Friday, January 30, 2015

The Bondages of Christendom, Part 3…(Could You Not Tarry ‘Pray’ with Me One Hour?)

Prayer is the best conversation any of us can ever have. It is communication with the One who made us, the One who saved us and the One who abides in us. We should get excited just thinking about this! But that is not the case for everyone. I run into people who think prayer is boring? When asked, “Why?” often it is a lack of understanding of who God is, but mostly they have tried to follow some type of formula and felt it failed them. And I can relate to that!

When Jesus became Lord of my life—I was on fire—and wanted to be a big time Christian! Whatever the heck that was. At the time I had great zeal but no understanding, which can be a formula for disaster.

My new members class paired us up to be prayer partners. That was a big No, No! Why? We were basically all babes in Christ. I was blessed to be paired with a sister who was a private person like myself and suspicious of others. So, we agreed to touch base and pray about whatever? It worked, and we bypassed falling into the gossip trap. I don’t want to mislead you in anyway—I was one of the biggest gossips that ever lived! I was just selective as to whom I gossiped with, and I didn’t know these people. But as time went on this sister and I became friends and did share our broken pasts when we began to feel safe with one another. But over the years I’ve seen too many people wounded from gossip of things they shared with a so called “prayer partner”.

In the mid 80’s, Pastor Larry Lea wrote the book “Could You Not Tarry One Hour” and it took off like a wild fire. His ministry came to Philadelphia, PA and hosted a huge free dinner at one of the nicer hotels and I attended. Wow! It was something else—full of flash and fanfare! I joined their ministry and pledged money I didn’t have (and wasn’t sure I would be able to pay either), started watching his daily morning program and afterwards jumped into praying through the Model Prayer (click) touching on each point. Example: you start off with “Our Father” then you were to say all the Jehovah names in the Bible. And though he gave the definition of each name (Jahovah-jira, God my provider) they were just words to me. I had no point of reference yet as to God’s provisions for me, or even who He was.

Well, needless to say…I became bored and disillusioned with the whole mess. It was impossible for me to pray according to this man-made formula an hour each day. There was no joy whatsoever. In fact, I felt condemnation because again, I was not good enough. I couldn’t even spend an hour with God. I felt the shame that Peter and the two sons of Zebedee might have felt when Jesus found them sleeping and asked, “Could you not tarry one hour with me?” My disappointment and shame ran deep, so I just gave up!

I honestly don’t know if it was a year or 2 years, but for the longest time when reading my bible I would skip over the Model Prayer. I didn’t want to read it or hear it! Now that was a very bad place to be. But the blessing for all of us is—we serve a God who loves us through all the bad places we might find ourselves. Amen!

My pastor at the time started a 6:00am half an hour daily prayer at church. And he asked if I would be willing to participate and give a young sister a ride that lived near me? I agreed only because he asked me. But it turned out to be just want I needed. We started promptly and he took only about 3 minutes to direct us in what we were to pray about.  It was the fastest half an hour ever! For the first time as a Christian I found joy and purpose in praying.

Because I talk a lot about prayer, people have somehow tried to label me as a prayer warrior. Why? I have no idea. Reason being—what the heck is a prayer warrior? Where in the bible does it speak of certain people being prayer warriors? I’ve come to the conclusion that again, like so many things—we have made this up. In the Body we like to make up titles to make ourselves feel important or special. But the truth is—all of God’s children are important and special.

Now to me, Anna who for 84 years never left the temple and served God by praying and fasting, would be an ultimate prayer warrior if there ever was one, but she is referred too as a prophetess. It doesn’t look like she sent out a decree, “Calling all prayer warriors!” Nope, she did what she was called to do without fanfare of any kind, and what was her reward? She got to see the face of God. Luke2:36-38 (click)

Sisters knowing who we are in Christ Jesus gives us the confidence to believe God hears us just as He hears everyone else. And we can stop wasting the time of others with foolish and outlandish prayer request. Don’t ask me to pray that you get your garage door fixed. For one, I’m not going to do it. But I will pray that the Lord open your understanding. People would be surprised if they knew that most often I don’t pray what they request. When I’m asked to pray that someone gets a job they are interviewing for, I always pray God’s will be done and lift them up to wait on God’s perfect timing. I do this because if this is not the job God has for them, it is a waste of time to pray that they get it. But there is the possibility they might feel discouraged and disappointment when He says, “No.”

