This morning I woke to a snowfall of around 15 inches here in Philadelphia. Before last year, that would have been a major storm for us, but this past winter proved to be one for all the record books and 15 inches today isn’t so bad! LOL!!
For the past 4 weeks we’ve had some type of snow or freezing rain every week. And a couple of weeks ago, we had back-to-back snow. I am grateful they were not big storms and only added up to a few inches. Up until today it’s only turned out to be more of an inconvenience than anything else.
Today’s storm has closed down schools, some businesses and will be a real pain when it comes to using public transportation for a couple of days. And to top it off they say we are looking at more snow on Saturday and maybe some on Tuesday of next week. So far, they are not predicting them to be major storms, but the bottom line is, we have to wait and see what God has to say about it all.
These weekly snow storms prompted me to think about life and the many storms we encounter. I think we all know what it is like to have a season in our lives where it seems like “there is always something” going on. Just like the weekly snow most of us on the East Coast have been experiencing. You begin to feel like—can we get a break here!
One of the things I’ve noticed about the heavy snowfalls is that it has brought neighborhoods and neighbors together to help each other shovel out. This is the way it should be in the storms of a Believer. We should come together to help our brothers and sisters, and those around us.
We have a tradition here in Philly, the minute they say snow—it seems like everyone runs to the market for food and toilet paper. I understand the food, but do question why the toilet paper? ~Smile~ The night or day before a predicted snow storm, the markets are jammed packed and if you don’t get there early you will not find a piece of bread, milk or eggs! Yes, this is last minute but this is how most of us do it here.
Now my friends, who live in the Midwest, such as places like the Dakotas, prepare for the winter much better than us Philadelphians…they don’t take any chances and spend their summer stocking up. Because if they didn’t get a lot of snow, that would be national news. So, their pantries, root cellers and wood plies are stocked and ready.
When you look at how folks prepare who know they are going to have snow storms, it seems we as Believers should be doing the same. Jesus tells us that we can count on trials and tribulations in this life, and James tells us they make us stronger when we persevere through them, so why is it that many of us are like the folks in Philly who run to get provisions when there’s a threat or a storm upon us?
Being prepared for the storms of this life means being full (current) of God’s Word.
If you live in a rural area and get 30 inches of snow topped off with an ice storm, you aren’t going anywhere. And if the electricity is out because of downed wires and you didn’t make sure you had plenty of wood for the wood burning stove; you might find yourself cold. If you didn’t spend the summer (the good times) stocking your pantry, you might even go hungry. Why? Because until the weather changes or someone can get to you to lend a helping hand, you are stuck and in trouble. Well, that’s the same way it is when you have not been spending time with God in prayer or the Bible and a major storm comes into your life. It is hard to get into the Word in the midst of the storm you haven’t prepared for. Your heart is faint and so is your faith.
Just as the folks who live in places where harsh winters are the norm prepare for them, so should we as Believers be prepared for the storms of life. We may not know when they’re coming or how, but we do know they will come.
Midwesterners also have a system of checking on each other to make sure things are okay or if there is a need. We too should check on each other (in our daily lives) to make sure things are okay or if someone is in the midst of a storm and we can lend a helping hand.
God uses everything to show us how we should live our lives and look to others. The snow has been an eye opener for me as to how we must be prepared for the storms of life. I’ve also been thinking about other types of storms where people have lost everything except their lives. I’m going to write about that another day, because things like this do happen and the best insurance one can have is not from Allstate, but a heart that is filled with trust in God!

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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