Mother's Day stirs up many different emotions in us. My own mother passed away from a heart attack at a relatively early age, but I think of her every day. I can still see her laughing until the tears rolled down her cheeks. She had a great joy for life and showered us kids and my Dad with her love. How I adored her!
Yet, I never had the desire to have children of my own and I knew from an early age that it was not part of my destiny. Little did I know how God would someday bless me with children all over the world. He called me into a ministry to equip children in Africa how to share their faith with family and friends. I've been blown away by God's amazing grace, seeing children coming to faith in Jesus and then leading others to faith in Him.
My journey started about ten years ago when I went to Kenya for a few months. The first time I knew that this is exactly where the Lord wanted me to be, was when I was sitting in the Church of the Good Shepherd on Ngong Road, just opposite the cemetery. It was a steaming hot day and I sat by a window towards the middle of the crowded church. A little boy climbed over a few pews and quietly came and sat right next to me. He softly leaned against my arm and just stayed there the whole time. I found it so reassuring. His parents waved from back of the church and they were as surprised by his unexpected welcome to a stranger.
Never will I forget in Lira, Northern Uganda, torn by civil war when Ruth, a 12-year-old girl came to faith in Jesus and brought her family to church. Through her witness her mother, father, brother and two sisters came to faith in Jesus. Then in November a few years ago in Southern Sudan our village came under an aerial bomb attach and I can still see the fear and confusion in the expressive brown eyes of Wajo. I held him in my arms and prayed for his protection always. Thankfully the bomb attacks have ceased in that area. I still sometimes lay awake in my bed at night thinking of the children there and praying for their safety.
I have seen the devastating effect of Aids in Africa and it breaks my heart to visit some orphanages where 80% of the children are HIV positive. The only consolation I have is knowing that Jesus went to prepare a place in Heaven for them, and by trusting in Him alone, they can all know for sure that they will be with Him in Heaven some day.
We were doing training in Mwanza, Tanzania, on the banks of Lake Victoria, and I had been away from home for a long time and I felt very lonely as I walked down a dirt road in a remote rural area. Then suddenly I felt a small hand reaching out to me. A little boy from the village down the road came and took my hand and said: "I walk with you, yes?" He seemed like a little angel to me. I took his hand and we went strolling down the road. Times like this I will never forget.... What a wonderful, loving Heavenly Father we have. He shows His love for us in such tender, loving ways.
When people ask me: "How many children do you have?" I hesitate to answer and think to myself, I really don't know exactly how many. But I do know that motherhood is a noble calling and I sure take my hat off to all mothers who sacrifice so much for their children. One of the greatest gifts a mother can give her children is to lovingly lead them to faith in Jesus.
Tovah and I (Ponnie) prayed with all our hearts that God would bless us with friends as we were preparing to go to Tennessee for a week to become an ordained missionary and be accepted to join the PEF (Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship) Missions. Tovah’s friend was named Lydia, and mine turned out to be Elise. She was and currently still is a member of the PEF family. She was as refreshing as a cool glass of water or a very hot day. Her warm and friendly manner was just what I needed, because I felt so out of place in a predominantly Caucasian Southern group of people and when she walked up to me and introduced herself I knew she was God’s answer. That was almost 6 years ago and though she lives in Florida and we don’t get to see each other much (which is going to change) she is a dear friend and a woman who loves the Lord and all He has to offer.
The picture below is of Elise and her husband Steven.
Elise will be leaving on Thursday, May 20th for South Africa for a 3 week mission’s trip. Please keep her in prayer and all that will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached at that time. If you would like to know more about Elise Stimpson go to pefministry.org. You will also be able to send her support or tax deductable donations through the PEF Mission.

With many blessing and love,
Elise Stimpson
Two years ago we went on a missions trip to Malawi, Africa. We stayed at a children's orphanage and attended three mission churches. My husband was allow to preach at two of them. Our family gave a program of songs, skits, object lessons and bible story to the orphans. Everyone was eager to hear the gospel and many were saved. Reading this posting bought back so many memories. Our family has always had a heart for missions but going to a foreign mission work is life changing. You don't return the same. --Katie
Thank you for sharing your stories from the mission field with us today..I was blessed tremendously by it. I will be praying for both you and your husband!
Great blog Anut Elise, love the pictures :)
My Dearest Elise,
Thank you so much for joining us in our special two weeks on "Spirit of Mother" we are so happy that you stopped by to chat with us.
All the sisters at the table will be praying for the safety of you and your team on your upcoming mission’s trip and that the Holy Spirit will have His way and many souls shall be saved.
Love & hugs
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