Hi Folks,
So how’s it going? How is your summer coming along? Are you going away on vacation or have you been all ready? How are you dealing with the heat? If you live in the eastern part of the United States you have experienced some crazy heat waves? I try real hard not to complain about the weather but OMGosh!!! It has been so hot!! I mean the kind of hot where your air runs all day and into the night. I am almost afraid to see my utility bill, GEESH! The funny thing is not that long ago we were buried in the snow and most of us were probably saying how we could not wait for the summer to arrive. We are never satisfied, in the summer we want cold and in the winter we want heat. But why are we surprised and dissatisfied with the weather? The Bible says in Genesis 8:22, “As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease.” (NRSV) We know this so why do we complain?
Well I don’t know why you complain, but I do because I have a problem. What’s my problem, you may ask? I have never satisfied-itis. Have you ever heard of it? It‘s when you are NEVER satisfied with where you are and what you have. Now don’t get me wrong I am not always complaining or griping but I have moments when my attitude needs some readjusting. In other words I have a mild reoccurring case that requires a dose of reality.
So very briefly I want to share what transpired recently to remind me to be satisfied with where I am and what I have and simply to be grateful. I was feeling kind of frustrated. I was craving stuff, stuff and more stuff. I wanted more clothes, more shoes, new furniture, a new kitchen, new hair, new body and list goes on. Don’t get me wrong I think it is okay to want things but if we are not careful we will spend all our time focusing on what we want and not appreciating what we have... Like a camera, if you don’t focus, your pictures will come out distorted. My pictures were starting to look a little blurry. Then I reconnected with a friend from high school via Facebook (you gotta love FB). The message was typical at first, you know, it’s been a long time, it’s good to see you and so on. But then she said she was looking through my photos and looks like God is taking care of you. Wow! So I began to look through my photos and you know what? My focus is straight and my pictures are clear, God has been taking care of me and He is taking care of me. I may not have all the things I want but I am so blessed. I am not going to sit here and name all the things I am thankful for. My list may not be the same as yours but know this I know that God has been good to me. Guess what else? He has been good to you too. The fact that you are able to read this is just one indication of his goodness.
Before I close I want to leave you with this scripture found in Lamentations 3:22-24. It reads, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion, says my soul therefore I will hope in him.” (NRSV)
Until next time stay focused!

Hugs and Kisses,
Catch you in two weeks on, Thursday, August 19th!
Friday's Blog: Pat "Words of Wisdom"
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