christ Community Church of Philadelphia. She has been married for over 20 years and is the mother of 3 beautiful sons. I have personally known Pam for close to 10 years, and my first impression of her was the expression of love that radiated from her. Being a single mom and a missionary in training I was looking for a church in my neighborhood that would show love to the “throw away” women I was reaching out to. I knew I was in a place that loved the first time she hugged me. Again Pam, thank you so much for joining us at “The Kitchen Table”. And we so look forward to the next time you come to sit with us!....Ponnie

Pam will be back in May as part of our 2 week special on "The Heart of A Mother".....we know you won't want to miss her!

Saturday's Blog: Tovah...Life of a high school junior