We need to stop wasting our time praying the foolish requests of others and pray their strength in the Lord. Pray that our brothers and sisters will come to an understanding in what it means to be seated in heavenly places with Christ. Oops! We have to know that for ourselves in order to pray it for someone else. 

Prayer is not just about our wants, desires and needs—it’s about our relationship with God. It is conversation. It is about trust and faith. It is about love and truth. It is a privilege and honor that we need to stop casting aside so easily, hoping others will do it for us.

The Bible tells us how to pray, what to pray for and how often to pray. It’s time to stop being complacent and lazy, and seriously develop our own prayer life with God. And we don’t need formulas; we don’t need to be seen and we don’t need a title. Amen!

I praise God that I have grown to the place where I can now tell Him my deepest thoughts and secrets and never have to worry about them being repeated or used against me. My growing faith in Him, allows me to trust Him with my life. I don’t have to be anxious or worried because He has given me an open ended invitation to come boldly to His Throne of Grace. I can cry out, “Help me Jesus!” and know that He is right there. I talk to the Holy Spirit all during the day, for He never leaves me. This is how prayer evolves for All of us.

Studying our Bibles is the key to knowing God and the benefits that are ours as His daughters. But it takes a made up mind and determination to develop that which He holds before us. There is great FREEDOM in your own personal relationship with God.

Do not allow anyone to put you in bondage of how you are to pray, how long and where. It’s relational. And I say this because there are still certain group prayers I don’t participate in. I do not enjoy group prayer where there is loud music and they are trying to get everyone all hyped up. I don’t like being told to recite “Repeat after me,” prayers—this is never settling to my spirit.

Prayer with God is special and personal, so don’t make light of it and allow others to rope you into how it should be done. Spend time with the Lord and work it out for yourself.

And there is one last thing I want to say, “We do not have to beg God for anything!”

Next week, The Bondages of Christendom (Part 4… Finding what your gift(s) are.)

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Bondages of Christendom (Part 2…To Tithe or Not to Tithe?)

I have meditated and prayed about this blog for weeks! The Holy Spirit has prompted me more than once to sit down and write, so today—His will be done.

The goal is to help us have a better understanding of giving money to God. To help those of us who feel condemned and hopeless because we don’t see how we can. And most of all to gain a better understanding of the God we serve and how relationship is everything with Him.

Did you know statistics show that only 5 percent of Christians in the U.S. tithe, with 80 percent only give 2 percent of their income? (Relevant Magazine) 

The main reason many Christians don’t tithe, is they feel they can’t afford it. And then there is the debate of 10% before taxes or after taxes? But, everyone who comes to Christ is not broke, poor or bogged down in debt—so why do they hang onto their money and not tithe?

Let’s take a quick look at some of the people who come to accept Christ, here in the USA on a daily bases. We have alcoholics, drug dealers and drug users, single moms, prostitutes, thieves, liars, murders, child molesters, rapist, porn stars, makers of porn, the elderly, the lonely, the hopeless, the abused, the scared, those living a homosexual life style, people shacked up with those they are not married to, adulterers, wife beaters, child beaters, and those burdened with debt and barely making ends meet.  And we know by the Word of God, the moment we accept Christ, we become a new creature. But what does that mean to them? Truthfully, in the beginning they don’t have a clue. I know I didn’t.

And if you are part of a church congregation, in most cases you are immediately hit with tithing. Not, what salvation really means for you and how it can change your life. No! How you need to tithe and all the bad things that will happen if you don’t and all the wonderful things that will happen if you do.
Several years ago, I received an urgent email from a sister-in-Christ, concerning her husband not going to tithe on his current paycheck. I asked if he had expressed a reason to why? Yes, he felt the family couldn’t afford it.  As is, he wasn’t going to be able to cover all the bills and purchase food for the next two weeks. My response was, “Pray for your husband, and allow him to be the head.” Come to find out, she had already gone to others (including her pastor) and we basically all told her the same thing. Yet, it was hard for her to accept our advice. Why?  Because she had been led to believe that God would all but curse her family because her husband was not tithing on this paycheck.

At the end of the blog, I’m going to give you a link to information that can be a good bible study.

