Hello Ladies,
The Kitchen Table is a blessing to my life and pray what I have shared with you throughout these past seven months has been a blessing to yours.
As you may have read in a previous blog called “The Lord will give you your heart’s desire”, my heart’s desire was to go back to college and complete my associate’s degree in Business Administration.
This desire, I had left in the back burner of my heart and waited for God’s timing (which is always perfect timing!!) to go back to college.
So…God’s timing has been confirmed three times in a row!! He opened the doors I needed to register for this fall semester, which starts at the end of this month!!
This means I will not be able to write twice a month for “Life Unscripted”, but I will stay seated at The Kitchen Table and write once a month for “Balancing Life plus College”. In the new blog title, the blogs will be of encouragement for women who have a lot to juggle in their daily life, but have the desire to go to school…so stay tuned for the upcoming month’s blogs…
1 Thessalonians 5:11 says “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” With this scripture, I’m encouraging you that whatever your heart’s desire (going back to college, etc…) …trust in God’s perfect timing and HE will help you to make it happen in your life!!!

God Bless You Always,
Maria Guzman
I will return on Tuesday, September 14th, with my new blog "Balancing Life Plus College" hope to see you then!
Wednesday's Blog: Ponnie, "Single and Loving It"

Hola Mujeres,
La Mesa de la Cocina es una bendición para mi vida y oro que lo que he compartido con ustedes durante estos últimos siete meses halla sido una bendición para ti tambien.
Como ustedes pudieron haber leído el blog anterior llamado "El Señor te dará el deseo de tu corazón", el deseo de mi corazón era volver a la universidad y terminar mi grado asociado en Administración de Empresas.
Este deseo, lo había dejado en un segundo plano de mi corazón y espere en el tiempo de Dios (¡que es siempre el tiempo perfecto!) para volver a la universidad.
¡Así que … el tiempo de Dios ha sido confirmado tres veces seguidas! ¡Abrió las puertas que necesitaba para inscribirme en este semestre de otoño, que comienza a finales de este mes!
Esto significa que no podré escribir dos veces al mes para “Vida Improvisada”, pero me quedaré sentada a La Mesa de la Cocina y escribire una vez al mes para “Balance en la Vida mas la Universidad”. El titulo del nuevo blog, sera de animo para las mujeres que tienen mucho que hacer en su diario vivir, pero tienen el deseo de ir a la escuela…así que estad atentas de los blogs en los próximos meses...
1 Tesalonicenses 5:11 dice “Por lo cual, animaos unos a otros, y edificaos unos a otros, así como lo hacéis.” Con esta escritura, yo te animo que cualquiera que sea el deseo de tu corazón (volver a la universidad, etc…)… ¡confía en el tiempo perfecto de Dios y Él te ayudará a hacer que suceda en tu vida!

Dios te bendiga Siempre,
María Guzmán
1 comment:
I think it is wonderful that you are going back to school. I know exactly how exciting and a bit scary that can be. I too went back to school after being out of high school 7 years and being a single parent of a 4 year old. I has been a long journey but I my daughter is now 14 and I am 4 classes away from my BA in Chemistry from The Ohio State University. I started out working full time and going to school part time but had to take a leap of faith and switch the two in order to finish in a more timely mannor. I know you will do well and if you have any questions about classes feel free to email me at devine1on1@yahoo.com. I would be very happy to help. Hablo espanol un poco tambien:) Have a wonderful journey!!
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