Sunday, January 25, 2009

What did Jesus mean when He said.........

What did Jesus mean when He said, "Have faith in God?" I would like to share the great reminder I had this week, to really Believe not only that God can, but that He really will.

As most of you know by now, I am in the process of becoming a foster mom for pregnant teens. It has been a world wind of things to do and paperwork to complete since the week of Christmas, and in the beginning, I had no problem feeling that God would provide all that was needed. I'm sure that many of you can relate to that feeling of everything is going to be just fine......that is until the rubber starts to meet the road and things get tough.

I have a bedroom that is a lovely neutral paint color, with 3 windows that brings in lots of sunshine and is large enough for crib, 2 dressers (mom’s and baby's) a twin bed, rocking chair, bookcase, night table and lamps. And it still will not be overcrowded to say the least. Only thing though.....I don’t have the furniture or the monies to buy any of it. But I must have most of these things in order to pass inspection and certification before my new foster daughter comes to live with us. Now here is where it got a little sticky. I gave away my nice living room set (per instructions of the Lord, because I wanted to put the furniture in storage) and I have yet to get a sofa and tables almost 2 years later being in our new home. So in one of those deep crevices of my heart, I wasn't completely sure God would furnish the room, even though there is no doubt that He can.

Two weeks ago I started my mandatory training and the first day was so intense that my head was swimming. This was a great opportunity for doubt to creep in. My dear sisters I tell you....when God has given you something to do make sure you fight off doubt the moment it rears its ugly head, or it will consume your fire to do what the Lord has said. The second day of training was not as intense, but again, doubt was crouching at the door waiting for me as I exited the building. But God's provision of me encouraging a woman who was also taking the training (she is a believer) as she gave me a ride home, lifted any doubt I was entertaining myself. I later received a call from a friend of a friend offering me a bedroom set. She had not planned to let it go until April, but will give it to me the first week in February. I have not seen it yet, but I know this person and feel it will not be junk. Also, I know that God is the giver of good and perfect gifts.

Wednesday of last week was my last training day, and by then I wasn't sure about being a foster mother. We live in a society that gives young people the legal right to make decisions they are not ready to make and I left feeling that I might become a prisoner to this person....and that I know I couldn't take. So, I really had a heart-to-heart with the Lord and asked Him to please show me that this is really what I'm supposed to be doing. I wasn't going any further until I heard from Him. Well, He knows that time is of the essence for whomever He has picked for me so He didn't waste anytime in erasing the doubt and fear I seemed to be succumbing too. The very next morning at 9:10am, I received a call from Tovah's doctor's office. (I had left a message the week before on her voice mail that I was running into a problem scheduling an appointment without keeping Tovah out of school.) The person that called me had only gotten a little information from her doctor and wanted to know why the appointment was necessary since Tovah had just had a physical in August and was up-to-date on all her shots. I explained that she needed a TB test and I had forms that had to be filled out by the doctor because I was becoming a foster mom. She said, "That is wonderful!" I said something like, "I hope so?" and then I went on to explain how the training had left me with doubts. She asked if she could share something with me and when I gave her that opportunity she told me she had been a foster child. She loved her foster mother and was now a Believer. She also encouraged me that there are many girls out there who will be glad to be in my home and will welcome all that Tovah and I have to give. Now who but God could have orchestrated that?

When I got off the phone with her I had the peace and reassurance I was looking for. Then less than four hours later I received a call that someone was giving me money (an amount that will really help with the many other things I need quickly). I don’t even know this woman. A friend of mine told her about me and she wanted to be a blessing.

I have spent the last couple of days reflecting over the past few weeks and I can see now that because I hadn’t gotten things when I would have liked them, or it seemed that maybe I wasn't going to get them at all, my faith began to waver. But most of all, I had forgotten that 16 years ago when I had a 2 month preterm baby and had nothing for her, how God had provided everything she needed and more. My sister got a beautiful secondhand crib, and playpen (the real kind, not those little things they have now) for her, and friends and coworkers went out and bought everything from crib sheets, blankets, preemie outfits, bottles, car seat, and my brother-in-law even bought her a bunch of toiletries, hairbrush and comb. I am not proud to say that I had forgotten this wonderful truth that He is the same God of miracles today, as He was back then. But I am happy that through love the Holy Spirit reminded me of my oversight.

When Jesus said, "Have faith in God" or as another translation says, "Believe God!" He meant for us not to doubt even when things look impossible. As Believers we often have no trouble believing that God has the power to do anything He says He can, but I think we get into trouble believing that He will do it for us.

