Continuing with yesterday’s theme, I would like to look at how thinking once we lose weight and become a certain size we are going to feel better about ourselves. I hate to tell you this girls, but that is not always the case. Why? Because being overweight is a symptom of something much deeper and often it is not the cure all that we thought it would be for our low self esteem issues that many of us have.
I love the show, “What Not to Wear’ on TLC (The Learning Channel), because Clinton and Stacey teach women to love and dress the body that they have. (Even if they are in the process of losing weight and have yet to reach their weight loss goal.) But what I have seen time and time again is women who have lost weight still don’t see themselves that much differently than they did before the weight loss. Why? Because they never dealt with their low self esteem and other personal issues that they thought losing weight would make go away.
Pam Anderson is a renowned chef and bestselling cookbook author, who was overweight for years, but lost 50 lbs a few years ago and has maintained it quite well. Her cookbook “The Perfect Recipe for Losing Weight and Eating Great, is a very good book. Not only does it have what all cookbooks have (recipes) but she takes you on a spiritual journey as well. In the beginning of the book, she talks about spending time loving yourself right were you are. She had fallen into a rut of not wearing makeup unless she was going somewhere and wearing sweats and clothes that you just hangout around the house in. But she realized that she needed to start right where she was, so she suggests (as part of the holistic you) we start by fixing ourselves up right now. Working from home I had fallen into the same rut myself, and just putting on a little eyeliner, mascara and lipstick each day whether I’m going out or not has made a difference. Limiting my pajama days and getting dressed first thing in the morning has also helped. So if you are one who has let herself go because you haven’t liked what you’ve seen lately in the mirror, waiting to lose weight, or work from home, make a change today!
Buy yourself a new pair of dark jeans or slacks, a couple of new tops and a good bra for the girls! Don’t worry about the size, buy something that fits and wear it with confidence. Now is the time to buy with so many great deals—who cares if in 3 months it will be too big. Donate them to Good Will or the Salvation Army.
Learning to love who you are today is a huge step and one that will help you through your journey of healthy lifestyle changes for the rest of your life.
More inspiring tips in tomorrow’s blog, so please be sure to tune in.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
This is such a true topic for today. I can remember some years ago having lost weight from 145 to 118lbs and still thinking that my thighs looked "fat". Now I would love to be 160 right now and realize that how we see ourselves is not always reality. I had just last week decided to start taking better care of myself. Being a student I had fallen into the jeans, sweatshirt and tennis shoe routine along with just pulling my hair back. I also began seeing myself as less attractive. I just sent off for four new bras and some MAC lipstick in an attempt to do just what you said kick it up a knotch on a daily basis. Making myself better everyday not just on special occaisons. Thank you for this confirmation.
Just put the book on hold at the library. Thanks for the idea! I like your book choices. I agree - you've got to take care of the person in the mirror - every day! A bit of makeup makes a world of difference in the way you face your day! See you tomorrow!
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