This blog first posted February 10, 2010
Teacher….one that teaches; especially : one whose occupation is to instruct
I’ve wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember, right after wanting to be a ballerina and a princess of course. I grew up admiring the numerous teachers that I knew and also admiring my mom since I was homeschooled. Teaching seemed like a dream job to me. At first my thinking was, “You get to be the boss and everyone has to listen to you!” But as I grew older I realized that teaching is huge responsibility because you are instructing and molding the minds of others.
One of the major things that I LOVE about my school is how caring the teachers are. Pretty much any teacher is willing to help you outside of class, they all offer free tutoring, and they give you their personal phone numbers and email addresses in case you need to reach them. I love that they are all willing to go the extra mile to ensure that you succeed. My teachers demonstrate on a daily basis how much they love and care for us and want us to be the best students that we can be.
Job 36:22 says “God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him?” God is the greatest instructor that we could ever have. God shows us how to live in His image everyday, and He is constantly testing us on what we know. I don’t know about you, but I have probably failed most of those tests. That’s why He left us a lesson plan for our lives, The Bible. Yeshua (Jesus) is also referred to as “teacher” numerous times throughout the New Testament. God sent Yeshua down to earth to teach us that we could not reach the Father but through Him. God is our ultimate teacher and I hope that we are all improving our grades on a daily basis.
However, there’s a big difference between our schools and God’s school. While you may be a bright intellectual and excel in a certain area, but in God’s school of learning you can’t skip a grade. You may have to redo a lesson 10 times before you get it right. You may be spiritually in the 10th grade for six years if that’s what it takes for you to grow to where God wants you to be. There is no easy way out when it comes to what God wants us to learn, but I for one cannot wait until our eternal “graduation” when we can sit before the throne of God and know that we have pleased our Father.
As I am now looking at colleges, I have all intentions to major in early childhood education. I aspire to be as great a teacher as my teachers have been to me. God has instilled a love of children into my heart and I cannot wait to be a teacher. Even at the school where I internship now, I lovingly refer to the children as “my kids.” Have you thanked some of your past teachers for the influence that they have had on your life? Have you taken the time to thank your head instructor, God, for the lessons that He has instilled in you? Why not take a moment to let them know that they are appreciated.
I am happy to report that Tovah is graduating from high school June 2nd and leaving for college August 25th!

Until next time...Love ya,
Monday's Blog: Ponnie
The picture is: Tovah and Blanca of the singing group, "Group 1 Crew" at the 2009 Philadelphia "Revolve Tour"
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