Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How Do You Please Everyone?

As I lay down from a long days work my 5 year old Christina tucked me in and said “Mommy I will keep you company so you won’t be alone." I told her not to worry because mommy didn’t mind being alone. This display of affection did cause the wheels in my head to spin. I have 3 children ages 11, 5, and almost 3, so I have difficulty coming up with ways to spend time with all of them. Given the age of my oldest it is hard to find something to do that she can enjoy as well as the younger ones. My oldest and I hang out every Wednesday while the others are at my mom’s for an overnight stay. But with all three together it can be challenging.

Now that spring has sprung there are more choices and more options. Honestly nothing suits me better than a warm bed and a good movie when it is only 20 degrees outside. My youngest two don’t really understand the concept of seasons yet. If the sun is out then its playground weather, wind chill is not really a factor to them. In addition to actually finding something to do I have to make sure that whatever I choose does not break the bank. With three kids, outings can get expensive. This past weekend I took the kids to Longwood Gardens. For those of you who live outside of Pennsylvania, it is an agricultural site that sits on acres of land in Chester County. There is a conservatory filled with every flower you could imagine, there are acres of gardens, water fountains, tree houses, ponds, and other attractions. It was cost conscious too. We all got in for 28 bucks. There was so much to see, places to run, and flowers to smell. They all loved it and they learned while they were there and I even had AJ (the 2.5 year old) tell me the colors of different flowers. We have made plans to go back in May when the gardens will be in full bloom and the fountains will be on display. I am already thinking ahead of the next trip.

My oldest daughter always wants to go shopping at the mall. Thank God her Nana likes to do the same thing. I point Zoe in her direction for those trips. On our way to the gardens I stopped at Target in Concordville and the cashier said that after work she was going to take her son to Linvilla Orchards for some pie and a hay ride. Bingo! My next outing was planned. My goal is to get outdoors more this spring as I strongly dislike the humid summer days. There is a free kid’s magazine in my area called Metrokids and they have an excellent section with a calendar that outlines activities for children every day of the month and many of those activities are FREE (my favorite word). As I wrote in my previous blog we can go to God for anything and that also includes asking Him to lead us to fun economical activities for the kids. After all we have not because we ask not. Mathew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” (NIV). To my single parents who are facing the same dilemma I would suggest checking with your local library, church bulletin, or local kid’s magazine for different ideas on how to spend time with your kids. Although I am constantly wishing my children into adulthood I know that the time I have with them as children is short, so I want to spend it the best way I know how.

Of course I forgot the camera, so the picture up top is from an outing on the 4th of July, 2008 at Longwood gardens. I know it's beautiful!

Peace & Love

Until next time....Wednesday, April 7th!

Thursday's Blog: Esther-Maria "Our world traveler" returns

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