Hello Ladies! It’s been a long time since we’ve last talked. I hope that everyone is enjoying and taking advantage of the outdoors during these summer months after a long and grueling winter. I know I have! Summer for me means family BBQs and Picnics! Visits to the beach and weekend getaways to fun-filled destinations.
Just this past weekend, I was able to spend some time with my extended family (aunts, uncles, and cousins) in South Carolina. It was great! Normally, we plan two family events a year where EVERYONE makes an effort to “come home” and this past weekend was one of them. I always look forward to it and we always have a great laughter and love filled weekend. (I have to smile just thinking about it)
Typically when we get together, the men always head out to the carport to congregate. When my grandparents were alive, they didn’t allow drinking or smoking in the house (or anywhere visible) so the men always went and stayed outside to “break the rules”. By the end of the day, many of them had passed the drinking in moderation and over indulged with the beer and alcohol. LOL! The women always stayed inside – close to the food – never to venture outside where the sinful activity of drinking was occurring. Several of the women in my family have strong denominational beliefs and have a tendency to criticize or judge anyone who drinks anything other than a soda.
This weekend, while the men were outside enjoying themselves, the women began to discuss whether or not it’s a sin to drink. Some held on to their beliefs that it was while others believe that it is okay to drink but just in moderation.
Before I go any further, let me just say that this is not a blog on whether or not it is okay for Christians to drink or not....
This blog is actually about doing things in moderation.
Not sure if you picked up on an earlier statement that I made about the women staying close to the food while the men gathered outside. Well, it’s true...typically, we stay inside...around the food – and eat – and eat – and eat....and before the night is over, we eat some more.
During our friendly discussion/debate about drinking someone brought up this thought....”Are WE any different than the fellas when all we do is sit in here and overindulge in eating while they are outside overindulging in alcohol?” OUCH! That comment hit me hard.....and if I had to answer that question answer honestly, the answer would be NO!
Not only does the bible reference drunkenness/intoxication being outside God’s Will for us but it also references Gluttony....and I am willing to bet that if the scripture was written in modern times, it would also reference Internet usage, TV time etc. All of these are things that we, God’s people, tend to overindulge in at times aren’t they? I want to make clear though, I am NOT referring to us indulging in these activities...I am specifically talking about OVERindulgence.
I am not a drinker of alcohol. Not because of my Christian beliefs though....I just don’t like the taste of it and so for that reason, I choose not to drink. I would rather have an ice cold Pepsi or tall class of Sweet Iced Tea. I do LOVE to eat...and I do LOVE Facebook.....and I LOVE internet surfing and I tend to overindulge in all of them. And the Lord is dealing with me about ALL of them.
Well, let’s start with the eating – although I am sure you already know why this is an issue. Overindulgence of “bad” foods leads to so many health issues- obesity, hypertension, diabetes, etc. How can I go around doing Kingdom work if I constantly have to address health concerns or if I am too tired and sluggish because I am overweight? Something to think about huh?
Now, this computer and Facebook....oh boy...T R O U B L E!! For me, it’s trouble because it is such a time snatcher! What starts off as a quick login to respond to an update or message can quickly turn into hours of playing games, chatting with friends or just “surfing”. The time that I could be reading the Word or praying, doing some housecleaning, hanging with my children or better yet, exercising, I am wasting playing/socializing on Facebook. Don’t get me wrong...FB is not a bad thing but “overindulging” in FB activities is a bad thing! (I told you the Lord’s been dealing with me about it…LOL)
So what are some of the things in your life that you may be doing that might be a little excessive? What are those areas that might be a little “out of control”?
Let’s work these excessive behaviors and let’s try working on doing these in moderation instead! We can do it!
Special Announcement: I will also be writing a monthly blog “Homeschooling Single Mom”! Yes, my daughter and I are venturing out this year into the Land of Home School. My first blog will post on Thursday, August 26th…be sure to check us out!

In sisterly love,
I will be back on Monday, August 16th, hope to see you then!
Tuesday's Blog: Maria will be bringing us, "Life Unscripted"
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