Hello Folks,
By the time you read this Mother’s Day would have been over for a couple of days now. How was your day? Was it all you imagined and expected? Did you get a rest from the usual mommy duties or was it business as usual? Did you venture out to the extremely crowded restaurants? My day was pretty good, quiet, but good. I received some really great gifts, my favorite being some new flavored tea and honey spoons from a cool store called Teavanna. If you love tea you really need to check this place out. Did you attend a church service? At my church we tend not be very traditional. I am sure at most services on the day we honor our mothers most preachers and teachers cater their message around moms, usually coming out of Proverbs 31. Speaking about the virtuous woman tends to be popular around this time of year. At our church my pastor spoke on pride. You may say to yourself, how does that even relate to moms, it may not to some but for me it actually was relevant. I’ll tell you why (you like how I am pulling you in, that is the work of a skilled writer, LOL, I had to crack up on that one).
My pastor taught from Romans 12: 1-3 focusing on verse 3 which speaks of not seeing yourself more highly that you ought. Well this weekend I received a lot of praise for the work I do as a mother. People shared how they were amazed at my “ability” to home school and do all the other things I am responsible for. Correct me if I am wrong but I would venture to say that most of us home school moms (and dads, grandparents. aunts, etc.,) get accolades for the work we do and the challenge we’ve taken. Being bias of course I believe in giving honor where honor is due but I also believe we need to be very mindful of the attitude we take on when hearing the praises. We do not want to begin to look at ourselves as better than other parents who for valid reasons choose not to home school. As I heard the words of encouragement from family and friends I began to feel grateful and humbled because I thought of so many moms who have and those who are sacrificing so much more and have given up so much more than I. One in particular would be my own mother.
What can I say about my mom? I love her very much! My mother is a character and some times she drives me batty. She will always be my mother but she has not yet realized that she is no longer “mommy”; some of you understand exactly what I mean. The thing is I do understand where she is coming from. You see she raised four children by herself, without any real support system. My dad left when I was 2, leaving her to be the sole caretaker of me, a 3 year old, a 6 year old and a 7 year old. Now please hear me I am not down on my dad, he is in my life now and has apologized for the past, forgiveness has taken place and he is now a great dad and Pop- Pop (but this is not Father’s Day, LOL). As I raise my kids with all sorts of support from Brian, my mom, mother in law, sisters and friends, I look back on the lack of support my mom had.
With both her parents being dead and one sister who was struggling to raise her 5 children, mom did not have a consistent team of people, if you will, to rally behind her and encourage her. I would hear the occasional comment from a neighbor complimenting her on how clean and neat she kept us. If you knew what we grew up around you would understand how much of a big deal that was. How did she do it? I mean, how did she manage to raise us with out losing her mind. Now there were days when I was younger that I thought,”mom has lost her mind!” There are days when I think that about myself! Yeah mom hollered at times and administered the rod of correction, she would even say those mom saying like, “Don’t make me call you twice.” Now why would I want to make her call me twice I did not want her to call me at all! But all in all she kept it together, she kept us together. I guess between the occasional comments and her faith in God she was able to stand and do what she had to do.
As I bring this to a close I want to share a memory that has made a lasting impact on my life. Because of sickness and being clumsy I had quite a few trips to the emergency room. I also saw lots of different doctors. One time in my life because of eczema my hair fell out. I was so embarrassed that I never wanted to take my hat off. When I did I was teased by the kids in my school. My mom did everything she could to help it grow back including taking me to a Trichologist to get treatments. I was the only person in my class who even knew what that was. Okay for those of you who are saying, “What?” It is a hair and scalp doctor. That’s not the part however that made the difference it was the trip to Gimbles, a department store that is no longer in existence (oh my I am dating myself). At Gimbles she bought me the prettiest hair pins and other hair decorations. I loved them and wore them proudly. I don’t remember if the teasing stopped but I do know that I went to school feeling beautiful and special.
As I reminisce on all that I’ve written I realize that pride and arrogance has no place in raising my children. I am only living off of the example that has been set for me. Thank You God for mom and all that she has done. Let’s pray. Father we thank you for being moms. What a wonderful gift you have given to us. We praise You for both the successes and the failures we have experienced. As we care for our children we commit to living a life of humility before You, for your word instructs us to humble ourselves under Your mighty hand. We resist every spirit of pride. Thank you God for everything You’ve done for us. In Jesus’ name Amen.
Until next time…
PS - two more weeks left ~Smile~

Hugs and Kisses,
Hope to see you in 2 weeks on Thursday, May 27th!
Friday's Blog: Elise Stimpson is a very special guest who will be joining us on Friday. She is a missionary who teaches children how to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please be sure to stop by and visit with her.
Cheryl, what a sweet way to honor your mother! :)
Great blog Miss Cheryl, thank you for telling us about your mother :)
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