Work, take care of the kids, sleep, church activities, work, take care of the kids and on and on… Does your life feel as predictable as Bill Murray’s character in the movie Groundhog’s Day? Is every day the “same old, same old”? Well, it’s time to get a life! I admit, as a single parent my routine becomes pretty dull and I get irritated with it at times. My problem is that I was mentally tired for years. I rarely went out or did anything just for me. Also my closest friends, the people I prefer to spend time with, live in different states. In one of my earlier blogs, I mentioned that I wanted to take Zumba classes (good intent), however I continued with my usual routine of leaving work, going home and watching television with Kaiya or talking on the phone along with fixing dinner until it was bedtime. As a result of my procrastination, I continued to feel sluggish, lack self confidence and make poor food choices. The recent visit of one of my good friends gave me the spark I needed to accomplish things for myself. In fact, I have a Zumba class this evening that I prepaid for on purpose to keep me from finding a reason to back out!
Being a parent isn’t supposed to make you lose your own identity. There are times I have been so caught up in doing things for and with my daughter that I forgot I need to enjoy my own life. Of course a huge part of parenting is self sacrifice; it isn’t for the faint of heart or mind ~smile~
Do you have a warped idea of what a parent or even a Christian is supposed to act like? For example: 1. Christians shouldn’t dance, listen to secular music, have a glass of wine, go to movies, participate in activities that the Church isn’t a part of, etc. 2. When you become a parent you no longer have a life of your own. Not true! Jesus came for us to have life and to have it more abundantly (John 10:10) Do you know what abundant means? It means plentiful, abounding with; rich. Therefore Jesus came for us to have a plentiful, abounding with (joy, peace, happiness) rich life!
Some of you may feel guilty even thinking about life B.C. (Before Children). Don’t feel guilty; incorporate some of those activities into your “life with kids”. Remember, you have at least 18 years of parenting so you might as well enjoy yourself!
For this blog, I googled the word friendship and found articles about researchers discovering that people with close friends lived longer, happier and healthier lives. It actually helps to reverse the aging process! The World Health Organization said in 1948: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well – being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
I am encouraging everyone regardless of marital or parental status (especially single moms) to get in touch with some old friends that were good for you or place yourself in situations where you can make new ones. I feel so strongly about this that I am doing the same thing. I don’t know anyone in my Zumba class but I plan to meet new people as well as keep in touch with my best friends.
I hope that I have placed a spark in you just as my friend did for me. We’re on this journey together, I plan to keep you updated on my “Get a Life” adventures, LOL! For now, I will leave you with this Latin quote from Juvenal; “Mens sana in corpore sano”. Translated it means: “Your prayer must be a sound mind in a sound body”.
Until next time, stay encouraged!

See you in 2 weeks,
I'll be back on Wednesday, September 8th, hope to see you then!
Thursday's Blog: Sasha starts her new monthy blog "Single Homeschool Mom" be sure to check it out!
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