Last week I had a phone conversation with a dear friend. I don’t remember how we got on the subject of “Dollar Stores” and the abundance of them in Canada where she lives, but we did. And if the truth be told I love a good dollar store with the best of them but we must be honest about the fact that along with the good deals, they also sell a lot of junk. Our conversation turned to how God’s people fill up the “Good Samaritan” Christmas boxes (which are sent to needy children all over the world) with a bunch of cheap toys and junk from the dollar store each year. Now this is sad, but I didn’t see it as unusual to me, because I remember growing up with churches having rummage sales to raise money for things the church needed and folks just bought a bunch of junk. In fact I think it was a welcomed opportunity to clean out their closest, basements and attics! I’ve seen clothing drives where people (who say they belong to God) bring rags to give to others in need. I call those the “Cain” offerings.
Cain was jealous that God looked with favor on his brother Abel’s offering, but not on his. And instead of making the correction that God had told him too, he killed is brother out of jealousy. (Genesis 4:1-8)
We may not actually physically kill our sisters with our jealousy, but we have been known to kill a few with our tongues.
I often talk to women who are looking at what God is doing in the lives of other sisters in their church and they are envious and covet what they have. But I try to share with them and that we don’t have a clue as to this person’s heart, what their relationship with God is and why He has chosen to shower them in the way that He has. Also, just as in the case of Cain and Able, God gave Cain the way for him to gain His favor, but like many of us, he chose not to do it.
Single women in the Body of Christ sometimes are the worst. And the reason I say that is because, they won’t spend time with God to find out what it is He expects a wife to be. Then they are upset with Him when He does not look at them with favor.
If you’re not a good housekeeper and dirty dishes and a not so tidy bathroom are your signature style. How could you be a help to a man who has the gift of hospitality? You couldn’t. You would be an embarrassment to him, because he wouldn’t feel free to invite people over. You are one who doesn’t like to cook, do you think because you get married that is going to change? If you have a hard time submitting to God’s authority, trust me…you will have an even harder time submitting to a husband. Which by the way sets you up to become one of the foolish woman Proverbs talks about that destroys her house with her own hands. You also have the potential to become that nagging wife it warns men about. A man who has a nagging wife is not a happy camper—at all! But most of all, you are not complete in the Lord. And like many single women are deceived into thinking a husband can be to you what only God can. These are attitudes more reminiscent to that of Cain. He was selfish and thought about himself more than he did God.
Abel on the other hand, put God first, offering Him his best. I see the sister with a heart like Abel, packing the Samaritan box as if she were giving it to the Messiah Himself. If someone had a need for clothing she would look in her closet and pick out her best to give away; making sure it was clean, gently used like new. If she were called upon to help someone who needed food, she would not look in her cupboards and pull out the expired bent up cans to give. No, she would give the best and or go shopping for them. And most of all, God is the first and foremost love of her life.
It is common place in some churches to teach that when you bring your tides and offerings to God, you can look for Him to do this that and the other for you. But if you read your Bible in its totality you will find this is not true because God may not find your tides or offering acceptable to Him. For one He judges the state of our hearts and our motives just as He did Cain and Abel.
When it comes to giving of yourself, your things, your money and your relationship with the Lord, are you like Abel? Or are you more like Cain?

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
Maria Guzman will be back on Friday, be sure to check in
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