Good Morning Ladies! Just to update everyone, I had a great time in D.C., it was a ton of fun! This week's blog is going to be short and to the point. I had to think for a little while on what I wanted to write about, particularly about what pertains to my life right now. I'm really glad that this school year is almost over, because it means that summer is right behind it! And my blog will have to be changed to "Life of A High School Senior" LOL! But seriously, as my mom has constantly told me, this has been a HUGE growing year and I thought that I would share a little bit about it with you.
Now when I say a growing year, I don't mean height wise. LOL! At 6 feet even I'm pretty sure that my growing period is over. But I would like to share with you a few things about this past school year. When I first started school in September of last year, things were pretty rough. Friendships were strained, relationships had changed, I wasn't sure how this year was going to turn out. It was definitely hard, I laughed some times, cried some times, and faced situations that I had never dealt with before, which was really scary. But, all-in-all, I'm really glad that this year happened. You know why? Because it helped me to grow spiritually and shaped me emotionally. I realized that my friends and I have changed a lot throughout this year. While I became closer to some friends, I had to make the choice to let others go.
One of the things that has been really comforting to me this year was that, while people are constantly changing, God never does. Numbers 23:19 says "God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?" God will never change his mind on how he feels about you, and he will never "outgrow" you. It was great to realize that God is never going to change towards me, and that he will always be my Best Friend.
Even though most of the women that read this blog all have at least a good 10 years on me, (LOL!!), I hope that this blog is relatable to you. Just remember that, God will never change, He remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. While friends may come and go, God Never Will. Have a great weekend!

Peace Out,
I'll be back on Saturday, June 5th, until then, Peace Out!!
Saturday's Blog: Lyida is up "Eighteen"
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