Friday, February 26, 2016

Give Us This Day, Our Daily…….

Jesus not only gave us a model of how we are to pray (Matthew 6:5-15), but He also instructs us not to concern ourselves with the things of tomorrow because there are enough worries in each day. (Matthew 6:34) But you know what conclusion I’ve come to about this—we don’t listen!

Today is day #24 of a 30 day journaling experiment my bible teacher has a small group of women doing. Each night we are to review our day looking at the things we had no control over and how it affected us, and our responses to the situations. We must also review if our behavior or attitudes were pleasing or displeasing to God. At the end of the 30 days we will go back over what we have written and look for progress, problems and areas we find ourselves stuck in.

Though I have yet to go back over anything, I am seeing a pattern of something not so good. And that is “Keeping records of wrong.”

There is one constant in life…we have no control over what other people do or how they react! So why is it we allow some of their foolishness to get under our skin? And why do we allow them to steal our joy is a better question?

I made up the list in the top left corner, and chose those particular things because they are so common and in many ways trivial. Yet we allow them to become mountains when in truth they start out as ant hills or small mosquito bites—annoying, but nothing major. (click on the picture to see it better)

This morning I found myself crying out to the Lord, “How do we not keep a record of wrong?! And especially when the offender continues to wrong you?” 

I’ve had an issue for the past several months, and I thought I had come to grips with finally moving forward. It really made sense, because so much of it was out of my control. And truthfully I was much happier for it. Being upset with people is a definite joy killer.

But for the past 3 days, I found myself falling backwards. And as I began to journal the situations, I could see key words popping up, “Again, blah, blah, blah!” “As usual, they!” The words, again, always and as usual or record keeping introductions. It tells that this has happened before and often more than once. Ever start off an argument with, "You always?" Always, is a record keeper, and an inadequate one at that, because no one "always" anything. 

Now of course I could have added more serious offenses on the list, but I wanted us to take a look at the sneaky little foxes that can cause us big problems.

Do we keep records on our own, or do we get some help from our enemy? I think it’s both.

When we walk in unforgiveness, we make the choice to keep the record with us daily. When we purpose to forgive and let go, our enemy is more than happy to remind us of the past, the minute they do something again.(Just as he taunts us with our own past mistakes and wrongs.)

Putting a period at the end of each day in forgiveness and letting go is not so easy. And I say this because that same person can piss you off the next morning before you get out of bed. It can be your spouse, one of your children or someone on the other end of the phone or email. In fact, you can be in the shower minding your own business, when, bam! That sneaky little devil has you thinking about yesterday and what you should have said to them and yada, yada, yada!

My mistake was I allowed myself to get to a place where the list and record were long. And I’m learning the key to a quick victory—don’t let it get to that place. But of course hindsight is 50/50.

If you read the list, I’m sure there is at least one person who comes to mind. I mean, who hasn’t met a bossy sister with a takeover spirit? Our church congregations are full of them. Oh, and selfish and self-centered. Apart from Christ, that is everyone. I’m sure we have probably all encountered people in our lives who have tricked us, taken from us; lied to us and mistreated us in some way or another. It’s called—life!

When I was finally able to forgive my mother and her years of abuse, she was long gone. She didn’t have the opportunity to do anything else to me. And when that sneaky devil would show up to remind me of our past, I’d tell him to take a hike in Jesus name! Guess what girls, it still works today. The Bible tells us to resist him and he will flee. Yes, he will be back, but each time we should make it harder and harder for him, until he has to come at us for something new. And that is growth!

If you have someone in your life who takes up a good portion of your thought life during the day (and not in a good or positive way), it’s time evaluate why? Are you struggling to forgive, and it seems like every time you turn around there is another offense or slap in the face from them?

The bad news is—you’re stuck. The good news is—you can become unstuck!

That is the beauty and one of the many wonders of God, He is not going to command us (forgiveness and walking in love are commands), to do anything, He is not going to help us achieve. But be clear my dear sisters—it is work!

You’re going to have to sit down with God and go through the rubble—daily. “Give me this day, my daily help for the desire to forgive. Give me this day, a not so touchy spirit. Give me this day, what I need to walk in love. Give me this day, the help I need in not bringing yesterday into today. Give me this day, the ability to start with a clean slate on the wrongs of others, as you have given me.” 