Churches lead people into believing that if you tithe, you can stand on these wonderful promises (Based off scriptures pulled to fit the thinking. Yet it negates that God does not always accept the tithes and offerings of everyone.) So, this leads the wife beater and adulterer to think that if they bring a tithe each week, they are okay with God. Wrong! And it also leads those who don’t know God in His fullness to believe that after the Free gift of Salvation, He now demands that which in their eyes they don’t have and if you don’t give it, you will somehow miss out. How confusing is that?

How can we (the Church) expect those just entering the Kingdom to immediately understand who God is? At the moment of salvation does the prostitute really know that the power of the Cross has made her new and clean?  Does the man, who had sex with his own daughter, truly understand the forgiveness he has acquired through salvation? How long will it take him to forgive himself and beg forgiveness from his daughter? Only God knows the answer for each individual, but these are the things (the healings) that are foremost in the life of the new Believer.

If you are struggling with tithing, I want you to struggle no more!

Your relationship with God is #1 and it is not based on tithing. It is based on love and understanding.

Jesus says, “Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness” and don’t worry about those things we have need of. He doesn’t say, “You have to give your 10% if you want to keep what you have or have more!” Nope, he says no such thing.

Truth is…if you study the Word (for yourself) you will find that we are to give generously. Is a 10% mark generous? It might be for some and then it might not be for others. You see, it is between you and God how much you give.

And if you are one who does tithe, but with the expectation of what you are going to get out of it or somehow you can manipulate God into doing something you want—you are so wrong in your thinking and heart motivation.

Any time we feel condemnation or beat up in our church congregation, we need to really seek God about what is going on. Now if the Holy Spirit is telling you to do something and you don’t…that is not what I’m talking about here.

Jesus died that we might be free and that includes the bondage of legalism in the Church.

As our relationship with God grows, so does our trust, faith and understanding! Many things we struggled with in the beginning cease to be. How can you truly have a love relationship and not want to please the one you love? You can’t. So, in time, you will be able to do many things you didn’t think were possible in the beginning—but first get to know the God who saved you and just how much He loves you. Amen!

Giving is about faith. It is the same for “I can barely make ends meet person” as it is for the rich.

Here's the link I promised. Study and pray. Generous giving (click)  I pray you will be blessed with wisdom and understanding.

Next week Part 3, “Prayer…Could You Not Tarry with Me One Hour?”

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Bondages of Christendom (Part 1…Putting on the Whole Armor of God!)

In this series I will be sharing some of the places I have been in my Christian walk—places of bondage, guilt and condemnation. But first things first! As daughters of the King the last thing we should be experiencing in the Kingdom is “bondage, guilt or condemnation”.

The Savior of the world says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30)

“Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin. Now a slave has no permanent place in the family, but a son belongs to it forever. So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. (Jesus the Son of God is recorded saying this in John 8:34-36)

So if the Savior of the world set us Free from the bondage of sin in this world, why then would He place us back in bondage under the guise of being His disciple? He didn’t. But man has. In most cases not intentionally, but we still must be careful.

When I first decided to make Jesus Lord of my life, I was excited and very anxious to be a part of any and everything, so I latched onto the first things to come my way, and some caused me trouble—big time!
  •          Putting on the whole armor of God
  •          Could I not tarry (pray) for one hour
  •          Being at church every time the doors are open
  •          Reading the Bible through in one year
  •          Tithes and Offerings
  •          Finding out what your gift is
  •          Being on a ministry in your congregation
  •          Usurping authority over your husband

Please take a minute to read the whole armor of God, Ephesians 6:10-18 (click).

Over 20 years ago, a very prominent and well known minister on TV, taught about putting on the whole armor of God. He suggested we get up each morning and put on the different pieces to the suit of armor Paul describes. Now this pastor still has a weekly broadcast on TV and I love him because his bible teachings are sound, but like all of us—he only knows in part. (And truth be told, I haven’t heard him teach on putting on the armor of God that way in years.) But what did I do? I started getting up daily and putting on my armor. I was going to be ready for battle.

Every morning I would declare each piece as I acted out putting them on. But then life unscripted settled in and I didn’t do it every morning. And I would experience feelings of condemnation if I encountered difficulties on a day I skipped. And as time went on, I became bored with the routine of it all. It just became words I said and something I did. Why? Because I was just going through the motions of what I had been told to do without any understanding—at all.

