Good Morning ladies…just a reminder of the scripture verse from May 15th,…..Paul tells us in Galatians, that we are not to become weary of well doing. Yet as Believers it seems this is a very hard instruction for us to grasp or follow. First I would like to share with you how that scripture reads in the Complete Jewish Bible. 9So let us not grow weary of doing what is good; for if we don’t give up, we will in due time reap the harvest. 10Therefore, as the opportunity arises, let us do what is good to everyone, and especially to the family of those who are trustingly faithful. Galatians 6:9-10
One of the major reasons we become weary with God is that we feel He is not moving fast enough. We become weary (tired) of waiting on Him or for Him. In the Garden satan (I do not capitalize his title on purpose) implied to Eve that God was holding something back from her, and she believed him. At that point he realized he had a strategy that was going to work for as long as he had rule. So even today, his imps are telling us, “God doesn’t really care for you.” “Do you think He’s heard your prayers?” “He doesn’t want you to be happy.” “You really can’t trust Him to do what He has promised.” Lies, lies, lies!! We often forget that Yeshua (Jesus) told us that satan is the father of ALL lies. So since we know that he is a great liar, then why do we continue to believe him versus what God has to say? Could it be because we don’t really know what God has to say?
Let’s talk a little bit about God and relationship. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that “God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him.” That is one of those scriptures with great promise. But we have a tendency to overlook the “diligent” part of the verse. Diligent: adj, hard working, careful and steady. The definition of diligent gives us great insight as to why we can so easily become weary (or tired) of waiting on God. It’s hard work and you have to be steady (consistent). So my sisters, it boils down to one very simple fact, do you believe God or not? Again, we have certain expectations of what God should do in our lives and when He does not meet that expectation, we begin to become disillusioned and weary. The truth is, God has an assigned date and time to deal with all situations and it has nothing whatsoever to do with our time frame. Why? Because He is God! He is all knowing about everything. He knows what we need, when we need it and just how much we can take. So when we are tempted to give into the temptation to give up, we have to remember that I Corinthians 10:13 lets us know that God gives us an out when temptation shows up. In other words, He (as always) gives us a choice. We can either grab hold of His grace (for the escape) or give in to the temptation and give up. It really is that simple.
As Ponnie wrote yesterday, too many of us don’t read our Bibles, and many of us who do are under the misconception that we are entitled to pick and choose what we want to believe and what we want to obey. Wrong!! Especially if you want to have a good relationship with God, obedience is a key factor. All you parents out there who have ever had a rebellious, disobedient child, know all too well what a turbulent relationship that is. And the last thing you are trying to do is reward them for their poor behavior. It is the same with the Kingdom of God. You cannot do what you want to do (be disobedient) and think that you are still entitled to the many blessings we are promised for our obedience. And if you do, then prayerfully you will now begin to see why you are having some of the problems that you are in you life. Just so that you can see what I’m talking about let’s just take a quick (I hope…LOL!) look at “Unforgiveness.”
We are commanded to forgive those who hurt us and use us, (see Matthew 5:44) yet, as human beings, we choose on a daily bases not to forgive others. Some days I become weary of listening to women go on and on and on, about what their mothers did or didn’t do 35 years ago! When are you going to let it go? This same scenario is played again and again but with different characters. It’s either their father, a sibling, old boyfriend, ex-husband, boss, co-worker, girlfriend, children and the list seems to go on forever. But what we fail to realize is that God means what He says. Period! Yeshua (Jesus) himself tells us……14For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins. Matthew 6:14-15 He’s saying that if we don’t forgive, then God won’t forgive us. Hum! This is a verse that many do not believe and I say that because if we did, there would not be so many in the “Body” living a life filled with bitterness and unforgiveness. The subject of unfogiveness could be a blog in itself, but we are going to move right along and save that for another time. ~Smile~ I just wanted to make a point of what it looks like when we pick and choose when we are going to obey the “Word” of God.
Trust is another issue we have with God. Or should I say, “Our lack of trust” is another issue we have with God. Verbally we are quick to say, we trust God, but the truth is we really don’t know for sure how much or how little until we are tried and tested. The Complete Jewish Bible uses the word ‘trust’ instead of the word “faith” in their translation. (Have faith in God = Trust God) Again we become weary (tired) of waiting on God to move in our lives, or we don’t like the direction things seem to be going. Why? Because we really don’t know God or His ways! Is He keeping it a secret from us? No! For many (please excuse me) we are just too lazy to read the Old Testament to find out who He is and how He operates. We all love that God is a God of love, but we don’t want to look at the fact that He is also a God of justice. And that translates into, “He is not a God that winks at our foolishness but for so long and He is not a man that He could lie and what He says, He means.” And everything He says is not wonderful and lovey-dovey, or without consequence. But there is a simple fix for this. Yes, I do use the term “simple’ quite frequently, and that is because there is a great simplicity to our relationship with the God head, (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit) it’s just that man as spent years making it complicated. And I want those of you who have fallen in the snare of things being so overly complicated that you have given up trying to understand, that it really isn’t that complicated and prayerfully you will start over with a renewed freshness. The simple fix is, read your Bibles, find a good Women’s Bible Study and begin to find out who is this God you say you trust!
If you want to live the purposed filled life of a Believer you cannot achieve that goal without reading and studying your Bibles. It just will not happen. And you don’t have to wait until you find a Women’s Bible study, because we do have the Holy Spirit of God, so jump in and pray to Him for understanding. We often forget about the great responsibility He has in our lives and the great resource He is to us. But it is He that is to instruct us, teach us, guide us and bring back to our remembrance those things we need to remember. But if we don’t put it in, He can’t bring it back because it was never there to begin with. Take a moment to think about how this works, envision Him as being our digestive system. We eat food (for substance), we read the Bible which is our spiritual food for substance. Our digestive system begins to breakdown our food into what is good for us and what will be waste and then it sends it to the different parts of the body. The same goes for the Holy Spirit. He sends our spiritual food the “Word” to the different areas in our lives that need nourishment and change. Some of us are on medications to deal with certain health issues we are having with our hearts. Well, the Holy Spirit will take the “Word” and use it to deal with your spiritual heart issues, such as lust, unforgiviness, envy, malice, deceitfulness, adultery, fornication, and disobedience. Get the picture?
Sisters, there are those of us who would do so much better in life, if our relationship with God was based on a better understanding of who He is. I pray that today I have given you food for thought on how to achieve that. As we move into the belief that God really does know what He is doing, we are not so fast to give up on Him. Will we still be tempted to do so? Of course we will, but being submitted to God, gives you the power to stand up against the devil until he flees. But stay in the “Word’ girls, because he will be back! ~Smile~
Well, it is time to go and in two weeks we will take a look at how “People” just get on our nerves and why we are so tired of them.

Be Blessed,
Hope to see you, Saturday, June 12th, when we will be finishing up "Not being weary in doing good."
Monday's Blog: "Book Club"
1 comment:
I needed this today! Seems like God really wants me to get Galatians 6:9-10...He keeps bringing it to my attention in my reading.
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