For me, I’ve come to the realization that I don’t like the person. Close your mouths, its okay. As a Believer, we are not going to like everyone who crosses our path (no more than everyone is going to like us.), but we are commanded to treat people a certain way. I’ve been pretty good in that area, but since God judges the heart—I’ve had my share of failures in front of Him. The biggest part for me, I feel I was duped. And I let all the little offenses pile up, until I had a mountain before me. But there has been a great lesson here for me. For one, I should have been more diligent in the beginning, when things started heading in the wrong direction. And when I say “Diligent,” I am referring to the protection of my heart and mind. Yeah, I was duped, but that was out of my control and I should have trusted God with it.

I have good news! The Lord quickly answered my prayer  this morning, “You can’t do it without Me!” He said. Of course, I already knew that, but it seems I still need that daily reminder. Amen!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, February 12, 2016

I Have Too Much Going On!

From the title you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Do I have too much going on because I am busy? Is my life chaotic to the point it’s just too much?

Nope! None of the above.

I have too much going on to not walk in love!

Pretty sure this is not what you thought I was talking about or where I was going.

Sometime last week I decided to write a blog about walking in love since many of us would be celebrating Valentine’s Day this coming weekend. But unbeknownst to me, I didn’t know I would have fresh material to work with.  ~Smile~

In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he reaffirms that we are saved by faith through Christ Jesus. At the time there was conflict in the Church concerning being circumcised or uncircumcised. In Galatians 5:6 (AMP), he sums it up pretty good, “For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated and expressed and working through love.”

The biggest thing I’ve walked away with from this scripture and translation is that love activates our faith! And since there is always a flip side to scripture, it also tells me that when we don’t walk in love (are at odds with others, unforgiving) it effects or hinders our faith. And right now in my life, I have too much I’m believing God for (standing in faith) to not walk in love!

Over the years in my blogs, I’ve talked a lot about forgiveness and unforgiveness. And that’s because so many of us have issues and hurts from the past we need to deal with. But not everyone—some of us have dealt with the past. And that’s a good thing. But! There is always today. In other words…the new stuff.

Have you ever experienced a day that started off pretty normal and life is going along when “BAM!” life unscripted blindsides you? If you’ve lived any time on this earth, I’m sure you have. And most often it is at the hands of someone you know or even love.

Betrayal is in the top 5 of, “Somebody done me wrong.” And it is a hard one to swallow, especially if it’s a spouse, family member or one you consider to be a friend. And when it’s family it can get really messy. I’m sure some of you have experienced a family member doing something that may not affect you directly, but did your child, spouse, parent or sibling, and you experience the ripple effects of the pain. Families are split because of the actions of one all the time. It’s something our enemy is good at doing. His first attack on family was Cain and Able. Eve was the first mother to have to bury a child.

But if he can’t kill us, then he is happy to separate and divide us. Eve also lost Cain.

But, here’s the deal my dear sisters—we have too much to lose by not responding as we are commanded to.

This week, I had to make a quick decision as to how I was going to handle a situation that involved a family member doing something wrong to one of my children. As a mother, I was upset. But as a child of the King—I took it to Him.


Because I have too much going on to allow my faith flow to be blocked by anger, unforgiveness and strife. Since love energizes our faith then it stands to reason that disobedience affects our faith in the negative.

I don’t know about you but I have things I’m trusting God to work out and change for me. For one I’m waiting on my body to lineup with the Word of God and be healed—completely! But how can we stand boldly before Him when we’re involved in strife? We can only do that with a clear conscience.  

Of course I’m not the only one standing in faith. Some of you are waiting for God to heal your marriage, your body, your finances, and your family. You want to go to college, get a new job, or move. You desire to be married or have a baby. So be careful, because when life unscripted shows up, one little thing (that foothold) can set you off course and affect your faith. 

This is why I say, “I have too much going on!” I have too much right now set before God, to get caught up in anything He is not the author of.

Family is tricky, and especially if our history with them is not necessarily a good one. But I tell you this my dear sisters, “The faster we obey God, the less power sin (or our enemy) has over us.”

How am I handling this painful situation? I’m praying blessings for the one who is doing the wrong—just like Jesus commands me to do. And yes, initially I wanted God to swiftly do something to them (they are starting their own business), but if we really want vindication in any given situation, we must do things God’s way.

There are two reasons I quickly agreed with God to handle this His way. One, I love God and want to please Him. Second, purely selfish motivation…I have too much going on to allow this to hinder me or my faith.

The love walk in the Kingdom is multifaceted to say the least, but it’s to be the lifestyle of the Believer. Our Messiah was betrayed, and knew Judas would be the one, yet He still loved him.

