When you read the Old Testament you see how it was a really big deal to speak blessing over people. It was so important that Rebekah and her son Jacob tricked Isaac into giving him Esau’s blessing. (Genesis 27) But in today’s world we see many parents cursing their children versus blessing them. I’m not talking about using cuss words, but actually speaking death and curses over their children. “You will never amount to anything!” “You are worthless and good for nothing!” “You are stupid!” There is no blessing in these words, they are all curses. You also see spouses belittling and speaking curses to one another and children also imitating their parents by cursing their siblings.
We just don’t see an abundance of people speaking blessing to each other. Not the way they did in the Bible. The prophets blessed people for being generous to them and the list goes on. How come we don’t use our tongues to speak blessing to one another as much as we use them to gossip or tear down? I don’t know why, but today I want to change that and speak a few blessings to you.
May your faith in God withstand the test of time.
May you be blessed in your comings and goings.
May the love of the Messiah reign in your heart and home.
May your children rise up each day and call you blessed and beloved.
May your husband’s love for you keep its oath to God.
May your end days have more tears of joy than sadness.
May you be one who is quick to forgive and keeps no record of wrong.
May the work of your hands be blessed beyond measure.
May your disposition be quiet and one that pleases the Lord.
But most of all—May your name be written in the Book of Life!
Sisters, I challenge you to write a blessing to someone you know and send it to them through snails mail. It just might reach them on a day they need to be encouraged by the thoughts and love of someone.
Enjoy your weekend!

Blessings & Love
See you Monday!!
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