This morning as I was watching a little of the Today Show, they showed a segment on Ted Williams. Ted has become an overnight phenomenon in the media. He was a homeless man living in Ohio who had once been a radio announcer and personality. He also had drug and alcohol problems which lead him down a road of different illegal activities to support his habit. He has 9 children and because of his drug habit was not the best of father’s. But he has been drug free for 2 years and he says the difference this time is that Jesus is Lord in his life. From his first interview on the Today show 2 weeks ago, I vowed to pray for my brother-in-Christ. Sadly to say, I don’t remember praying for him the past 5 days, and this morning’s Today Show segment showed that he is starting to have trouble. Which I was afraid might happen with so much being offered so quickly.
It hit me hard how it didn’t take long for me to forget about him. But he is someone that the saints should be praying for. His success will be a great success for the Lord. Here is a man whose life has been anything but hard and sad, and can be a great example to the world how great our God is in the second chance department. Well, we know that God gives so many chances we can’t number them, but I think you understand what I am saying. Another person who I didn’t bother to pray for because I felt her family would take care of that was Whitney Houston. Last year this time she was making a big comeback and did that special 2 day interview on Oprah. But with her long history of drug abuse and being away from the Church, she needed prayers and wisdom. Sorry to say, she slipped backwards pretty fast.
Do you ever watch the news about the many problems that famous people (mainly Hollywood types) are experiencing in their lives? Are you like me and just shake your head about them and their messes? This morning I started thinking? What would happen if we as Christians started praying diligently for people in the limelight? How would that impact their lives? So many of the people we see on TV and in the movies really need the Lord and though we may not be in the position where we can share the gospel with them, we are all in the position to pray that the gospel is shared with them. And we are also in the position to pray for those who were raised in Christian homes to come to themselves as the prodigal son did. Take a look at Brad Pitt, I watched his story on Biography and he was raised in the Midwest in a Christian home. He said it out of his own mouth, but now he is really confused and his union with Angelina Jolie, reminds me much of the women that Proverbs talks about whose road leads to hell. My point is we as Believers can do a lot through prayer for others.
Here’s a challenge I want to put out there. I want to challenge you to pick just one person in the limelight to pray for on a daily bases. Just was we pray daily for our children, husbands, and family, let’s add just one extra name to that list. Wouldn’t that be something if 100,000 Believers started interceding for Brad Pitt, the sane way we run to spend money to see him on the big screen or a home rental movie? What if one million of us were to pray on a daily bases for Ted Williams our brother. How much would that help hold him up in this time where so much is being thrown at him including many temptations?
I know now that I must write Ted’s name down so that I don’t forget him again. And I now realize that instead of shaking my head at Brad and what he was saying about Christianity, I should have been praying for him. I guess I better add him too. ~Smile~ If you are reading this blog through a Facebook link, please repost it (click on the “share” tab) on your profile, so that we can enlist others to join in too.
Let us use what God has given us so freely to make a difference in the life of someone else who needs Him too.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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