Friday, August 16, 2013

Collective Wisdom

Pursuing through my latest issue of Décor Magazine the other day, I came across a photo article titled, “Collective Wisdom”. It was about rooms decorated with antiques. But when I read the title, it made me think about the “Collective Wisdom of God” through certain friends. No, I’m not calling them antiques, but between the three women I’m going to talk about they have a total of 61 years of godly wisdom and counting!

These years are not from when they accepted Christ, but once they came to a point in life of what it meant to really serve Him.

Each of these women are in different age groups, which shows how diverse godly wisdom can be. My 40 something has 19 years, my 50 something has 19 years and my 60 something has 23 years. Wow!! That is 61 years of trials and tribulations, mess ups, growth, deliverance, failures, deserts, wildernesses, valleys, mountain tops, disappointments, great faith, lack of faith, discouragements, good times, bad times, hard times, easy times, pity parties, victories and the list goes on. Yet, the end result of all this living is three women full of godly wisdom who continue to help keep me safe! Proverbs 24:6b… “And in a multitude of counselors there is safety.” KJV

My 60 something friend has been my mentor since I was a wee babe in Christ. There are many things I love and admire about her, but I would have to say her best characteristic traits are, she is “no nonsense”! Her counsel is always based in the Word of God. She provokes me to think and when I have needed a swift kick or slap on the back of the head (spiritually speaking) she has not hesitated to help me out! ~Smile~ Over the years she has given me so much godly advice I don’t remember it all, but there is one thing that is always constant…doing things God’s way (obedience) and walking in love.

Not being married to my youngest daughter’s father made for many challenges through the years—especially me having to walk in love toward him when I felt he was being a jerk. The blessing is God used her to never let me get to far off track in the madness surrounding him. In fact there were times I often felt she was too much on his side, but the truth is…she was always on God’s side. Whenever I called to vent about something he did, she immediately turned it around to what I should be doing! But one day he outdid himself and when I told her about it, she chimed in on the vent. Finally! She was seeing things my way. Well, that lasted all of 2 minutes and then she said, “Okay, we have vented enough, the Bible says……” So, no matter what, she never allows me to wallow in self-pity or anything that is detrimental to my spiritual wellbeing.

The 50 something friend is my “Faith Partner”! We encourage one another to have faith in God and His promises. We encourage each other to remember the good times so we can praise Him through the tough times. We encourage each other to hold on and not give up or become weary in waiting on the Lord. I am able to share my hopes and dreams with her without fear of her throwing a bucket of cold water on me. Why? Because she is one who believes with all her heart that there is nothing to hard for God. Whenever I become discouraged, I can call her and before we hang up, my spirits are lifted and my heart is lighter. When you encourage someone in the things of God; you also end up encouraging yourself too. It’s just contagious that way.

Now my 40 something friend is the baby girl of the group, but she is far from being a spiritual baby. She’s the one you want next to you if you ever have to fight. ~Smile~ She has helped me move on 3 different occasions in the past 10 years. We are talking packing, cleaning and setting up before moving in. And once she and her husband rented a u-haul and moved me. Now you know why if you mess with me you might get a black eye…girlfriend is strong spiritually and physically too. LOL!

Over the years she has done so much to help me, I’ve lost count. And best of all she can make me laugh. When we hangout, people are always looking at us because we laugh loud and a lot. In fact we don’t really know how to be quiet in the movies if the movie stinks. Nope, you don’t want to hang out with us if you are embarrassed easily. What I love about her is how she doesn’t just talk about what God can do; she is often the vehicle He uses to be the blessing and show the love.

Writing about these three ladies has reminded me of how rich I am in friendships. One is a great teacher and doer of the Word, another has great faith, and the third has the gift of helps. The common thread they share is their great love for God, which overflows into everything they touch, especially relationships. They always encourage me to be the best I can in the Lord, and if they move up a step in the Kingdom, they reach back to help pull me up with them. They have all been very instrumental in helping me and Tovah over the years; truth is I can’t remember all their great deeds. Now, that’s abundance if I say so myself!

Sisters if you don’t have women in your lives admonishing you to handle life situations God’s way—it’s time to make a change. Our desire should be to have Proverbs 27: 9 friends… “Ointment and perfume delight the heart, and the sweetness of a man’s friend gives delight by hearty counsel.” (KJV)

What kind of collective wisdom is in your treasures of friendships?

Look for a blog next week, until then….be blessed!!

Love & Hugs

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