How do we make change? By taking a good look as to why we think we are bored and lonely. I use the word “think” because often once we really begin to dig into getting to the root of any problem or situation; we find that our initial feelings and thoughts are symptoms of a deeper problem. But we must start where we can, so I suggest you sit down and write a letter to God about your feelings. Why? Because He is the one you need answers from. The writing process will more than likely bring up emotions and feelings you have been suppressing. Tears might flow and in the beginning you may be very sad about all this. BUT!! And I mean “BUT” it will all be so worth it! And at the end of it all you will feel better if for no other reason than it is now out in the open between you and God, which means it can be worked on.
There are many positive things that we can do; even when our funds are low. You might want to take an online course for fun or to further your education. You may prefer an evening course at a college to be around other people. Contrary to popular belief, you can meet other Christians anywhere, not only at church. There might be a desire that you’ve had for years to learn something new but never did anything about it. Well, now that you find yourself being bored, this might be the opportune time to purse that secret desire. Community centers have some of the best and affordable classes around—pottery, photography, knitting, crocheting, dancing, jewelry making, drawing, painting, yoga, just to mention a few. There are cooking and sewing classes to be had just about everywhere. Maybe you’ve admired your friend who makes quilts. Ask her to teach you. Watch the DIY network and find out how to refinish furniture. Find an old piece and redo it. Make throw pillows, a duvet cover and new drapes for your bedroom. There are so many things we can do other than be on the internet or watch TV. Even if you have young children, you can do things once they’ve gone to bed.
When I was growing up you were encouraged to seek out some kind of hobby. It was such an expected part of life that it used to be on job applications. That’s right! There was a space to list your hobbies. I know they still ask for community/volunteer services. Can you say that you have a hobby? Or is it that you haven’t spent time with your hobby in years, or you’ve never had one? Are you involved in any type of volunteer or community work outside of church? Ladies, life is full of possibilities and when we stop looking at what we don’t have or are not doing compared to others, the sky becomes the limit in many ways.
Sisters, we must begin to enjoy the life that God has given us. If you are bored for a day that is okay, but if your life seems boring to you and you are lonely? Then that is not okay and it is up to you to make change. Once you have begun to find out where this boredom and or loneliness is stemming from then come up with a plan or solution to change that. Of course don’t jump out there feet first, but make sure you get the okay from God that what you would like to do is okay and the timing is right. When I started in ministry work, it wasn’t something I was looking to do, but I was looking for something to do, so that I wasn’t so bored and dissatisfied with my life. Just as God closed up Hannah’s womb until He had her heart in the place that she would offer up Samuel to Him, He allowed my boredom and loneliness to be the vehicle for me to cry out, “I’m bored God, please give me something to do! I’ll do whatever you want!” Did I think He was going to answer it the way He did? NO! I have many talents and was a very good business woman with great managerial skills and I thought He would use me in that capacity somehow. No, sisters He took me down a path I didn’t know existed and would have never chosen for myself.
My mother’s generation didn’t have a lot of idle time on their hands and they made sure that their hands stayed busy. Deuteronomy 30:9a tells us that, “God will make prosperous the work of your hands.” Does some of your boredom have to do with the fact that your hands aren’t producing that which is good? Are they spending too much time typing comments on Facebook, texting, surfing channels on the TV remote or websites?
Boredom should not be part of a Believers life because there is so very much for us to achieve in the Kingdom. So if you’ve been “Bored out of your mind” lately, then it is time you change that state of being.
I pray that I have encouraged you to spend time with God to take a closer look as to why you are bored? And then do something about it.

Love & Hugs
Hope to sit with you again on Wednesday, September 1st.
Hope to sit with you again on Wednesday, September 1st.
Thursday's Blog: Cheryl, "Diary of a Homeschool Mom!"
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