Well, it’s official ladies! The date has been set, the declaration of intent has been sent and the curriculum has been purchased! I guess there is no turning back now. Oh, and in case you haven’t heard, I’m going to be a homeschooling mom!
If you had told me that a part of my journey in raising my children would involve homeschooling, I would have never believed you. The thought really NEVER crossed my mind...that is until my youngest child began school.
It’s amazing how God works.
Early in Mali’s educational journey, I felt the desire to homeschool. Mali is a very bright young girl who excels in Math and Science but like her mom hates English and History. She is also very bashful and reserved. She is not the type to speak up and ask for help when she needs it and because of her passive personality was/is often taken advantage of by her peers. She also suffers from test phobia and would get physically sick when it came time to take the standardized test required by all students to access whether or not they have learned all of the material covered during the year. I could go on and on for my reasons why—but to make a long story short, the public school system just wasn’t the right environment for her. But what other options did I have? Couldn’t afford private school for 2 kids—at least not one private school that would meet both of their educational needs. And homeschooling wasn’t an option for many reasons. First, I was a single mother who worked long hours outside of my home. Second, I have never felt like I had a gifting to teach and third, I just believed that kids needed to go to school because how else would they become socialized? I have no idea why this crazy thought to homeschool creped into my mind and continuously nagged me...but it did!
Sure I know several people who homeschool. I have a cousin who homeschooled her kids—all very smart and two of them are even in college now. My former college roommate also homeschools her four wonderful kids—but she was a teacher and so that makes her qualified to teach her own children. Besides, both of them are married and stay-at-home moms so that makes it easier, right?
Nevertheless, every year, the desire became stronger and stronger. And every year, I rejected it as crazy! It just wasn’t possible, was it?
Again, it’s amazing how God works.
Well a couple of years ago, I got a new job. A great new job that ironically allows me to work remotely from home.....whoa! Can’t use that excuse anymore, can I? But still, it just wasn’t possible. I don’t know anything about homeschooling! Aren’t there laws and regulations? I’m not a teacher...how am I supposed to know what to teach her? Again, it’s just not possible.
Next, I met Ponnie. Ponnie was a single mom who homeschooled Tovah....yeah, Tovah the very smart, mature young lady who also writes for the Kitchen Table. Ironic huh...or maybe I should say “It’s amazing how God works!” Ponnie invited me to become a part of the Kitchen Table where I met even more homeschooling moms including our homeschool blogger, Cheryl—all who were very willing to share the experiences and support should I need it.
It’s amazing how God works! The moment you surrender your will to follow God’s Will for you, you will become amazed at the journey He will take you through and the places that He will take you to!
I finally gave in to the thought and made the decision to just do it! Okay wait...let me be honest...I went back and forth, back and forth constantly questioning my decision....but that’s another blog for another day...LOL!
Over the past few months, I have learned everything I have ever wanted to know about Georgia homeschool laws, curriculums, lesson plans and homeschool support groups! I am simply amazed at how many families have made the decision to educate their children at home and how many resources are available to help accomplish your goals. And what I don’t know, I plan to learn from my dear friends, Ponnie and Cheryl...LOL!
I am really looking forward to the school year and I am excited about all of the experiences awaiting me and Mali.
Classes begin August 30th and of course, I will keep you all posted on all the great things that will happen this year once a month on homeschool Thursdays. Please keep us in your prayers.

In sisterly love,
I will be back every 4th Thursday with my "Single Homeschool Mom" blog, hope to see you then!
Friday's Blog: Ponnie, has a special blog that you won't want to miss.
1 comment:
Great blog Sasha! I'm behind you all 100% love ya:)
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