Friday, April 15, 2016

Spring…A time of Change

I’ve been blessed to be born and raised in a region where I’ve gotten to experience the four seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall), in ways that not everyone does.

One of the things my daughter in Honduras missed last year was the turning of the leaves and cool breezes, which autumn brings. But someone from her school came to the States for a visit and brought back fall leaves as a gift of home to her and others. How sweet.

We can easily equate one of the four seasons as a spiritual season of life, but they don’t necessarily coincide with the actual season of the time. It can be summer with high temps and high humidity in the natural, but spiritually we could be experiencing winter. This is why I’m so excited, because it’s spring all around me in the natural and supernatural too.

Today I want to share what is going on in my life and prayerfully not only will someone be encouraged, but you will also be excited for me and keep me in your prayers.

Right now is the first time I don’t have to put others before myself. Let me explain. Of course I must put the welfare and well-being of others before me if I am truly a Christ follower, but for once I am not responsible for anyone but myself. I’ve been a single mom nonstop for 42 years. My two girls are 18 years apart and just when I was on my way to being done—I found myself starting all over. My youngest turned 23, last week and lives and teaches in Honduras. I’m free!

During those 42 years, I had to give up dreams and put many hopes for tomorrow on hold. But now at 63, there is a new spring season in my life.

Currently I am taking a writing certification course to help me in launching a new venture, which I can do from anywhere around the world as long as I have internet service.

Come July, my first E-book should be published with Amazon, and also the launching of a second blog encouraging homeschool moms through laughter and self-care. But it doesn’t stop there.

There seems to be the possibility I might be able to spend some substantial time in Honduras with my youngest daughter. All things have not come together yet, but I will more than likely go back with her after her Christmas break.

I am also looking at traveling to Israel for a month. And if I do go to Honduras, we more than likely may come home via Puerto Rico, or my daughter just might go to Israel with me.

Believe it or not, I do not have a passport. I just recently received my birth certificate with both my parents name on it. (They no longer accept the ones with just our name on it.) In a couple of hours I will be heading out to the Post Office to get my picture taken and submit my application.

Everything seems so new and fresh—and exciting!

Only God knows for sure how all the loose ends and maybes are going to come together. But since the bible tells us that, “All good and perfect gifts come from God,” I’m looking forward to whatever He has in store for me.

Of course, everything is never all unicorns and rainbows. I’m preparing to have major work done on my mouth. In fact, I will be losing all my teeth due to gum disease. I must confess, I did cry about it some and I was fearful of the surgery I will be encountering, but it was only for a moment. I had to spend some time mourning the loss and facing my fears.

That’s the bad news. The good news is—I will have a mouth full of pearly whites and be healthier.

I am also working on losing 50 pounds. There is no time frame or limit. If it takes a year, 18 months or 2 years, that’s okay with me. This is my time!

It is time for me to focus on me. It is time for me to change the things I can and time to embrace those which I can’t.

Once I get to Israel and back, I have a sketched out plan to travel around the United States. There are so many things in this country I have yet to see and experience. But mostly I want to meet and spend time with some of you wonderful women I have met and befriended through this blog, virtual groups and Facebook. Some of you are as close as New York City, and others I must go through the mid-west, Texas and up and down the west coast. I also have a special invite to the United Kingdom.

My life has not been an easy one and at times I felt as though God had forgotten me. But as the years passed and I grew in Him, I came to realize—we are always on His mind.

It’s just now my time for change and new beginnings.

Sisters, I want to encourage you to not give up hope or dreams unless God says, “Let go.” And He will if it no longer suits His plan or timing. But it only means better is to come.

Please don’t think you are too old or even too young to do things you never thought you could or would be able to do. In Christ, we can do all things if it is God’s will for us.

It has taken a lot of years to get to where I am today. But the truth is—I wouldn’t change a thing. Because good and bad, God has worked it All together for my good and His purpose. So, to think about things being different, kinda of says, “God didn’t work it right.”

I ask that you keep me in your prayers, especially concerning my mouth surgery. I found the cutest mouth masks on Amazon. I don’t want to be stuck in the house for the next couple of months, but I don’t want to have to talk to people without teeth either. LOL! I love to walk and talk to my neighbors, so the masks are my way of being comfortable doing that.

Life is full of changes and we do learn how to deal with them—good or bad. But it's nice to be able to be in a spring season of life the same time, it's spring in the natural.

Be encouraged my dear sisters, in Christ the sky is the limit!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

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