As I began to study, I learned that the armor the soldiers wore back in Paul’s time was never taken off when they were in battle. They slept in it. They had to be ready at all times. Their camp could be attacked at anytime. Sound familiar?

Paul isn’t saying to get up each day and figuratively put on armor. No. He’s the one who told us that we are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus. Him, more than anyone knew the finished work at the Cross concerning our salvation. We all know he preached the gospel of peace. And did he not write that it is impossible to please God without faith, and give us the definition of what faith is? Yes he did!

You see sisters; we must study the Bible in its totality to understand. It is imperative!

As my understanding grew, I realized—Paul’s description of the “whole armor of God” is something we wear all the time—it is who we are—and we never take it off.

This past summer, I was invited to a small women’s fellowship at someone’s home. We had a wonderful time eating and laughing. But before it ended, we had a time of sharing and looking at a few things in the bible. And to my surprise a women who I know to love the Lord and be a mature Christian in many ways, shared with great enthusiasm and conviction how she gets up each morning and puts on the whole armor of God. And she also stated that when she forgot things didn’t seem to go well. It was at that point I realized we are still doing things without understanding or asking questions.

It also seems we overlook the biggest part of what Paul is saying here. We wrestle not with flesh and blood! His focus is on the wiles of our enemy and places of attack. And having done all we can do, we are to stand strong in our confidence in the Lord—and pray. And who are we to pray for?

When we look at the ministry of Christ, we see, one of His biggest problem was with the leaders and the burden they put on the people. When I look around, I still see much of that today. But there is one difference…we have the bible!

Sisters, don’t fall into the trap of doing things mindlessly. It is impossible to take off the righteousness of God at night and have to put it on again each day. It is who we are once we enter into the Kingdom of God. Its okay to question what someone tells you to do? We should be fact checkers and not just take someone’s word of this is how it is.

If you are a Believer and feel burden in your Christian walk because of rules or regulations and such…it is time to step back and talk to God about it. There is no reason for us to be bound up in legalism or any other form of bondage. That is not the ministry of our Lord. He died that we might be FREE!

Next Week: The Bondages of Christendom (Part 2…To Tithe, or Not To Tithe?)

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, January 9, 2015

Who Are You?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and asked yourself, “Who you are?” Do you ever wonder why we ask each other what we do when we first meet someone? Or people feel the need to tell you what they do even when you don’t ask? It’s because the world has a standard of judging us by what we do, versus who we really are.

Take for instance you’re a medical doctor. When you disclose this fact, most people are impressed because it takes years to become a doctor.  But what they don’t know is you cheat Medicare through bogus billing, and write drug prescriptions for money. So what does that make you? It makes you a thief and a drug dealer. See, education or training is not who we are—just something that we do. Where many perceive being a doctor as a very noble profession, it does not make you a noble or honest person. In fact, there are thieves everywhere—even in the pulpit.

As daughters of the King, we are not only royalty seated in high places with Christ—we are ambassadors for our Father on this earth. And there is no degree we can receive from man that will ever be able to top our ambassadorship.

Contrary to what the world has tried to brainwash us into believing—what we do for a living is not who we are. And this is important for us to understand. It will help us not to be proud and puffed up by the degree or letters we may have behind our names. God is not impressed.

I’m a writer—that’s what I do. But who I really am is a bridge to God. That is my assignment in the Body of Christ.

The Harbor Bridge in Sydney Australia (pictured top left) is a great tourist attraction.  But there are certain restrictions and steps one must take before you are allowed to cross. First you have to go online and schedule a time and pay close to $300, American dollars, per person for the privilege. And that is just for starters. If you are more than 24 weeks pregnant, you cannot climb. You must be 10 years of age or older. They have you take a breathalyzer test when you get there to make sure you are not intoxicated and a few other things. I’m sure some of you are still thinking about what you could do with $300. I know I am. LOL!

See this little bridge over here to the right, that’s the type of bridge I am. Easy. Something even little children would cross.

The Harbor Bridge is very daunting to say the least and those who have a fear of heights can only admire it from afar, and children under the age of 10 aren’t even allowed on it. That’s the way it is for many when it comes to God—they are afraid, and not in a good way. They're afraid of rejection. They don’t understand the “Free” gift of salvation and forgiveness. They feel the things they have done in life makes them unqualified for redemption. I’m one of the ones who God has chosen to tell them the truth and help them cross over to Him.