I will be taking pictures of how the room looks now (full of junk and a portable closet) and what it will look like at the end of my faith in God. ~Smile~

Be encouraged my dear sweet sisters to keep listening to the words of our Lord..."Believe God!!" Please feel free to share your experience where you knew it could only be God directing things, so that we all may be encouraged or share that you are experiencing a tough time believing God right now so that we can pray for you.

Blessings & Love
A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Heart Healthy Diet......anyone?

Phew....the holidays have come and gone and now with the New Year upon us we are faced with a barrage of commercials from all the weight loss centers with their products, the quit smoking aides, fitness centers, gym memberships and so on! Ever since last year when I started eating differently and walking 6 days a week, the one thing that has really stuck in my mind is a "Heart Healthy" way of eating or diet. I use Diet not in the sense of dietary changes to lose weight for a given period of time, but as to eat food. We all have some type of diet, but that does not equate to eating a special diet for weight loss. A heart healthy diet is a daily diet (to eat food) that is high in fiber, fruits, vegetables, and low in fat.

We should be very concerned what effect our lifestyles and diet have on our hearts. Our stress levels, alcohol consumption, foods high in fat, sodium and sugars, not enough sleep, lack of or too much exercise, and obesity, which puts a great strain on our hearts and sets us up for high blood pressure and strokes. Once the heart has a problem it affects your entire body, well being and state of mind. Guess what my dear sisters? So does the spiritual heart of man when it has problems. That is what I want to talk about today. How good are our spiritual “Heart Healthy” diets?

Have you ever had to take a stress test on a treadmill? If so then you know that if you are out of shape all sorts of things happen. For one, your blood pressure can raise to dangerous levels, you may not be able to catch your breath and you heart rhythm starts to race, which is far from normal. The end result will usually lead to recommendations from your doctor to change your diet (foods that you eat) and lifestyle. The same goes for our spiritual hearts. Trials and tribulations become our treadmills in life and out of our hearts will flow the issues of life and they show us (and others) where we are spiritually on handling life's disappoints and tests.

Just as in the natural we are told to watch what we eat to protect our hearts and cholesterol levels, so the Word of God tell us to protect our spiritual hearts against the wickedness of this world and our old ways. In the natural we are instructed that in order to receive great benefits from a heart healthy diet we must exercise and eat the right foods on a daily bases, so also dose the Bible tell us the same thing for our spiritual hearts. Matthew recorded Jesus as saying, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” The Bible tells us that we are to meditate on this Word day and night. And after we meditate (think on those things) they should be written on our hearts so that when we have a spiritual stress test, we have a spiritual heart that will fear not, will trust in the Lord, leaps for joy (no matter what the circumstances) is full of song and praise and does not give into the fleshly way of handling things.

Sometimes in the natural we may require open heart surgery, a bypass, a pace maker inserted or even a heart transplant to help correct problems such as heart disease, clogged arteries, irregular arrhythmias and other aliments which can affect the heart. Well, in the spirit realm we often need surgeries that only God and His word can perform. Some of the most common ailments we suffer are, a proud heart; a heart that is harden, a grudging heart, despairing heart, a disobedient heart and a heart that has turned away from the Lord. And to top it all off Jeremiah tell us, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” Hum!

I would have to say a good remedy for a deceitful heart is one of David's prayers, "Create in me a clean heart oh Lord" or "Let the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight.” God promises that He will turn the heart of stone into one of flesh and also promises that if we delight ourselves in Him, He will give us (place in us) the desires of our heart (those things that will please Him). He also heals the broken and downtrodden heart too.

Just as eating a high fiber diet loaded with fruits, vegetables and low in fat, will render a healthy heart and body that will give you more energy, a better outlook on life and sense of wellbeing, so will a daily diet of the Word of God. Being around people who love the Lord, brings added joy too. Proverbs tells us that (NIV) “A cheerful heat is good medicine”, (KJV) “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” So get into your Bibles every day, get around people who make you laugh until tears roll down your checks, and above all else, diligently guard your heart (keep it from those things that make you doubt the Lord our God)!

There is nohting more important than our spiritual heart, and the reason I say that is because Romans 10:9, tells us that if we “Believe with our Heart” that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, we will be saved. Wow! That says it all.

If you have a moment, share how you plan to make 2009 a more heart healthy year for you. I would like to hear spiritually and naturally. It is all good and we can inspire each other to make change.

If you want to read some of the many things the Bible says about our hearts, start with the book of Deuteronomy and Psalms. You will be inspired and corrected at the same time. ~Smile~

Love & Hugs