Sisters, it has come to my attention, that as women in the Body of Christ, we are really going through some difficult times. And when I say the “Body” I am talking about our sisters in every different country and place there is. We all have our trials and tribulations to bear, but it seems that the things that many of us are experiencing “may be common to “man” but they are not common to us. This is what’s different about this time we are in.
I am asking that all the women who read this blog join together to start praying for our sisters. Romans 12:12 (NIV) Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. What are we to pray each other? Whatever current struggle is going on in our lives and hearts at this time. We should pray for all our sisters who are going through the same thing.
Years ago I lived in an apartment building where you could hear everything. And the woman who lived above me was the neighbor from hell. I must add she is a Believer now, but back then she was not God’s child and lived the grand life of a sinner. She was rude and very inconsiderate. The noise was almost unbearable and effected my daily life, until one day, my mentor had, had it with me complaining about the noise, and said, “Why don’t you stop complaining every time the loud music comes on or whatever, and GET UP and PRAY!!!” Wow!! Yes, she did get my attention. First, she made me see just how much I had been complaining about the situation, and second she gave me an out when the music came on at 2 o’clock in the morning. Instead of lying in my bed moaning and groaning to God, I started getting up praying for her. Oh yeah, I prayed for her and her son. This helped to soften my heart toward her, (because we really can’t pray for someone on a daily bases and continue to have ought against them). But then I also began to pray for all of my brothers and sisters who were subject to kind of daily disturbing noise. Living in a big city, other peoples noise is a real problem. I can’t say how long it took but after awhile I looked forward to getting up in the wee hours of the night to pray for her and others. Well, soon after my heart had grown to the place of loving to pray for her and others, most of the noise stopped! I think for two reasons. One, God’s purpose had been fulfilled and our enemy’s was no longer being fulfilled! LOL!!
If you are experiencing financial woes, then pray for our sisters in the “Body” who are experiencing the same. If your family is going through any type of crisis, pray for our sisters whose families are being destroyed. If you are battling the enemy for your health, if your marriage is hurting, your children are acting up and acting out, pray for our sisters who are crying for the same reasons. If you are dealing with depression, sadness, and or feeling hopeless, pray for our sisters who may not be able to get out of bed today because of depression. If you are in a state of being displaced or hungry, pray for our sisters experiencing the same thing. If you are having turmoil on your job, in your church, in your community……PRAY for our sisters!! Whatever your life struggle is at this time, pray for those who find themselves in the same place. Why? Because from your own struggle and experience, you will offer up a more “Fervent” prayer and James tells us that kind of heart felt prayer, can achieve much. But also as you begin to pray for others, the Holy Spirit is going to take you to another level, which is very exciting. We are not alone in our struggles and problems. Everyone has them.
I do want to look at something before ending, and that is being “faithful in prayer”. Technology is wonderful, but like everything in this world, the good always has a flip side. There was a time if you wanted others to pray for you, you had to pick up a phone. Even if it was just to activate the prayer chain at your church, women’s group or talk to a friend. And even in that, most of the people knew you in some way. But today’s technology has aided Christians in being lazy in praying for the things they should be praying for themselves and not involving others. Do not misunderstand what I am saying, I am not saying that we should not ask others to pray for us or with us, but what I am saying, is that we should not be so quick to ask others to pray for things we should be praying for ourselves. Technology has also become a way to gossip, under the pretense of prayer. It allows us to put other people’s personal business in a very public forum, which is something we should be very careful about doing.
Prayer is a special gift, and our way of communicating with our Father. We must stop taking it for granted. In order to be faithful in prayer, we as individuals must take our responsibility seriously and stand up and pray. Let’s grow up and start living Romans 12:12 and James 5:16b. And let’s start by lifting our sisters up who are experiencing the same trials and tribulations we are. This alone will make a “Huge” difference in the spirit realm of God’s Kingdom.
I pray that I have provoked you unto good works on this glorious day our Lord has gifted to us!

Blessings and Love
See you tomorrow!
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