Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let it Rain, I Don’t Care!

Hello Everyone,

I am glad you returned! Come join me at the table. Before we start our visit I must confess something to you that I hope will not cause you to look at me differently. Well here it goes. I do not have a kitchen table. You see I wanted an eat-in kitchen but I gave it up to have a front porch and a backyard. Please don’t leave. You are more than welcome to sit with me at the dining room table. Sit have some tea and cookies, they’re chocolate chip. Okay now that that’s settled let’s begin.

About a week or two ago on a Thursday morning I was awakened by the sound of my bedroom window rattling. The weather outside was wild. It was cold, rainy and gale. Gale? It means a strong wind. Yeah this is one of those words both Brandon and I learned while home schooling. No I did not know what it meant prior, so what! Well, while listening to the weather I began to think about not so long ago, the 2008-2009 school year when Brandon was in first grade. It felt like at least once or twice a week the weather was horrible. Brandon, Christian and I would walk to school in unfavorable weather. It seemed that every puddle we came to Christian would step into and somehow I managed to step in as well. We would come home with wet shoes socks and pants. I remembered waking one morning and telling Brian before he left for work, “That’s it! Brandon is NOT going to school today!” To which he responded, “Rain, you’re going to keep him home because of rain?” Then he said, “Okay whatever you want.” This statement along with the idea of keeping my kid out of school simply because of some water, albeit a lot of water made me feel guilty so we were wet yet again.

As I thought about last year I began to thank the Father that I DID NOT have to go out in this weather. This may not seem like a big deal to most but to those who are considering homeschooling and have to deal with walking in inclement weather often, let this be a lure to join me on this side, LOL. Thinking about the weather prompted me to think of other perks to home schooling. So here is a list of my top ten reasons I like home schooling. Keep in mind that some of the items will be Brandon’s reasons too.

Top Ten Reasons Why I Like Home Schooling

10. The wonder of the snooze button. I do not have to get up at the crack of dawn to take the kids
to school.
9. Its casual every day. If I do not want to get dressed until noon so be it.
8. Me time. I do not have to make lunch and iron uniforms at night, which leaves time to… (Feel
free to fill in the blank).
7. Ka-ching! I can use the money I would have spent on uniforms on something else like paying off
debt so I can prepare for college (Sharon would be so proud).
6. Early dismissal. At times school is over at 12:00 (of course Brandon loves this).
5. NO HOMEWORK YAY! I like that there is No homework or crazy projects that teachers assign
that parents end up doing most if not all of the work (I do not need to tell you who appreciates
the no homework).
4. Field trips. Sometimes we can go bowling, to a museum or to the store in the middle of the day.
3. Teacher prep time. There are times of the day when I need quiet in order to ”prepare” so the
kids can’t talk to me.
2. Oh yeah, I like that I am being reacquainted with information I once learned because I feel
smarter already (Okay I know its second grade, whatever!)
1. Late night parent teacher conferences with the science teacher. No explanation needed.

That’s it! That’s all there is and I hope it made you think of your own reasons for educating your children at home. I also hope it made you smile and maybe even laugh. Sometimes we as moms regardless of whether we stay home, work, home school or send our kids out to school take ourselves to seriously. The bible says in Proverbs 15:13A happy heart makes the face cheerful but heartache crushes the spirit.” See also Proverbs 17:22. So please I urge you take time to relax, laugh and remember the next time there is a torrential downpour you DO NOT have to go out in it!

Well of course I never want to end without praying so let’s do it. Father we come in the amazing name of Jesus thanking You, for your many blessings. We thank You for how You care enough about us to make us smile. Please help us during those times when life becomes stressful to count our blessings and remember that You are in control, In Jesus’ name amen.

Until we meet again, happy home schooling.

Hugs and Kisses,

Please come back to visit on Thursday, March 18th....
...And don't forget to tune in on Friday, March 12th for Brian Mackey's (my husband) guest blog. It's the flip side of my speical from February 11th. It's on girls!! LOL!!

Friday's Blog: Rita, gives us a humorous perspective on playing board games. Need a laugh, make sure you spend a little time with her.

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