Personally I am not a fan of the Kindle or any other electronic readers. I’d much rather have a newspaper in my hands than sit at the computer and read it. If I should leave before the “rapture” it will be said of me, “She went down fighting to keep books on paper!” LOL!! It makes my head spin to think about the possible loss of children’s books with all their beautiful pictures!! I sort of hate the thought of them being on Kindles. I love it when my 3 year old granddaughter asks me, “Mimi, can I read a book?” I don’t want to hear, “Mimi, can I read your kindle?”
Have you noticed that many children of today can’t tell “real time” — meaning they can’t read clocks with hands. Are digital clocks taking over? I can’t envision a grandfather clock with a digital reading or flashing red numbers on church steeple clocks. And what about the fact that we have a new generation of people who cannot spell? The reason being spell check, modern teaching methods of allowing children to spell how they think it should be, and texting abbreviations. Think about it—spell check can’t help you when you don’t know which word to pick. Dah!
For some reason I just want to hold on to these things, I don’t like the threat of them becoming obsolete in my world, especially books printed on paper. Some might think I’m trying to hold on to tight to the past, not allowing the so called “new and improved” technology in. But you know what? I think there are things we should hold onto. Everything new is not better. And most of all I’m seeing the Christian walk becoming a reflection of the times. We are fast to let go of the old for the so called “new and improved” doctrines. But if you look closely the “new and improved” in the Church has an awful lot of compromise to it, and that compromise seems to fall under the guise of “tolerance and complacency” of sin.
I do see where electronic readers can make things better in some ways. Many inner city schools struggle to have textbooks for their students and electronic readers could vastly change that, “But at what cost,” I ask? Over the past 2 years many books stores have closed all over the world, especially the Mon & Pop stores. Christian chains have also been hit pretty hard but now we see that Barnes and Noble books and publisher are in trouble. It seems that in our world we have a hard time striking a balance with things. It is either all or nothing. And at times it looks like the “Church” has the same problem.
Just as many of us are quick to run out and buy the latest gizmo and discard whatever it has replaced. Sadly to say we are also as quick to throw out the truths of the Bible for something that seems easier and newer. But unlike electrical gadgets that can become obsolete overnight, this is not the case with the Word of God.
Of late there seems to be unrest amongst God’s people because so many of us don’t really know what the Bible has to say about the times we are living in. We also lack knowledge of the fact God has outlined the way we are supposed to live down to every little detail, and therefore we’ve become confused and entangled with the world’s way of doing things and are finding ourselves in messes of our own making. Our faith is wavering because we are not really familiar with how God works and the “new and improved” doctrine can be very misleading.
Unlike the way we view this fast paced moving world of obsolete gadgets, God’s Word (our Bibles) will never become obsolete. There is no part of it that does pertain to us today, because the Word of God is alive. And if there is ever anything we should hold on to tightly—it is the “Truth” of God’s Word to us.
How much time last week did you spend reading your Bible? Not including devotional books, homework or Bible Study assignments — you just sat down and read your Bible. How much do you know (on your own) about what the Bible has to say?
After thinking about the above questions if you found that you’re lacking in overall knowledge of the Bible, maybe it is time to spend more time reading it? So I suggest you pull yours off the self, turn on your Kindle or read it on Biblegateway.com on your computer. Pick your vehicle of choice and just read. It’s time to hold on tight to what God has to say, even the more as our world continues to rapidly change….and not always so much for the better.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
Maria Guzman will be back on Friday, be sure to check in
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