Happy Tuesday, everyone!!!
I’m standing in for Rise’ today and I’m asking that you keep her in prayer as she has not been feeling her best. It seems that her asthma and the Colorado weather this year have been at odds with one another. Just last week they were still receiving snow. To say it has been a long winter is putting it mildly for that part of the country.
The girls at “The Kitchen Table” have gotten together and decided that we wanted to put a little different spin on the celebration of Mother's Day. Reason being, there are so many women who have never given birth, but whose calling has been to love and care for children. We want to honor ALL women as God has. He is not a respecter of persons and His love is offered to everyone. So for the next 2 weeks our blogs will focus on the “spirit” or “heart” of “Mother”. I am proud to say that Rise’ is one of those many women who has a deep love for children though never giving birth.
If this is your first time reading about the “Wampler Zoo” as Rise’ (Risa) so affectionately calls her family, then let me fill you in on the most important factor about them. Rise’ and her husband Richard are the proud adoptive parents of 11, special needs children. That’s right, I said, “eleven!” LOL! That fact alone really sums it up, but I would like to expound just a bit more.
When Rise’ found out that she and Rich could not have children, her heart was broken. Like many young girls growing up she fantasized about getting married, what her wedding would be like and how many children she wanted to have. But as we all know, dreams do not always come true, especially those with the fairy tail ending of “and they lived happily ever after”. Rise did get the wedding and man of her life, but was not sure she would ever have the children she wanted. When weaving our fantasies of what grown up life will be, I doubt there are very many young girls who dream of being a foster parent or adopting enough kids to make a basketball team. ~Smile~ No; our happily-ever-after fantasies are usually very self-centered hopes and dreams. The reason I say that is because, if you can have your wedding planned and you’re not even old enough to really consider marriage, then it is all about what you want or what you think it should be. But Romans 8:28…happened into Rise’s life, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
Rise’ like many of God’s “daughters” has a call on her life that differs from what we call the norm. He had a plan to answer her cry for children; it just did not come as she had thought it would. Yet, God’s plan was greater than anything Rise’ could have ever hoped for. She never thought she would have 11 children under any circumstances. But according to God’s purpose, she would become the proud momma of 11 special needs children.
There is a lot of love that goes into caring for her large family. We are not even talking about the every day basics of cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, food shopping and all that good stuff. Rise’s also a homeschooler along with making sure her kids all feel loved and cared for. Her life is a wonderful example of God’s perfect love for mankind. And it’s also a reflection of how God knows best. From what I hear, it is usually very devastating news for women who desire to have children to be told that is not going to happen. Now we know that the doctors are not always right about that diagnosis, (because God opens and closes the womb) but often times the diagnosis is correct for whatever the reason. But if God has closed your womb, and you love God, then you must believe He is working it all together for good for His purpose.
Like most little girls, when Rise’ was playing dress up and mommy, she never dreamed that one day she would have a house so full of people to love and care for. But when she met Jesus, agreed to belong to Him and become a part of God’s Kingdom, well……need I say more?!
To have a heart that nurtures, loves and gives to others does not happen because you give birth; they are attributes (gifts) from God. And He has given them too many women to share with the children He will have cross their paths during their lifetime on this earth.
It takes special women to be mothers to the “throw away children of this world” and “The Kitchen Table” is blessed to have two such special people. Sasha has a special blog for us on Monday, please make sure to stop by and visit with her. I am very blessed to know these two wonderful women. Kudos…Rise’ and Sasha!

Ponnie (standing in for Rise')
Rise' hopes to see you in two weeks. Tuesday, May 18th to be exact!
Wednesday's Blog: Meet Jennifer Spence our newest sister at the table, she will be taking over the "Single Working Mom" blog. Stop by and say, "Hello!"
Rise, my prayers are with you.
praying for you!
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