By the time you are reading this, I will be in Washington D.C. viewing some monument or another. This weekend is my school trip and I am really excited because I get to go away for the weekend, and we leave Thursday (tomorrow). And I still have to pack...LOL!! But before I depart, I needed to write my blog for Saturday, so here goes.
I'm sure that we have all seen numerous ads for the perfect Mother's Day gift for this upcoming Sunday. Every magazine has some section titled, "Show Mom How Much You Care!" or "The Perfect Gift to Show Her What She Means to You!" These messages can send most of our minds into a whirlwind when trying to answer this single question, "What’s the one material thing that can embody everything that my mom has done for me throughout my life?" Now you may be thinking, "Hey, that's a really weird way to say it," but isn't that essentially what we are looking for? Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure mom will greatly appreciate that necklace you bought just for her, or the restaurant that you are taking her to for lunch, but how can one action or item show our moms how thankful we are for what they've given us?
Personally, my mom doesn't make a very big deal out of Mother's Day. She feels that every day is Mother's Day *smile* and my sister and I have no obligation to do anything for her on this day. My mom is the type of person who is always happy to receive cash, so that is her usual present LOL!! But the present that she asks for every year is really quite simple, yet I don't always give it to her. Do you know what that is? RESPECT! That's right, Aretha Franklin wrote a song about it, and that is what my mom wants. R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Now, have you ever disrespected your mother? If you answered no then can you please send me your tips on how to be a perfect daughter? LOL!! But seriously, we all have those times where it seems like all our mom wants to do is nag us, or say things really loudly because apparently we are deaf? Perhaps as a mother you have experienced those times when it feels like your child is not listening to you, and you tend to get really frustrated? Well, the Bible tells us a little something that can help us through this kind of situation.
Okay, stick with me here. I'm gonna remind us all of a verse that we all may not want to hear right now, but it does pertain to the point. Exodus 20:12 says "Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Did you know that this is one of the 10 commandments? God was not kidding when He told us to honor our parents. He commands us to do so that we may live a long life. When Mother's Day is around the corner the media is bombarding us with ideas for the so-called perfect gift, but do the titles ever read, "Give Mom Respect, She Deserves It!" I challenge you find one media title that is posed this way and, if you can, please send it to me.
Don't' get me wrong, it's definitely great to get mom the bracelet she wants, or to take her out for a night on the town. Just remember to give her the love and respect that she deserves each and every day. I hope that you all will have a great Mother's Day, spent with the ones you love.

Talk to you when I get back,
Check Tovah out on Friday, May 21st for her next blog
Monday's Blog: Sasha's blog is up, and it is a must read so don't forget to stop by!
Tovah, excellent take on Mother's Day and respecting our parents. Love the pic!
First off, Have a nice trip to Washington, DC.
Second, Amen Tovah! Honoring your parents and giving them love and respect is the best gift of all from their children!!
Well said...Hope you had fun in DC!
GOOD JOB AND Well said. Sorry to be late in answering been a long weekend! LOL
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