I have a Facebook friend who always post the most inspiring and motivating daily status updates. The following is one that he posted recently. It reads:
"Apologize to yourself for all the wrong U have done to your own mind & body. Say I am sorry for not growing/maturing & apologize for settling/giving up at times. Look yourself in the mirror & say I love U, then make a vow to strengthen your relationship w/ God, make a promise to put the right things "in" your body & to do the right things "w/" your body & make a decision to maximize the time U have left." kvcarter
What an amazing thought....forgive yourself and then move on. Hmmm...
Every morning, our dearest Ponnie (Single and Loving It! blogger) notifies every member of the Kitchen Table to let us know that the blog of the day has been posted. Most mornings, she also posts some kind of motivational message to help us get our day started. Recently, she challenged us to look in the mirror and to say to ourselves “I’m Fine!”. There probably was some kind of meaningful message that followed behind that but I honestly don’t remember because my immediate response was “Please, she must be crazy!” You see, I hate looking at myself in the mirror.
Don’t get me wrong...I don’t think I am horrific or anything...LOL! But looking in the mirror at myself and seeing the reflection reminds me of all of the damage that I’ve done to myself over the years....and the many, many times that I have failed at correcting those actions.
Can anyone relate?
It seems like lately I have been more frustrated than usual because while I am still doing everything possible to go into my forties more healthy and fit than I have been, I still struggle and it’s been a slower process than usual.
So..when my facebook friend posted his quote, it really touched me and inspired me. Forgive myself and move on.....
So here it is...
I really am sorry for neglecting myself-mentally and physically- for the past 39 years. I apologize to myself for taking my health for granted....and I apologize for many times giving up and settling for less than the best for myself.
I love myself and my life because I know that God created me and everything that He created is Marvelous (a reminder in case you forgot..smile).
Because I love myself, I promise today to continue trying to make a difference for the better. I promise to put the right things "in" my body & to do the right things "with" my body in order to maximize the time I have left.
Because I am FINE!
I pray that everyone woman that reads this blog will make a similar pledge. Yesterday is gone...Today is a brand new day to start fresh. We all must learn to love ourselves, to forgive ourselves for the mistakes of the past and go forward with God!
Special Announcement: I will also be writing a monthly blog “Homeschooling Single Mom”! Yes, my daughter and I are venturing out this year into the Land of Home School. My first blog will post on Thursday, August 26th…be sure to check us out!

Be blessed Sisters!
I will be back on Monday, August 30th, hope to see you then!
Tuesday's Blog: Maria will be bringing us, "Life Unscripted"
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