We all experienced encounters with human beings we wish God would change. And often there is good reason. You know, that boss who is unjust in they way they treat you. Or the sibling you have bent over backwards to get along with and they never change, and even the parent who no matter what you do to try and please them—it’s never enough. But when we are running into the same type of problems but with different people, more than likely it’s “us” who needs to make change.
Making change is hard! Our flesh and souls rebel against it. Even in the midst of sin, we can become very comfortable and therefore do not want to be pulled out of our comfort zone—even when it means a better relationship with God and others. We are not quick to want to look at our stuff. Sadly though, all of us have “stuff”!
Our stuff can consist of poor self-image and lack of self-love. It often has a root of rejection and low self-esteem. Our stuff hides dark secrets such as rape, molestation, abuse, and sexual immoralities. All of these things left unchecked, are a hindrance to us living a full and free life in our Lord. Though we think we have it under control, that’s just another deception from the pit of hell. Apart from being healed and letting go, we will always be prisoners to our “stuff”!
Sisters, there are so many of you out there who need counseling, about your stuff! You are moving through life, very unhappy and your stuff is spilling over into your relationships with others. Some of you single moms are having problems with your children, but it’s not so much that they are not going through normal phases of life as it’s the way you respond and handle things. You are doing the same things to your kids that were done to you, even though you told yourself that you wouldn’t be like your parents. Why is this happening? Because you haven’t really dealt with your stuff. Wives, you seem to always be at odds with your husbands. Why? Because you haven’t dealt with your mistrust issues from being raised in a home where your father was mean to you and your mother, therefore the slightest infraction becomes the biggest offense ever—your unchecked stuff is hurting your marriage.
Dealing with our “stuff” is not easy nor is it a walk in the park, but, it is necessary in order to live the good life. To be free of the past and the hurt and pain that goes with it.
How do we deal with out stuff? For one, you have to own up to your stuff. Don’t pretend like you don’t know what it is? You have some sort of clue—we all do. True you may not know all of what is going on with you, but you know something is amiss. Once you’ve owned up to the fact that you have stuff that needs to be dealt with…run, and I mean “RUN” to God about it!
Some of you may need professional counseling for awhile, because you may not have someone in your life that you can trust with your secrets or things are so deep rooted that you need someone who is trained in a specific area. Some of you will benefit from a good women’s Bible study. And there are those of you who need to open up your Bible on a daily bases and read.
I have been very blessed in my Christian walk to have been given a mentor who is a Christian Women’s Counselor and Teacher of the Bible. We have a long history together and over the years she has helped and counseled me to become whole in the Lord. But I must tell you, it was not easy and it took time for me to be the free woman that I am today. Does this mean I have arrived and no longer have to keep dealing with my stuff? Nope! But I do know how very important it is for us as women to let God take us to the deep dark places of our innermost being. To look at all the things we have tucked away and are afraid of.
If you are not happy with the way things are in your life and relationships…maybe it is not everyone else, but “you” who needs to make change. Maybe it’s “you” who causes the conflict and bad outcomes of situations.
A fear that keeps us from being all that we can in God is not of Him. There is nothing so bad that we have done or has been done to us that the Blood of the Messiah cannot heal. Nothing!

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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