I think most of us are familiar with the old adage, “The grass is greener on the other side!” Is it? Well, in some cases it might be, but at what cost?
I’m a city girl so what I know about grass and lawns is limited. But the one thing I know for sure is that you have to tend a lawn if you want it to be its best. And from a distance a lawn or meadow can be very deceiving. It can look full and green but once you actual stand in it you might find trash, and a bunch of dog doo. At first glance it looked like a place you would like to spread a blanket for a picnic lunch and hangout, but you soon realize it’s not what you thought it was.
My oldest daughter has a lawn service that comes in the spring and puts down the fertilizer and then cuts her grass routinely through the summer and fall. But if she isn’t faithful in the watering, it will turn brown and not look as nice as others on her block. I have a friend who lives in the burbs and has quite a bit of grass in the front, side and back of her house. She and her husband love to tend it themselves. And all their hard work pays off each year, because their landscaping is absolutely beautiful.
A few years ago they went on a 2 week vacation and asked me to house sit for them. Since I’m an early riser, I chose to water the lawn around 5:45am each morning. But after about day 3, I realized how much work it was. The lawn was so vast; there was a long hose in the front of the house and one in the back. Plus they had a slew of flowers and shrubbery and they left it all in such wonderful condition, I was soon praying every day that I didn’t mess up and any of it turn brown while they were away. That particular summer was very hot. Well, we all know that we serve a merciful and caring God and not only did He answer my prayers but threw in a couple of good soaking rains, which let me off the hook from having to water the lawn every day. Long story short—my girlfriend and her husband were very happy when they returned, because not only did they find the grass green, all the flowers blooming and the tomatoes plants weeded and doing well, the grass was long. LOL!! Yes, they had to mow it immediately.
As humans we often look at others desiring what they have. Single women think that married women have it made. Married women secretly wish they were single again. Young women can’t wait to get a little older, older women wished they were a little younger. Single moms think having a husband would make their financial struggle less; married women are disillusioned that their husbands are not making the money they wished they were. Women with short hair wish they had longer hair; women with long hair cut it off and wear it short. Petite (short) women envy taller women, taller women wish they weren’t so tall. Women with large breast wish they were smaller when other women are trying to figure out a way to have breast implants. Women who live in apartments want to own a home; women who have homes want a bigger one and then there is the group who wish they could sell their houses and move into a condo. Married women look at other married women and wish their husband was more like hers. Are you getting my point about how the grass can look greener on the other side?
But being on the outside looking in can often trick the eye. Just as my friend who lives in the burbs, when you drive by her house it is something to behold. It is really beautiful. But it takes a lot of time and money to keep it that way. My girlfriend spends a lot of hours each week working on the inside and I already told you about the outside. Personally, it was way too much work for me. ~Smile~ Take for instance my daughter’s front lawn, now that I could handle. It’s a small plot of land and easy to care for.
The point I’m trying to make is that things are usually not what they seem. We have a tendency to want what others have, without knowing the price they pay to have it.
The best advice I have is…learn to tend, nurture and care for (what you have) your own grass. If you live in an apartment, keep it clean and make it as homey and comfy as you can. If you are a single parent, put your expectations in the Lord and not in the hope of a husband to make things better. If you are married—the same goes for you! If you feel you’ve outgrown your current house and would like a bigger one or a different neighborhood, well, until that happens — enjoy and take care of what you have.
How green is your grass? Is it brown and dry with discontent or is it green and lush from a heart of gratitude.
If you are one who has been complaining about what you have or what you don’t have…STOP looking at someone else’s grass and figure out what it is you need to do to make your side green.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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