So, no matter what may come or change in my life (apart from death or something very debilitating), I will always be a bridge to God. It is not what I do, it is who I am.

Now you might ask, “How did I come to be a bridge to God?” Well, for starters…God took all the bad things in my life and truly worked them for the good.

I can encourage others to not give up—because I know what it is to cling to God like a wet tee-shirt in the darkest hours of life. I have lived in the “Bondages of Christendom” and came out on the other side, all the more wiser and freer. I have been forgiven much and therefore have learned to love much. I’ve made up my mind to trust God, believe what the Bible says (not what man has told me it says), and above all else—agree with God! Because of these things (and many more) God has made me to be a bridge to Him. See, it doesn’t take a degree to be who God has deemed us to be.

Point is…we are ALL something special in the Kingdom of God. We all have a special place and job to do in the Body of Christ.

Maybe you are one who is full of compassion, or a very generous person. Compassion and generosity have nothing to do with how educated one is or what title or position you hold. And no matter what stage of life you may be in—compassion will always be a part of you, because that is who you are. Make no mistake, generosity is not just about giving money or things…it is so much more. So, even if you find your funds to be depleted, you will still be generous in other ways, because circumstances cannot dictate who we truly are.

I’m going to ask you again, “Who are you?” Yeah, it is something to really think about! J

Knowing who we are, according to God’s great work in us—is a FREEDOM many of us have yet to discover or experience. I am praying that will change in the next few weeks.

Starting next week I’m beginning a series called “The Bondages of Christendom” I hope you will tune in each week; it’s going to be some good stuff!

Next week—The Bondages of Christendom (Part 1 – Put on the Whole Armor of God)

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Thursday, January 1, 2015

My New Year’s Blessing for You!

We are instructed to bless those who curse us, but we should also bless those of the household of faith. But it seems more and more, we have become judgmental, critical and envious of one another. Our jealousy seems to curse the things that God does in the lives of our brothers and sisters, and this should not be. So, for this New Year—I want to speak blessings into your lives my dear sisters—desiring only the best for you.

My prayer and hope is that all of you will spend more time seeking God in 2015, and that you will not put anything before Him in establishing a sound and intimate relationship with Him.

I pray you will study your Bibles with a hunger and thirst that you have never experienced before. And may your eyes be opened to the truths you have not seen before, so that you can begin to truly know the God who has made you, the God who has saved you and the God who lives within you.

My prayer for all is that you will no longer makes excuses as to why you don’t have time to spend with the One who cares for you. And that you will do whatever it takes to seek Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength.

I pray that you will not live one day in 2015 where you don’t think about Him or meditate on His Word. But most of all—I pray that you will not only fall deeply in love with your Creator, but you will bow down and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

May your heart be so full of love and obedience that you arise each day with a beckoning desire to please and serve Him—no matter what it may cost you.

My sweet sisters…my earnest prayer for you is that you come to see God in His fullest! That He will no longer be the god someone has convinced you that he is, or one you have conjured up in your mind. In other words—stop trying to fit Him in a box, or the confines of your minds. And learn to see His greatness in the everyday aspect of your daily living.

I pray that the words, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress; My God, in Him I will trust,” will not just be something you recite, but that you will be able to say them with the utmost confidence and trust, because you have found the “secret place” through a deep personal relationship with Him.

May you take too heart the “secret to contentment” that Paul discovered and shared with us (see Philippians 4:11-13 NIV), so that your days can be filled with words of Thanksgiving, versus those of worry and doubt.

There is no need for New Year’s resolutions or goals, other than to have a made-up mind, to get to know God better—that alone will cover anything you have need of, desire or want to change.

And above all else—do not just be readers of the Word, but doers of the Word you are reading—for obedience is key. Let us obey in letting go of old hurts and wrong turns, and learn to bless those who curse us and walk in the love of God to the lost and hurting.

May God bless you exceeding abundantly above all that you could ask or think in your pursuit of getting to know Him and what His Kingdom is all about!  May you know the fullness of the finished work of the Cross! And may you grow strong in your faith in God and all that He says, and all that He promises. And last but not least—when times are hard, may you be able to stand, believing beyond a shadow of a doubt—that God is working for your good and He loves you unconditionally—no matter what! AMEN!

Until next week,

Love, Hugs and blessings,