Best reminder for us when life unscripted shows up at the hand of another…first, God allowed it, and we wrestle not with flesh and blood. (Ephesians 6:12 click)

What do you have going on that’s worth protecting through love?

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

Friday, February 5, 2016


Yesterday on Facebook, I read a poster which said, “I never knew how strong I was until I had to forgive someone who wasn’t sorry and accept an apology I never received.” It made me stop and think for a minute because like so many things in this world—it had a piece of truth to it.

The whole truth is, Jesus commands us to forgive whether the person is sorry or not, it is impossible to accept something that is never given—and we are not strong enough to do it without Him. Therefore a more accurate quote would be, “I have to forgive, even when there is no apology.”

Now, some of you may not agree with me about us not being strong enough to forgive on our own, but I will still stand by what I’m saying. And that’s because just about every woman I talk to who is unhappy or sad—has a root of unforgiveness in their lives. Saved and unsaved! And if it was so easy and we are so strong, why is it a command? Why is it talked about so much in the Bible?

To have unforgiveness in your heart is like having untreated and undiagnosed cancer. It spreads and metastases itself to other body parts, causing them to malfunction and stop doing their job. Yes, that’s exactly how unforgiveness works spiritually.

Jesus says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” (Matt 6:14-15) Now, that is some heavy stuff. Oh, but He doesn’t stop there, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matt 5:443-44)

How can we pray for someone and still keep a record of wrong against them in our hearts? We can’t! It’s impossible. I know this to be a fact, because I have been there.

An unforgiving heart is a very sick heart, just like a natural one. When your heart is diseased or has clogged arteries…it doesn’t do the job it was created to do. Your body is weak, you don’t get the oxygen in your blood that you need and so many other things that affects your everyday quality of life. Some hearts are in such bad shape, a transplant is necessary. The same goes for us spiritually.

A malfunctioning heart which is filled with unforgiveness, affects our everyday quality of life in the Kingdom and on this earth. For one, we start each day behind the 8-ball. It takes a lot of work and effort to drag around the baggage that holds, all the wrongs we can’t let go. And to top it all off…it's a joy thief!

Listen up girls, life is hard! In fact it can be almost hellish at times. But, and this is a big BUT; Jesus has made a way for us. His death on the Cross paid the debt we think people owe us for the wrongs they have inflicted on us. It is covered by the Blood!

I don’t care what you have been through, it is covered and it’s time to relinquish the pain and hurt.

Relinquish, n…voluntarily cease to keep or claim; give up. Synonyms: renounce give up/away, hand over, let go of.

This means, forgiving the person who raped you (father, stepfather, brothers, uncle, teacher, acquaintance or strangers). Forgive the one who murdered your child, mother, father, sister, brother, husband or friend. Forgive the years of abuse from your spouse or parents. Forgive those who lied on you, stole from you, used and abused you in ways most people can’t imagine. You must forgive the mother who pimped you out for her drugs. Or the father who did the same so his parole officer wouldn’t send him back to jail. You must forgive and let go of the memory of when you walked in on your husband and best friend having sex in your bed.

Just think about it, after all the Messiah experienced at the Cross, He still asked God to forgive. Who are we to deny Him? Who are we to hold a record of wrongs and drag them with us everywhere we go? Who are we (who say we love Him), to disobey Him? To totally disregard His command to forgive and to pray for those who have done us wrong. Where do we get off?

There is always a price to be paid for sin and disobedience. And starting off and ending each day with the baggage of unforgiveness, cost us a lot. It cost us joy, but mainly a good and solid relationship with God. And it impacts every relationship we have. It is a tainted filter and nasty little devil for sure.

Maybe the one you need to forgive is dead and gone. It really doesn’t matter to them, one way or another, but you are still alive and on this earth and though they are free from the mess, your unforgiveness still holds you prisoner. Does living in a self-made jail make sense to you? Well, it shouldn’t. But unforgiveness does hold us captive in many ways.

I challenge you to spend time meditating on Matthew 6:14-15. Read it in as many different translations as has if you need too and really think about what Jesus is saying here. I think this is one of the most overlooked or ignored scriptures, Jesus said himself. 

God is in the heart business. He is the One who can turn a heart of stone into one of flesh. He is also the One who is close to the brokenhearted and will take the sick, weak and diseased heart of unforgiveness and make it like new. But, (and there’s that but again), we have to be willing to relinquish our hearts to Him. And like any good surgeon, He will not operate without permission.

Sisters, if you stay in the scriptures…it will change your life! Amen!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,