Life was already hectic to begin with and we’ve added a daily exercise routine and maybe cooking a couple of nights a week and now we really don’t have much time to spend with the Lord. Yet it is amazing how as humans we can find ways to fit so many things into our day except quality time with the One who is our source for EVERYTHING. I have a news flash for you my dear sisters that must change…because if God is not part of what we are trying to build for ourselves, we labor in vain.
We should spend at least 15 minutes each day reading our Bibles. And that does not include a daily devotion and the reason I say that is because there are way too many in the Body of Christ who have never read the entire Bible let alone the Old Testament. It is important that we have a sense of what the Bible has in it versus what someone else is saying it does. We also need time to rest our minds and be still for a moment so that we can hear the small voice of the Holy Spirit, and talk to God.
Now this might be easier for some than others depending on your stage of life and how many are in your family and their ages. But, nonetheless it is still very doable. It just all depends on how high a priority we make spending time with God in our lives.
It may not be a problem for some of you to get away from your family each night for ½ an hour or so of peace and quiet, but you might be one who can only get your 15 minutes of reading by hiding out in the bathroom. But that is okay because when something is important to us we find a way to make it happen. Some of us put having a clean house before time with God and at the end of the day of caring for small kids, washing clothes, shopping, cooking, dirty dishes and baths…you are pooped. But I’m sure if you will let something go you can find the time. Once you get home from working all day and still have kids to care for and dinner to fix, you are tired. But if you find time to watch TV before the night is up, then you can find 15 minutes to read the Word of God and another 15 just to sit and be quiet. The point I am trying to make is that if we don’t have time for God, we really shouldn’t have time for much else. He is to come first in our lives and not be the after thought at the end of our long and busy days.
With all that being said, my dear sisters, without God’s help and a heart to find out what the root cause (or problems) for being overweight, your struggle of losing/gaining will more than likely continue. Healing is necessary to be free for freedom’s sake and that means looking into things that we have tried to cover up with food. It also means looking at the things that have caused us low self-esteem issues and has tainted how we view our self-worth.
Father I pray that 2011 will be a year that your “daughters” will spend more time with you. That we will seek your approval versus that of man and we will learn to love what we see in the mirror as much as you do. That we set goals that will improve our relationship with You, food and the value of our self-worth. May we come to the realization that apart from what Christ has done for us on the Cross, we can not achieve anything, do anything, have anything or be anything. Help us to see that everything pertaining to us is wrapped up in Him and not anything that the world has laid out for us. In Yeshua’s (Jesus) holy name….Amen!
I pray sisters that you have been encouraged this week in your venture for a healthier and better you. That you have come to the realization that you have to love who you are now, and that you need the Lord’s help in order to achieve change.
We will be back next week with more encouragement to help you forge on in your life as a “Daughter” of The Most High! Because we all know—some days that ain’t easy! ~Smile~

Love & Hugs
See you Monday!
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