This past Sunday was Mother’s Day and from a lot of the Facebook profiles I read, many women had a wonderful and grand time. And from some of the photos that were posted, they also had a blast! Families got together and there were as many as 3 generations of mothers in one room celebrating and honoring each other. And then there were those who had a quiet day (that was me) and loved it. But what you didn’t see written or pictures posted about, were the women who were single and felt blue or lonely on Mother’s Day. There were many, but we like to keep that hush, hush and very quiet which allows us to suffer in secret. Well, today I want to talk about it so that if you are blessed to be here next year, you will find joy and happiness in that day. In fact my prayer is that all single women of God will, live in the joy, peace and happiness that the precious Blood of Jesus Christ has given us everyday!
There is one conclusion I have come to about this world and that is, it spends 24/7 dictating to us what is and what isn’t. As Heidi Klum of “Project Runway” would say right before the judges, judge the current week’s work, “Either you’re in, or Either you’re out!” That is what the world spends millions of dollars on each day, telling us “What is in or What is out!” And based on who you are or what you have, “Either you’re in or Either you’re out!” And when we buy into the world’s standard of things we find ourselves in trouble one way or another.
See the world only gives Mother’s one day to be special, but our Lord gives All woman everyday to be special. See how backwards the world gets things. LOL!! Nothing can compare to God’s way of doing things. In fact He even tells us….My ways are not your ways, and neither are your thoughts My thoughts. Isaiah 55:8 KJV
Now let’s get to the single sisters who found themselves having a hard time on Mother’s day. There are many different reasons, but I just want to look at a few on the Top 10. There are single Moms with young kids who do it all and dad is not around to take the kids to buy mom something to make her day special and or he has another family and he is lavishing his current wife. We have single women, who desire to have children, but God has not given them to a husband and therefore it is not their season. You might be in the group whose mother is no longer with you and you really missed your mother. And you have a group of women who do not want to be mothers and are very content being single in the purest sense, but under the best of circumstances are still easily caught up in the tides of the holiday. Especially one that does not encompass everyone, which opens the door for feelings of rejection or loneliness. So if you were one of the many women that had a hard time on Mother’s Day, I want you to take matters into your own hands to never experience another sad or hard Mother’s Day again!
You say, “How?” It is easy, change how you perceive Mother’s Day. Yup, it really is that simple. Pull away from putting something special into a celebration that man has made up and start celebrating everyday of life you have. The truth is that not one of God’s girls should have been sad this past Sunday because it was Mother’s Day. And if you did fall into that category I want you to ask yourself, “Why was that?” And then take a hard look at if and how you can change it. If you were sad because you are not yet married and don’t have children, what can you do about that? Nothing, if you plan on staying in God’s perfect will. If you were sad because your children’s daddy didn’t buy you anything, what can you do about that? Nothing! You have no control over other people and what they do or don’t do. If you felt left out because everyone is going on and on about Mother’s day and you don’t have children or a mother, what can you do about that? Plenty! The truth is, in all 3 scenarios you can do something so that you have a different out come on all future Mother’s Days to come.
If you are a single mom and you feel you want to be honored for that, then do it for yourself. Be creative. It can be something as simple as buying yourself fresh flowers every pay day in honor of all your hard work. If you save just $5.00 a week at the end of 1 year (52 weeks) you will have a grand total of $260, to spend all on you. You can go on a shopping spree, treat yourself and take advantage of all the good sales during the Mother’s Day holiday. You’ll even have money to pay a babysitter so you can go by yourself. ~Smile~
If you are a woman who desires to be married and have kids, and find Mother’s Day a reminder that your dreams have yet to come true. Well, sisters, get over it! It is time for us to start living 1 Thessalonians 5:18, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
If you fell in the category of feeling left out because you don’t have children or a mother, then plan ahead for next year. Host a dinner for friends in the same circumstances or host a dinner for friends who have children but could not be with them for whatever the reason. Take a girlfriend out to the movies or go to the mall. Or just view the day as another gift from God and enjoy it if you do nothing.
It really is ALL about attitude. If we can view Mother’s Day as just another wonderful day that God has gifted us to see then there really shouldn’t be a problem. The problem is when we buy into what someone else says it should be, or we are looking at others coveting what we see them doing.
Daughters of the Most High, you have to take matters into your own hands and make your life good according to whatever season of life God has blessed you with. Purpose in your heart to not let any manmade holiday or anything else the world promotes steal a day from this wonderful life of yours! We have the power to shape our days according to God’s will and it is not His will for us to miss our daily blessings He bestows upon with each new day because of outside influences.
Now this is a Ponnie thing and others may not agree – and that is okay, but I would love to see women celebrate their mothers just because. It could be a monthly celebration all year and when Mother’s Day rolled around in May, we all focused on showing the world how we as Believers sow into the lives of others versus getting caught up in how they do it. It would be nice to bless orphanages around the world that Christian missionaries are building and operating. That would be sending the love of a mother to those without a mother. I would like to see us sponsor something special for all the mothers in prison who will not get to see their kids. Visit the widows in nursing homes. Sponsor women in shelters. There is so much we could do on this day that the world has deemed special that would honor God versus honoring us. It is something to really think about my dear sisters. It is important to build up God’s Kingdom, and time is growing short. Because Jesus says, when we do these things we also do it for Him.
Prayerfully I have given you food for thought and have encouraged you to change how you view your life on an everyday bases. We are to love ourselves and our life….daily!
So instead of wishing you a happy belated Mother’s Day, I want to wish you a Happy Day! Take matters into your own hands and make something beautiful about this day for yourself.

Blessings & Hugs
I'll be back with more on Wednesday, May 26th!
Thursday’s Blog: more humor from Cheryl, “Diary of Homeschool Mom”
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