Hey Everyone,
Well… I did it! It’s over; my first year of home schooling is complete! WOOHOO, HALLELUIA, YIPPEE, HOORAY, THAT’S WHAT I’M TALKIN’ ‘BOUT! Can you picture me dancing around, jumping up and down ecstatically? Well of course I’m not doing it right now I’m typing but I am about to, hold on for a second. Whew, I’m back. For those who are not quite done for the year, please forgive me I am not trying to rub it in I am just really happy. This is the same feeling I had last year when I ran my first 5k, thrilling, exhilarating, exhausted and relieved. Now I need a vacation. Seriously, I need a break from my children, so for those of you reading this that know me and you know who you are, don’t be surprised when you receive a call from me. Don’t laugh, I am serious!
Anyway, you may remember a couple of blogs ago I was trying to decide what we were going to do to celebrate the year’s end. I still have not made a definite decisions on what I am going to do for me (I’ll share my options in a minute). For the children however we have a few things we are doing. First, we are having a pizza party tonight. I am going to make their favorite cookies, chocolate chip and I’ll probably let them stay up late (that’s if they don’t get on my nerves, LOL!). Second, next Friday which for you is tomorrow, we will have an Awards Ceremony with family and friends. It will not be fancy but we will give out some awards to Brandon and Christian for some of the hard work they did this year. Now I hear you saying, for real, yes for real. Awards seem to acknowledge and encourage and because they are not getting educated the “normal” way does not mean they should not receive awards. Besides if you knew the Mackeys you would say, “Yeah that sounds like something they would do.” Third, we will take them to the New Jersey Aquarium. My kids love any place where they get to look at animals and we have not been in awhile so they will really have fun, we might even take the ferry over, oooooh. Fourth and this is more of a maybe buy Brandon a game for either the Wii or his DS and get Christian a game for his Game Boy.
This may seem like a lot but I like doing for my kids and also they really worked hard. They had to overcome some obstacles. I mean come on they had this hard task master as a teacher who required, no, demanded, excellence! ~Smile~
So, what to do for me (and Brian)? Here are my options. Option1: Take a bus trip to New York City. There is a bus that leaves from Chinatown in Philly and arrives at Chinatown in New York that sounds like fun. From what I am told the bus fare is cheap, which is a plus. I absolutely love Chinese food and the kids will not be there. Option 2: Drive to the Baltimore Harbor and take in the sights. I love taking road trips especially with the hubby and I love seafood. Oh and the kids will not be there. Option 3: Stay in town, spend the day shopping going to eat at my favorite restaurant and take in a movie. This is good for it will not require a lot of money and the kids will not be there. Are you noticing a trend? Option 4: Spa day. Spending the day getting pampered sounds refreshing and the kids will not… well you know the rest. Option 5: Yes I have one more, geesh...spend the day under the covers, enough said.
Well whatever I choose I know it will be the start of a great summer filled with fun and adventure. Now don’t get me wrong we will do some schoolwork. A little math, reading and writing never hurt anyone. Don’t look at me funny he will spend more time having fun then working, trust me. ~Smile~
It has been so much fun spending time with you all at the “Table” discussing my first year of homeschooling. Next year will be even more fun, because I’m homeschooling, Brandon, Christian and 3 of my nephews. I will definitely need to recuperate this summer. I pray you have a fabulous and safe summer vacation.
Until next time when I will be talking about something other than homeschooling.

Hugs and Kisses,
I will be back on Thursday, June 10th. Hope to see you then!
Friday's Blog: Ponnie is not going to keep you in suspense any longer; stop by for Part 2 of "I Don't Want To Be A Wife”!
1 comment:
Enjoy your break Cheryl!
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