Friday, September 3, 2010


Galatians 5:1 (Complete Jewish Bible), What the Messiah has freed us for is freedom! Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery.

Ladies, I pray that you have spent sometime the past two weeks thinking about what “freed us for freedom” means for you. Today I want to take a quick look at some of those freedoms.

One of the biggies in this freedom is that it gives us freedom from sin having power in our lives.
Yes, we do have a sin nature, and yes, we do sin. But! As we begin to walk in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord we begin to see that we can resist sin and the power it once had over us. That is a great freedom, because when we walked in darkness – sin ruled! But, we can now make decisions not to allow sin to have its way.

We no longer have to give into our flesh. We are FREE!! We are free from letting our flesh dictate to us, whether it is to satisfy sexual lust, food being an idol and comfort in our lives. We are free from being ill-mannered and unforgiving to others. Because of this “freedom” we no longer say the first thing that comes to mind, and cussing someone out is now the last thing we would ever do. We have been given freedom from old mindsets and our old ways.

Most societies we live in have very loud voices, especially in America. Our media is forever force-feeding us with mindless propaganda. For years it has been telling us that it is okay for women to usurp authority over men. If you look at most TV shows the dad is a buffoon. Husbands are cheaters, liars and manipulators. And in the 21 century it is the woman who saves the day! And as a woman just because you had kids doesn’t mean you must sacrifice your career track, so even if your children are in daycare or before school and after school programs for 12 hours a day, that is okay because “you” should have a life too. Why is your husband the only one allowed to work outside the home to build his career? Why can’t you make your own money, giving you a voice and options!

The “freedom” the Messiah has freed us for, helps us to agree with God in the position of the woman, mother and wife. If frees us up from the opinions of society. It doesn’t matter if the world, friends or family, say you shouldn’t give up that good job or career to be a stay-at-home mother and wife. If frees you from feeling bad or less of a person because of someone else’s opinion about a decision you, your husband and God have made. As a wife it frees you to submit to your husband and to agree with God that he has the final say, no matter what it may look like to others.

This “freedom” breaks the yoke for single women of “needing” to be married. It helps you to be free to enjoy and love your single life. It stops you from putting your life on hold because you are afraid to venture out for fear you might miss that potential man. If frees you to soar in the Lord, thinking only of how good things can be for you now. If frees you from letting others make you feel less of a person because you are not married.

But most of all it makes us “free” to do what God says, even when it goes against everything around us and our flesh. It makes us “free” to make change according to God’s will and Word. We are able to get out of wrong relationships, and “free” to choose what is right versus what we’ve been told is okay and acceptable.

I pray sisters that you will continue to look at how free you really are and what exactly that means in your life.

In 2 weeks, we will take a look at why we are warned to “Therefore, stand firm, and don’t let yourselves be tied up again to a yoke of slavery.”

Be blessed,

I will return Friday, September 17th, hope to see you then!

Monday's Blog: Sharon will be back with more great "Financial Wisdom" for us"

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