Being a writer I love “Words”! I love to not only write them but read and speak them. You will find that most (not all) writers are talkers. Words are our own private little heaven. But “words” are not exclusive to writers, since as human beings it is our way of communication with one another. So, words belong to everyone.
This month I’ve decided to read through the book of Proverbs. It never ceases to amaze me no matter how many times I have read it, the verses on our words, speech and mouth are always the greatest reminders for me to step back and take a look at how my words have been lately.
The thing about words is that they can cut like a knife, or be as sweet as a honeycomb to the soul. And it is not always so much as “what we say” but “how we say it” that makes the difference. Proverbs tells us that a nagging wife is not something a man would want to have. It also reminds us that a “soft” answer or response can turn away another’s anger. Picture it, someone is yelling or speaking to you in an angry voice and you start to whisper, “I’m so sorry” or “Please don’t be upset with me.” They would have to stop to hear what you were saying…. and the softness of tone does not fuel the fire of their anger. Have you ever encountered a cashier who deep down you wanted to tell them to “GET IT TOGETHER” but instead you said something kind and pleasant to them? I have, and it works. It catches them off guard. From being a manger for a large retail chain and having to take a lot of guff from the public, I am very sensitive to cashiers and the fact that they catch it many days for no reason other than it is Tuesday. Yet on the other hand I still am tempted from time-to-time, to also let some know “If you don’t like your job then quit, because there are hundreds out there that will be glad to have it!” Of course I’m wise enough to keep it to myself, but it has taken years to learn to harness my mouth.
It would be wonderful if I were able to tell you that I can control my mouth all the time, but I find that my greatest failure is in my home. I can go from 0 to 60 in a split second, if the mood is right. I can be tender and caring with my words or short and to the point and a few octaves too high. That is my nice way of saying “I raise my voice.” ~Smile~
Words are everything and the Bible tells us that in so many ways. Our words can bring joy, confidence, healing, encouragement, understanding, forgiveness and help. Or our words can induce emotional pain, heartbreak, low self-esteem, ruin relationships, start fights, and destroy. Our words can literally shape the life of someone. Take a child who has a verbally abusive parent. It will take years for that person as an adult to work through the pain and damage those hurtful and mean spirited words caused. Often that child also becomes a verbally abusive adult.
With today’s technology, we are able to send words to others with the click of the mouse! Technology is wonderful, but as with anything it can be used for good or used for evil. I have seen (and been the object) many mean and hurtful words written on Facebook. But I guess it is to be expected since Facebook is a social network, and when we get together with family and friends there is the potential of things being said that should not be.
I want to pose a question to you this morning—“How have your words been lately?” Do you find yourself responding curtly? How do you respond to coworkers who get on your nerves? Are your feelings showing up in your words? Is your spouse on the short end of the stick when it comes to your angry words? Are you touchy and the way you respond shows it? Are your kids walking around on egg shells because you have been off the hook in the way you have been yelling and raising your voice? If someone is short and curt with you, how do you respond? Do you ignore it and respond in a soft and gentle voice, or do you put your hands on your hips and want to know, “Who do they think they are talking to!” Have you written something rude back to someone who wrote something you didn’t like on Facebook or one of the many other social networks you could be part of?
Since our words (written or spoken) hold so much power in them, is it maybe time to rethink how you have been using yours?

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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