There’s a part of my life that is very exciting right now. And it all has to do with a personal promise that God made to me almost 19 years ago.
When I found out that I was pregnant at the age of 39, not married and in the Church—fear said, “You must have an abortion!” But God and His love through others said, “Trust Me. I will not fail you.”
I was a baby Christian and I really had no point of reference what it meant to trust God? I didn’t know God and His ways. I knew of Him, but I didn’t have a clue as to who He really was. So, to agree to trust Him was a huge step for me. And in the beginning there were days along the way that I thought I had made the wrong decision. But I didn’t, because over the years I have learned that He is trustworthy and He is faithful!
It has been a long and rough road being a single mom at 40 and raising a child according to God’s blueprint for her life. I’ve had to make many sacrifices along the way. Please don’t misunderstand and think I’m trying to say, I have done so much more than anyone else. This is not the case. I know that all parents make sacrifices for their children. I’m just talking about the things that God asked of me. We did not live what is considered the normal route of life. We did full time missions, homeschooled, part-time missions, homeschooled and more. And all along the way, God has kept telling me to “Trust Him!”
When Tovah was around 5 years old, the Holy Spirit told me one day that she would be a teacher. Okay, we all love it when we receive something like that from God! And it is exciting when He lets you in on his plans—but as life moves on, we can begin to doubt. But I say, “Continue to believe!” As the years progressed and there was no college fund, let alone a savings of any kind, I knew that God was going to have to do something out of the ordinary for us. And He did!
Tovah’s move in date for college is August 25, 2011. She was awarded a full tuition honors and leadership scholarship at a Christian College. Through various grants her room and board and books have been covered. In an economy where jobs are hard to come by, (especially summer jobs for students) she started a part-time retail job this week and she still has a few more weeks before she graduates from high school.
I am so proud of God and Tovah—God because apart from Him, none of this would be happening and He has taught me how faithful He is, and Tovah because she is following God’s vision for her life. Her major is Early Childhood Education.
As I look back over the years and the many hard times we’ve experienced, I can now see how it all played a part in God’s master plan for Tovah’s life. How only He can get the credit for all that is unfolding.
Sisters, I want you to be encouraged and faint not when it comes to the promises of God. It may take years for things to come into play, but we must wait for God’s perfect timing. When you think about the promises He made to Abraham. Abraham never got to see all of them come to fruition—yet, he “believed God” and it was counted as righteousness to him. (Read Genesis)
Maybe you are one who is becoming tired and weary because it seems that nothing changes and life is just so hard all the time. I’m a living witness to tell you to not give up on God. He is faithful! And His plan for us does not always mean life will be easy. I can tell you for sure that the great promise He made to me when asking me not to have an abortion, never included the word “easy”.
God loves us, so very much that He sent His only begotten son (Yeshua/Jesus) so that we can have eternal life. And He didn’t stop there! He also sent His Holy Spirit to live within us so that we would experience the comfort and peace of the Lord until our Messiah’s return.
It has taken almost 19 years for me to see what God had promised me to bloom into the flower that it’s becoming. It was years of Him weeding, tilling the soil, and sending others to plant seed and water it for Him. It has been a along haul, but He has never failed me once in all those years.
Sisters, sometimes it take years for it to all come together and while we wait on the Lord, He ask that we not become weary and trust Him.

Love & Hugs
See you tomorrow!
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