I can remember being a new convert most days as if it were yesterday. December 10, 1989! Years before that great day many seeds had been planted in my heart throughout the years. Summers at Camp Streamside an overnight children’s Christian camp in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania, Sunday school, VBS (vacation bible study) and attending a Seventh-Day Adventist boarding school for 3 years. But December 10, 1989 was the Sunday that God held true to His Word, and gave the increase to all the seeds that had been planted and watered by others.
My Pastor at the time was Gilbert Coleman, Jr., a great man of God he is. And the one thing about him that will forever be in my heart is how he encouraged us (well, actually he demanded) to read and study the Bible. He was the first minister that I ever heard preach that gave you the Bible references of where he was getting all his information from. And as he preached/teached, if he didn’t say it once, he said it a hundred times…”Do not take my word for it, go home and check behind me!” And that is exactly what I began to do, because I was hungry to learn about God.
I started attending Wednesday evening Bible Study when he started a study on the book of Revelation. It was like nothing I had ever heard before. I remember it being a meaty study, and I was a baby, but as the old folks would say, “I did get to suck on the bones and get some of that good flavor!” In other words, I did get a lot out of it, just in the fact; I needed to know what the Bible said. That class lasted several months and when it was finished, I found the next segment of classes (taught by someone else) not as interesting. And Wednesday evenings went to being a mid week service. But then a sister in the Lord suggested that I try the Monday night Women’s Bible Study. She worked in the evenings herself and had never attended, but she had heard so many good things about it. So I went! It was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life.
Pat Betters was the teacher and I remember starting in the month of April. You might ask, how can she remember that far back? I have journals and papers from the Bible study that are dated...LOL!! In fact I have a certificate of complication for one of the years. ~Smile~ When they stopped for the summer I was almost heartbroken, because I was just beginning to see how great God’s Word is. But Pat was becoming a mentor and she continued to help me through the summer months.
One of the first things I learned was my place as a woman. Not the crazy stuff I had been raised to believe or was being bombarded with as I became a young adult and women’s lib was coming into place. I learned that the “I am Woman—I can bring home the bacon and fry it up in the pan”, was pure mess and lies from the pit of hell. There was a great weight lifted off my shoulders to find out that is not who God intended or made me to be. I didn’t have to do it all by myself. It was the beginning of many years learning how to walk in the Galations 5:1 freedom that the Lord gave us.
Sisters, if you do not attend a Bible study, especially a Women’s Bible Study, please purpose in your heart to start doing so. Reading your Bible and studying it are two different things.
2 Timothy 2:15 admonishes us to, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. Also there is great promise to those who diligently seek the Lord. (see Hebrews 11:16b)
Most churches have Bible study, I say most because not all do, but either way you cannot let that hinder you from knowing what God’s Word has to say. You can do bible studies online, go with a friend to her church or home study. Remember, there is a blessing for those who diligently seek the Lord.
We have two seats left at our upcoming virtual Women’s Bible Study, starting Thursday, October 7th, 7:00pm EST, USA. Pat Betters “Women of Wisdom” will be teaching on “Trusting God” from a perspective of our Jewish roots. Ladies, I don’t just say this because she is my friend, but Pat is an anointed and gifted teacher of God’s Word. She was first my teacher before my friend, and over the years, God has used her to open up His Word to me so that I could be a “workman” who is able to rightly divide the Word of Truth!
Pat will be back Friday, August 20th, to talk more about the Galations 5:1 freedom and what it means.
Monday’s Blog: Sharon “Women & Finances”

The Kitchen Table is very happy to announce that we are going to have a 9 week online/virtual Women’s Bible Study, starting October 7, 2010!
Pat Betters “Woman of Wisdom” blogger will be teaching the classes. Pat has been in women’s ministry for over 20 years. She is an anointed and gifted teacher of God’s mighty Word! You will love her classes. You get out exactly what you put in. It is all up to you how far you want to go. That is the beauty of her classes. If life unscripted comes along, (which it has a way of doing) you are never behind and will not have to dropout until the next session.
We are prayerful that our virtual Women’s Bible Study will help close the gap for women who would other wise not be able to attend Bible Study. Once a week you will able to attend class in the comfort of your own home, without worry of finding a babysitter if you have young children, or if you are homebound yourself. There are many reasons women are not able to get out in the evenings but that does not stop their desire to study God’s Word in a group setting.
“Trusting God” is the study topic for this 9 week session. Pat will be teaching from our Jewish roots and what it is to have a relationship with God. Sisters, Pat is an awesome teacher; she makes the Bible come alive. There will be no boring prewritten lesson plans, just exciting insight into the greatest book of all—your "Bible". You will have ample opportunity for questions and interaction during class and during the week via our list serve. Only difference is that you will be able to do it in your PJ’s if you like. ~Smile~
Classes will be held on Thursday’s starting October 7, 2010, 7pm – 8pm EST, USA.
Registration is simple. Please send an email to thekitchentable2010@yahoo.com. In the subject write “Women’s Bible Study” and please give us your name.
The last class will be Thursday, December 9, 2010. There will not be a class on Thursday, November 25th.
Sisters, this is a great opportunity and we are very hopeful you will take advantage of this great gift to learn more about your relationship with God and what it really means to trust Him.
Seating is limited, so don't delay in registering to make sure you have a seat.

Blessings & Love,
Ponnie and all the Sisters at “The Kitchen Table”!
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