I’ve heard stories of couples who dated in high school or college and then went their separate ways only to find each other years later and marry. I also know of couples who found each other later and when the dust settled, wonder what it was they ever saw in that person to begin with. ~Smile~ I guess we would put these type of encounters (good or bad) under the heading of “Old Loves.” If you have lived long enough, then you might have an “old love” you wonder about or maybe even still long for. There is a part of our brains and emotions that love the fairytale version of life, and likes to linger in the “what ifs”. Sometimes that is harmless and other times it can be dangerous, depending on how much we fixate on the “what ifs” and how deep the longing is.
But what I’m finding is that we have old loves that are not just human beings. We have old loves that are hobbies, talents, entertainment and other things.
Last week I shared how having my paid TV service suspended for nonpayment of the bill, helped me to see more clearly as to how I was living my daily life. The Saturday before last (service off) I spent most of the day reading and listening to music. Tovah even joined me for a couple of hours. But now that the satellite is back on, when Saturday rolled around I still wanted what I had the week before. Because what I had discovered was that I’d reconnected with a couple of “old loves”!
I fell in love with reading when my birthdays were still in the single digits. I think the love of music was a close second. But for the past few years I’ve fallen into the habit of reading a chapter a day in whatever new book I had, and sometimes a few more near the end because I wanted to tie it up. But lately, I’ve been spending a couple of hours just reading or listening to music. This is something I used to do all the time and you know what? I found I’ve missed it—a lot! This past Saturday I didn’t go on the internet at all. Nope, didn’t peak at one email or Facebook status. I had a couple of chores in the morning, but the rest of my day consisted of reading, listening to music, and thinking. Tovah came downstairs and noted that I was listening to CDs she hadn’t heard me play in a long time. And she was right. They were old loves I had forgotten about.
Hooking up with an “old love” (human or otherwise) can be very exciting and invigorating to say the least. It usually rekindles old passions, (not talking sexual). For me, the past few weeks of spending more time on meditating, reading, being quiet, and just listening to music, has inspired me to be more hopeful in life. You might ask, “How’s that?” I guess I would have to say that being still has forced me to look at things I might have been trying to avoid. It has made me think more on the promises of God and enjoy what I have. The truth of the matter is I prefer a discounted book from Amazon to the many venues paid TV has to offer. Listening to a CD with my eyes closed for an hour brings so much more peace to my soul than an hour of American Idol.
In the book of Revelations, the Messiah talks about us getting back to our First Love, (Him) and when I look at my life, I’m seeing that I enter into periods when I deal with God like I do that book I don’t spend much time with, but rather bit and piece it until I’m done. I have a tendency to forget about CDs that I’ve had for a few years, and all the joy they once brought me. I love fast upbeat music when I do housework so I can dance around, and play my more current CD’s when cooking dinner. But to just sit and listen to select music…I’ve sort of been to busy. Well, not really. I’m finding more-and-more; my busy is not so much the things I must do as much as stuff I just do.
Are you finding yourself spending less time with God? How often do you just sit and think about His goodness? The last poor decision you made, was it because you didn’t slow down long enough to hear what the Holy Spirit had to say about it? How often do you talk to the Messiah about things? Is it time for you to reconnect with your old Love? The One who has loved you with an everlasting Love. The One who has drawn you with loving kindness? The One who will never leave you or forsake you. The One who laid down His life for you?
As I stated earlier, getting back with an “Old Love” can be very exciting and invigorating. It can rekindle great passion in us, especially when it comes to our relationship with the Lord.
I challenge you to sit for half an hour listening to a CD that inspires your heart to think about God. You will be blessed—for sure!

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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