Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Make It Work!"

I am a big fan of the show “Project Runway” and I love to hear Tim Gunn tell the designers “Make it work!” By this time in the challenge, they have already come up with a design and purchased their materials and if things are not coming out the way they had envisioned, Tim is there to let them know they have no other choice but to “Make it work” if they don’t want to be sent home. And you know what, some of them do and some of them don’t. This is what I see in single women—some of them make what they have been given work and so many of them don’t!

There are single women who have dream jobs and they love it. There are others that have dream jobs and still are very dissatisfied with life. There are women who have good jobs and love it, and you have your group who have good jobs but are not happy. There are women who have jobs that are not the best but they are grateful to be employed, and then there are those who whine and complain all the time. What we have here are those who “Make it work” and those who don’t.

I cannot count the times I’ve listened to women (not just single) complain about their lives when in essence they can make change (including me). We do find ourselves in seasons where we have to ride things out, but there are times we have the ability to make change and we don’t. As humans it is so much easier to talk about what we are going to do then to actually put in the time and energy to do it. We all know someone who is forever talking about what they plan to do yet; they never seem to get around to doing it—all talk and no action so to speak. In fact you might be one of those personality types yourself. That is the bad news, but the good news is… don’t have to continue to be that way. Change can be good!!!!

If you are one who finds life boring, then do something about it! If you are lonely and desire friendship—do something about it! If you find that you have so much on your plate that there is no time for you—do something about it!!

In other words girls, “Make it work!” Take what you have at this time and “Make it work” for you. Refurbish, rethink, redo, reorganize, reschedule, revamp, do something to change your circumstances for the better. I could list many different things you could think about doing as I have done in the past, but you know what? It’s time for you to put on your thinking cap, get on your knees and take what God has given you and “Make It Work!” Stop sitting around being sad, jealous, envious, covetous, unhappy, depressed and mean spirited, when we have so much to be grateful for. If you are reading this blog, then right off the bat without knowing you, I can think of a couple of things you have to be grateful for like, life, eyes that see, the ability to read, access to internet service and a computer, which runs on electricity. And that is just the beginning.

I pray that if you have not been enjoying your single life that as of today, you will make the decision to make change (if only in your attitude) and make what God has given you, work for the better in your life. In other words, live single and learn to love it!

Love & Hugs

Hope to sit with you again on Wednesday, September 29th.

Thursday's Blog: Cheryl, "Diary of a Homeschool Mom!"

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