Friday, August 30, 2013

Looking for the Wealth in Our Lives

Wealth: an abundance of valuable possessions or money, synonyms: affluence, prosperity, riches, means, substance, fortune….This is the world’s definition of “wealth” but does not apply to the Believer.

To Kingdom dwellers, money is the last rung on God’s ladder of prosperity “aka” lowest priority. Why? Because there are so many things money cannot buy—God’s wisdom says…”17 I love those who love me and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.” Proverbs 8:17-19 (NIV)

How do we look for the wealth in our lives? For starters I think we must settle in our minds and hearts that God is good…period! We are quick to shout and sing His praises when we get what we want. But the truth is…God is good no matter what may come your way. When the engagement your praised Him for abruptly ends his goodness still remains. Nothing about Him changes when the company you work for folds, leaving everyone locked out and owed 2 weeks pay with no unemployment benefits. He’s still a good God when you have miscarriage after miscarriage. And when your husband leaves you and your children for another woman, God’s greatness is not altered in anyway…He is good no matter what!

Second we have to agree with Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose.” And third, we need to stop comparing our lives to the lives of others.

The Bible tells us to not be conformed to this world, but in many ways we are. On a whole the average Christian receives more messages daily on the world’s way of doing things versus God’s. We often spend more time watching TV, texting and perusing Facebook, than we do reading our Bibles and listening to the Word of God. Seeds are planted everyday with subtle things that pull our hearts away from God and His truths. I really believe this. Why else would so many of us who proclaim to be followers of Christ, be so unhappy and dissatisfied with our lives? Why are we complaining, and feeling sorry for ourselves, instead of praising God for the wealth in our lives? Yes, the wealth, the riches, which have nothing to do with money—at all!

Money cannot buy true love. Love is a gift and it cannot be bought. If so, we would be able to buy or work for our salvation—impossible! Money cannot replace a child who was murdered, kidnapped, committed suicide, dies of natural causes or a drug overdose. No way can it replace the sweet hug of a child after they have told you how much they love you. There are many things in life we hold dear and take for granted, that if taken away money could never replace.

A friend once shared how the praise and worship music at her church is loud and can be very annoying instead of uplifting at times. One particular Sunday morning she was grumbling and complaining about it to God in her spirit, when the Holy Spirit reminded her that it could be arranged that she never heard it again. At that very moment she stopped complaining about the music. I laughed at first when she told me the story, but it really was serious business, because there is wealth and riches in being able to hear.

Sisters it is time to look at life through the filter of the Bible and Holy Spirit of God, and not the filter of the world! There shouldn’t be a morning we open our eyes, we don’t start praising God for another day and life. There are people with plenty of money yet they are lonely, sick, dying and have minds that no longer serve them. Their money might buy the care and help they need, but I’m sure they would give every penny away to be able to remember loved ones and function on their own.

If you are in a season of change or hardship, just remember God has allowed it and He is working it together for your good, if you truly love Him. If you are stuck between a rock and a hard place of your own doing, then you must accept the consequence and prayerfully you will learn from them, but you still have God’s unconditional love…and no amount of money can buy that! And please, stop comparing your life to that of others! If you really believe God is good, and He is working it out...then praise Him for what you have and where you are...Amen!

I have a challenge for you today. Go to and search the word “wealth” in the NIV translation and read all the verses that come up in the book of Proverbs. You will be blessed.

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

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