Friday, June 12, 2015

Higher Level

There is a misconception amongst the Saints that God brings bad things to take us to a higher level. As a new convert, I often heard this when people were experiencing rough times, sickness and decease or as some like to say, “Going through!” This leads one to not have to look at what part they might have played in ending up in the “hard” times. It gives us the allusion that it’s all God’s doing, when in reality—it could be the consequences of our own sin or lack of wisdom.

I have never seen in the Bible where God gives hard times to bring us to a higher level. In fact—what does that really mean?

When we look at Job, God didn’t allow Satan to test him to bring him to a higher level. No. The Lord knew that Job was going to pass the test, because of what he already had in him. In fact, when he tried to complain, the Lord put him in his place.

You could say that the apostle Paul (though a Jew) was one who lived in the world and later came to Christ as many do each day. He had a past he brought with him, but like us all, the Cross erased his sins, but it does not erase the natural consequences of our sin. When he was a Pharisee, he persecuted Believers. He was instrumental in having them stoned, imprisoned and beaten. Did his Damascus experience with the Messiah erase what he might suffer because of his actions? Nope. As an Apostle, Paul was beaten, stoned, shipwrecked and imprisoned. Secular history leads us to believe that he might have died by decapitation.

If you were an intravenous drug user before Christ, there is no guarantee you will not be diagnosed with Aids of hepatitis C because you are now a Believer. If you murdered someone, it doesn’t mean you will not spend time in prison or even be executed. If you had children out of wedlock, it doesn’t mean that as a Believer, God is going to kiss your boo-boo and make it all better. No. You will have challenges in your life as a single parent and they may not be pleasant. If you married the wrong man, it doesn’t mean God will take him out of your life. In fact the only way to be free might be “Till death do you part,” and you might be the one to go.

Now is God going to be with you through it all? Yes! Will He work it together for your good? Yes! But there are stipulations. Read Romans 8:28-30 (click)

As a child I was raised by a harsh woman (she was the best she could be at the time), which was out of my control—we don’t get to choose our parents. And as an adult I made some poor decisions based on my hurt and pain. But, there came a time I had to take responsibility and stop blaming my mother for everything. It wasn’t her fault I was frivolous with my money and credit card debt. It wasn’t her fault I found myself pregnant at 39, and lost my job and couldn’t pay my bills. Nope, it was all on me.

My life has been far from easy. And even with God pleading for me not to have an abortion and trust Him…He didn’t make it easy.  He has been faithful to His promise to supply all that we would ever need, but I still didn’t get off scot free.

Am I that same person I was 23 years ago? Praise God, no! Have the hard times I’ve lived through made me different? Or was it my relationship with God? It was my relationship with God, which empowered me to live through the things I encountered.

Since we have a free will, I could have become an old bitter woman and blamed God because He didn’t make things easier for me—after all—I didn’t have the abortion. But I chose to “Trust’ Him and over the years learn who He truly is. Not the God I heard about, or the God I had made-up in my own mind—but the God of the Bible.

My experiences haven’t taken me to a higher level (still don’t really know what that means), but my growth has matured me and made my relationship with the Father more solid. And it was the Word of God that did this.

Sisters, many of us are in trouble right now because of things we have done in the past, or things we should be doing now but aren’t. Why is this? We are not really living on truth—because we don’t know what the truth is for ourselves.

Nowhere in the Bible have I seen that God brings the bad into our lives to take us to a higher level. And if you disagree, please get into your bible to prove me incorrect. Because I read that if we seek Him, we shall find Him. If we draw close to Him, He draws close to us. I read, He will supply all that we have need of, through Christ Jesus and if we lack wisdom we are to ask Him. I read we are to meditate on the Word, hide it in our hearts so we can divide the truth from fiction and have a renewed mind. I read that there are consequences for our sins (though forgiven) but that God will use these things and work them for good in our lives. I read, we go from faith-to-faith and in the beginning of our walk we drink the milk of the Word, but we are to grow so we can eat the meat. I read, that through obedience comes a blessing…but nowhere do I see He gives bad things or hard things to take us to a higher level.

Girls, stop being afraid to study the Bible for yourselves! Stop, living on what others tell you or what you have dreamed up on your own and learn the truth about your inheritance and the God you serve. Learn what it really means to put your trust in Him and let go of stuff you are trying to hold on too!

It is the Holy Spirit’s job to lead us into all understanding and truth and decipher the Bible for us. 

You don’t need a little book in the morning to start your day off…read and study your Bible. Pick something you question and study it out. Pray, ask the Holy Spirit to explain and enlighten you.

Too many of us are suffering, simply because we do not, I repeat, “Do Not!” know the God of the Bible, what it means to live in the Kingdom of God, what Christ bought for us on the Cross or who and what the Holy Spirit’s job is. And we have no one to blame but ourselves.

Do you think Noah would have been able to build the Ark once the rains came? Same with life, it is hard to try to get the Word inside when the storm is raging—it helps to already be there.

Study, study….STUDY!

Until next week...

Blessings and Hugs,

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