Do you have a teachable spirit or are you one who is stubborn, stiffed neck and a know-it-all?
Maybe it’s just me, but it seems we are losing our teachable spirits at such an early age anymore.
My 11 year old granddaughter tried to stand me down concerning a slang word she was trying to use. The truth of the matter it isn’t even a word in the world of slang let alone the English language. But the biggest problem for me is that at the tender age of 11, you think know more than an adult. In all fairness young people do know things and we can learn from them, I’m not trying to negate that fact, but what I’m trying to point out is the “know-it-all” spirit that so many have today. And the sad part is in many cases they don’t really know diddly!
When I was 11 years old, you weren’t allowed to voice your opinions too much, especially if they differed from the adult you were talking to. It was considered being rude. My granddaughter wasn’t being rude in her mannerisms to me, and I do believe that children should be able to have conversation with adults and voice their opinions. But as with anything it is all in the way that you do it. And though she wasn’t rude in her speech or tone, she did eventually get on my nerves, because she was wrong and not willing to take a look at that. Finally when she couldn’t find the word in the dictionary or even on google, she relented. But even then, I don’t think she was fully persuaded that it was not a real word. I know…go figure?
I guess the saddest part of all of this is that “unteachable” spirits run ramped in the Church, which includes all ages. That’s right, young and old alike.
The other day I was standing on the corner waiting for the bus when two women were talking about the woman in Ohio who had gotten jail time for putting her daughter in a school district she didn’t live in. The young woman’s father lived in this district and she wanted her daughter to have the better education that was offered there. Many are up in arms that she received jail time. My stance is though it might have been harsh; she lied and falsified papers, which is against the law. But being an advocate for homeschooling, there are other viable options for us as parents to ensure our children are educated versus being fraudulent. Okay back to the conversation at the bus stop….
….This young woman was very upset because she had to take her daughter out of private school and put her in public school a couple of weeks ago (for lack of money) and she was having real problems adjusting because she is in a school that is not teaching her and the kids are off the hook. I questioned why she didn’t have her tested for one of the better city schools or put her in cyber school since she had to come out in the middle of the school year? Well, long story short, she stood me down that she could do what I was suggesting because she was told that she couldn’t. I tried to tell her that she could and how to go about it, but she wasn’t hearing it. Yes, I did shut my mouth and began to pray for her and her daughter. Also the woman she was with told her to not take “No” for an answer and listen to my suggestions. Her final answer was, “I’m believing God to give me the money to put her back in school.” Now I can understand that, but in the meantime your daughter is suffering? Of course I kept my opinion to myself and wished her the best.
Her attitude is not uncommon for today — an attitude of not hearing what others have to say, thinking she has it all figured out. This woman could have been a Believer for all I know, and in her cry to God, I could have the answer for now. We often miss opportunities God sends our way, only because it doesn’t look the way we think it should.
From what this young woman was saying, her daughter was in trouble, and she wanted her to be able to go back to the school she had been in for years. But she didn’t seem to grasp that for right now there was an alternative. It seems she didn’t receive the information I was offering because it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted money to pay tuition and things back the way they were.
How much and how often are we like this young woman or my granddaughter? Probably too much. Young people think they know what they are talking about even when they don’t, older saints think they have arrived and you can’t tell them anything. It really is a mess.
Bottom line for all of this is “Pride”. This is why the Lord talks so much about how He hates a prideful heart, haughtiness, and that know-it-all spirit that feeds off pride.
Are you teachable or not teachable? If you are one who can’t receive instruction or insight from others, then you are not teachable. If you are one who surrounds yourself with godly people with godly wisdom and are eager to learn then you are teachable.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long you have walked with the Lord, there is so much more for you to learn on this earth. And for you younger woman, you have just begun to learn about the things of the Lord and this world. ~Smile~
In Deuteronomy the Lord gives us the choice of life or death. A teachable spirit chooses life; a spirit of pride chooses death. So again I ask, “Are you teachable or not?”

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!